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What is you're funniest interaction/encounter with another player?

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Mine was this time I had just spawned. Three men suddenly approached me and said "take off all you're clothes, we are really gay bandits." So I did what they asked (I was restrained). They then told me they were gonna leave me, and molest my dead body. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I heard gunshots. It was not them. I looked at them and all three of them were dead. I looked all over the place (I couldn't move, 'cause I was restrained) and didn't see anybody! I used my mic to try to tell the guy to help, but I couldn't hear/see him. It was almost like they just randomly died to a phantom shooter. Anyways what's you guys' funniest story?

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Robbed at gunpoint for a large portion of my blood. They didnt have handcuffs, so once they were done i punched one of them square in the jaw and knocked him on his ass, and just as i was stealing his gun i was filled with lead by his pal. Tsk tsk.

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I was in the new tenements between Cherno and Balota covering Delta's body after he was mowed down by someone with fishy gear / behavior. Delta was on his way back, when I saw a fairly freshspawn running up to me with his Axe out.


At that point I had seen and been watching him for a while already, as he was trying to hide from me before. As he was then running up to me with his Axe out I pointed my Mosin at him and said:


"Dude, you don't want to do that!"


Which mad him stop immediately, saying over Direct Comm:


"Oh! You're not one of the crazy people!"


I then pointed him in the direction of the nearest well, as he was pretty thirsty and we parted our ways. :)

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I ran across 3 random dudes crawling becasue they had broke legs.  I had to put them down.  

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2 days ago met a guy in a hospital when I was trying to get loot, just spawned I was in 'not a single f**k was given' mode and ran round the corner at the bottom of the stairwell where it's a dead end with the benches piled up. There was a guy crouching there with a magnum in his hand and I said 'Hi, I'm friendly'. No repsonse, no movement, nothing. I guessed he was AFK and was thinking what I could do for a laugh but as I had no real gear I decided to leave him, worked my way upstairs and as I went out onto the roof he came up behind me. I turned round and said 'Hi' again and he raised the magnum at me and fired off 3 shots. All missed. It was like that moment in Pulp Fiction where the guy comes out the bathroom and fires at Samuel L Jackson. He then said over direct, 'I'm out of bullets, your lucky day'. At that I rushed at him as he was standing by the edge and bumped him clean off the roof to his death. I know he heard me when I shouted 'Not yours though is it?!'


His body vanished by the time I got down the ladder.

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Mine would be right after i spawned in solinitchy " no idea how you spell it"  But I was running towards Elektro, when out of nowhere a guy fully loaded with gear runs to me asking if I'm friendly. I stated " yes I'm friendly, do you need something?"  He then advised me that he was with the Chernarus police and he is here with his mates to help keep Chernarus safe. He said I could join him if I picked the right number from 1-5. I picked the right number and said to  keep running down the road and  I will meet his other teammates; they would give me some gear.... Well I ran all the way to balota and never see them guys.  LOL Chernarus police. Shit had me laughing all the way to balota. Would be nice to have found a group though. But ah well lol.

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My second life in the standalone. I had a baseball bat (mistakenly thinking it was a good weapon), and there were two other random with me armed similarily. We ran to the cherno apartments, and attracted 4 zombies. Thinking 'no big deal!, we went to put them down, and this happened:


I can honestly say, I was crying with laughter. This scene immediately came to mind, and I couldn't stop humming 'Don't stop me now' as we wailed on them like those apes from 2001.

Edited by Merrick362
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I was playing and I heard foot steps so I went oooh aahh oooh ahh to imitate a ghost and the guy that was there told me to stop making *** noises.

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Shot 2 guys having a bambi handcuffed, left him part of the loot, ran away before he could struggle out, get the remaining m4 and shoot me.

It felt great to me.

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Spawned, first time ever playing the standalone, someone chased me down and gave me an axe while typing "Help. Please kill me".


He just dropped all his stuff (pants and t-shirt included) and stood there asking for me to kill him. I was honestly left wondering "... what?"

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I had a gun run up to me with a mosin and he just dumped all his shit on the ground and ran off. Half of his gear disappeared but I got his backpack and his mosin along with other bits and bobs. I didn't get his clothes they disappeared. But yeah I had just spawned this dude ran up to me didn't say a word dropped all his stuff and sprinted off into the distance.

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Mine was this time I had just spawned. Three men suddenly approached me and said "take off all you're clothes, we are really gay bandits." So I did what they asked (I was restrained). They then told me they were gonna leave me, and molest my dead body. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I heard gunshots. It was not them. I looked at them and all three of them were dead. I looked all over the place (I couldn't move, 'cause I was restrained) and didn't see anybody! I used my mic to try to tell the guy to help, but I couldn't hear/see him. It was almost like they just randomly died to a phantom shooter. Anyways what's you guys' funniest story?


My funniest one was watching 3 gay guys restrain a guy and make him take off his clothes, right before I shot all 3 in the head.

Then listen to the guy in his underwear cry for help before I went of to find some Tuna !

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