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I can't seem to pick up some items on the ground.  Anyway to do this?


I opened sardines but can not eat them?!?!  wtf is up with that

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what server are you on? if your on the development server there is bug were u cant eat, if not maybe server lag, just wait or swap servers

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I can't seem to pick up some items on the ground.  Anyway to do this?


I opened sardines but can not eat them?!?!  wtf is up with that

1st question - Answer: The game as it stands is very bitchy about where your crosshair is corresponding to the item you are trying to pick up. Keep moving it around on the object and wait until you see the pick up item option show.

 It is easier if you just stand over the item and open your inventory. The item under you should appear in the top left, where you can just double click or click and drag it into your inventory.


2nd question - Answer: Right click it and eat it. Same here as with the first, the game is very bitchy about performing actions. If it does not work the first time, keep right clicking and spamming the eat action until you finally do it.


If these don't work, chances are you discovered a new bug or are experiencing one that has been reported recently.

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Sometimes item can still be picked up but you just have to find the right angle to try. Some things can also be dropped by players and end up in places that can't be picked up at all.

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