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Character Not saving

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Im the only one that my char doesn't save? I mean, I get gear, bla bla, I quit, then I join again, I get a fresh start..

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Servers are down i assumed... reason for the characters not saving

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I wait 30 seconds if it's a restart. 

I have full gear right now. Wish somebody would come and kill me so I can have the joy of surviving once again.

So.. count your blessings  :P

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The servers currently aren't working at all. None of the servers I have tried are working.


I would give it a break and come back tomorrow. There's always other games to play. :)

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I've been reset 3 times today. for 1 I actually got a message stating there was an error joining the server so it had to reset my player..blah..

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So the hive is down, servers are working but it sounds like the hive itself is down.

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