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Healthy status

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How do you people get healthy status and regenerate blood? All I ever get is stuffed stomach...... :/

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Blood does not regenerate naturally anymore. Saline bag is your only option.

Edited by raynor009
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You have to first stuff your stomach with as much energy as possible. The ceiling is more than 10000. Then when you are full. Wait a while, run around and drink like crazy. I got regen 2 days ago. The screen went back to bright and colorful. It works.

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How do you people get healthy status and regenerate blood? All I ever get is stuffed stomach...... :/

Wait. It'll regenerate all your blood eventually.

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You need to fill your energy level. Your stomach being full has nothing to do with getting close to regenerating blood, it only means you filled your stomach and cant take anything more in (water or food). It is possible to fill your stomach with just water, which gives you no progress towards actual hunger, and still says you are full.

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Today, I filled my stomach with water. Ate a box of cereal, can of sardines, and two packets of powdered milk.


No healthy. Sat around for a few minutes thinking that might help, nothing.

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Blood does not regenerate naturally anymore. Saline bag is your only option.


That's not true at all, I always keep myself in healing/healthy range.




Source: http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Consumables



Slow Regeneration (1blood/second):

  • Energy > 3500
  • Water > 3000

Full Regeneration (3blood/second):

  • Energy > 5000
  • Water > 3500


Source: http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Blood

I find these to be good guidelines. The goal is to keep stomach level low, while getting as much energy as possible. That's usually the limiting factor.

Edited by Zollicoffer
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You need to fill your energy level. Your stomach being full has nothing to do with getting close to regenerating blood, it only means you filled your stomach and cant take anything more in (water or food). It is possible to fill your stomach with just water, which gives you no progress towards actual hunger, and still says you are full.

In order to fill your energy you need food, so you stomach does have 'something' to do with it.


You have to first stuff your stomach with as much energy as possible. The ceiling is more than 10000. Then when you are full. Wait a while, run around and drink like crazy. I got regen 2 days ago. The screen went back to bright and colorful. It works.

More than 10,000? Where did you get that number? From what I know 3900 is where your stomach can go before you start to puke.



Energy above 3500 and water above 3000 will get you healing 1 blood per second

Energy 5000+ and water 2500+ will get you healing faster 3 blood per second

Energy 5000+, water 2500+ and blood 5000+ will get you healing health 3 per second


Find the right balance of food for energy and water and you will be ok. Good luck.

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In order to fill your energy you need food, so you stomach does have 'something' to do with it.


More than 10,000? Where did you get that number? From what I know 3900 is where your stomach can go before you start to puke.



Energy above 3500 and water above 3000 will get you healing 1 blood per second

Energy 5000+ and water 2500+ will get you healing faster 3 blood per second

Energy 5000+, water 2500+ and blood 5000+ will get you healing health 3 per second


Find the right balance of food for energy and water and you will be ok. Good luck.

Energy and Stomach are different meters, check the video posted earlier.


Stomach is only there to llimit how much you can intake in a certain time period.

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In order to fill your energy you need food, so you stomach does have 'something' to do with it.


More than 10,000? Where did you get that number? From what I know 3900 is where your stomach can go before you start to puke.



Energy above 3500 and water above 3000 will get you healing 1 blood per second

Energy 5000+ and water 2500+ will get you healing faster 3 blood per second

Energy 5000+, water 2500+ and blood 5000+ will get you healing health 3 per second


Find the right balance of food for energy and water and you will be ok. Good luck.


The energy bar is pretty high. The ceiling is high. Got it off of that long ass youtube video.

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Blood does not regenerate naturally anymore. Saline bag is your only option.



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Contrary to popular belief you don't have to drink/eat until you're full and you start receiving such messages. You have to drink and eat enough to reach certain levels of hydratation and food to trigger the blood regeneration. Those levels are shown already in the previous replies. I normally eat (from fresh spawn) about ten cans of food and drink a lot from wells. I achieved healthy status numerous times, even after gun fights.


You also seem to lose some of the food/water when you're shot, as I went from completely healthy/healing to nothing after one shot hit me from a M4, but then I ate a few cans and drank a cantimplore and got it again.

Edited by LouisK

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Eat all the food you have/can find, then drink water from a pump until it says you are full/stuff, sit around for 20 minutes. It takes 20 minutes of having enough food/water before it will start to regenerate. You don't have to sit around but if you are sprinting non-stop then you will lose water/energy and might no longer meet the criteria for regeneration. I don't think there is a thing that shows if your blood is regenerating, only your health but seen as your health can't regenerate unless you have full blood any healing/healthy status should imply full blood.

Do watch the vieo that Pommesfee posted and also the follow up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVGxHTXbaoo#t=2370 They explain what is going on.

Edited by Nanoha

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