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hello everyone please hear me out, I have an idea about slightly lowering KoS mentality if not greatly lowering.


IDEA: well dean has stated that he doesn't want to remove KoS completely but offer alternatives, encourage player interaction and possibly rewards so here are the reasons this is not working atm, I am aware that this is in ALPHA and I am happy to support the development cycle through its dilemmas, this is why I am suggesting this now so dean can consider his options. so let me get on with it. frankly there is no reward for holding people up instead of shooting them, loot is too easy to find and even if they do have something you want it isn't affected if it is ruined.


example: i'm a bandit dying of starvation and find a guy with no gun but a back pack, helmet and plenty of supplies, I have 2 options 1. I hold him up but I have no one covering me and i'm screwed if he has friends and anyway all I need is his beans, which I can still eat if they are ruined so Bang Bang Bang bambijoe123 was killed Munch Munch Munch Delicous...


Like my story??? I hope so.


anyway what dean needs to do is make pretty much all items useless if ruined E.G. canteen if ruined= -15%/3sec for water capacity so it keeps losing water but once ruined in 3secs instantly loses all water maybe same with beans so bandit has next to no time to get to body which would force him to hold him up, unfortunately there is no way to stop bambijoe being killed afterwards, poosibly a reward for bandit for handcuffing player but lost if same bandit shoots joe within 3 minutes of being released, eg +3% accuracy with sidearms or hunger goes down 3% slower not run speed because then bandit could easily follow and kill bambijoe after 3 mins.


another idea is to limit ammo spawns, I mean there shouldn't be a chernarus ammo factory labelled "server restart", limit the ammo to about 3 mags per server for fx45, 30 .357 rounds, 100 m4 bullets and 40 mosin rounds, until you increase zombie count because currently there is no real use for bullets except players, the fireaxe is very effective vs a horde.


that brings me to another point increase zombies decrease loot by about a quarter to a third and quadriple zombies make them the real threat make it so you need to band together to take out a group and devastating if u get hit more than once but I know its an alpha so that will come.


this is my ideas


To recap





Edited by spartan54820

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Yeah or just ask for can of beans politely while holding the gun next to his head. You don't have to kill him. I was on a 10 player server today and met 2 guys in the middle of nowhere, like what were the odds. Both freshspawns only one of them was carrying a baseball bat. I didn't have anything to drink so I asked one of them if they had any spare. They gave me a soda and I was on my way. No fighting and no threats. Although I don't know if things would have gone down the same way if they had guns..

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I dont care if i cant use your items. im still gonna shoot you on sight, i can find food elsewhere its easy.

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KOS is part of the game!! Its PVP!!! Its not a bug that requires fixing!! Stop bitching about it!!! Deal with it or play some other game!! I'm sick of you noobs and your constant whining about KOS all the time!!


raynor has this as his signature, but raynor dean is trying to make this a realistic zombie MMO, IS IT REALISTIC TO SEE EVERY GUY WITH A SHOVEL TRYING TO KILL U???? no I didn't think so.

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KOS is part of the game!! Its PVP!!! Its not a bug that requires fixing!! Stop bitching about it!!! Deal with it or play some other game!! I'm sick of you noobs and your constant whining about KOS all the time!!


raynor has this as his signature, but raynor dean is trying to make this a realistic zombie MMO, IS IT REALISTIC TO SEE EVERY GUY WITH A SHOVEL TRYING TO KILL U???? no I didn't think so.


Have you ever been in a real zombie apocalypse? people would kill people. for food, for weapons, for shelter or even just because some of them are fucked in the head. 

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 but raynor dean is trying to make this a realistic zombie MMO


No, he's not.


To OP, obviously the item condition functionality is not complete. I really doubt he would have implemented item conditions in order to do absolutely nothing with them, so I really don't think you need to "suggest" that item condition mean something. It's obviously going to eventually.

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KOS is part of the game!! Its PVP!!! Its not a bug that requires fixing!! Stop bitching about it!!! Deal with it or play some other game!! I'm sick of you noobs and your constant whining about KOS all the time!!


raynor has this as his signature, but raynor dean is trying to make this a realistic zombie MMO, IS IT REALISTIC TO SEE EVERY GUY WITH A SHOVEL TRYING TO KILL U???? no I didn't think so.


If he's a stupid fuck then yes, and freedom of choice. I can shoot anyone I want without caring if he has a shovel or if hes naked. Probably in real life if someone came at me trying to hit me with a shovel I would fucking shoot him with no warning. Its also fun to see people's reactions when they die, some don't care and some rage so much at some pixels that its funny.

Edited by raynor009

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some pixels eh? those pixels are sometimes 10+ hours of work down the drain because some f**ker whose too lazy decides to click the left mouse button instead of interacting with the player

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some pixels eh? those pixels are sometimes 10+ hours of work down the drain because some f**ker whose too lazy decides to click the left mouse button instead of interacting with the player


10 hours lol? What the fuck? I can get fully geared in under an hour. If for you it takes 10 hours to get gear, I'm sorry, but you suck then. It's your fault for being killed. When you go looting some military base or any place that you know players frequent a lot don't just go in head straight that will get you killed. Wait a bit, scan the area, see if there any zombies around, check if the doors are open, pay attention to gun reloading sounds that means some player just logged in nearby, look behind you once in a while, don't run in through the  middle of the field/road try going through the woods/bushes or tree lines, don't shoot zombies, kill them silently with your axe instead, don't attract any attention especially if you play alone. And when looting or inside towns always run with your weapon don't ever keep it holstered.

Edited by raynor009

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KoS will stay no matter what people suggest.

It severely hampers the best part (imho) of the game, which is the roleplay, though.

I have a firefight with a guy and win. Ok, adrenaline and stuff, horay for loot, but that's it.

Instead, even handing out a pack of rice, trading supplies, giving a saline transfusion to a completely random guy, all this stuff makes me feel warm inside. For the action itself and for the fact that, maybe, this person may try to be nice with someone elsw in the future.

Still, our playerbase doesn't allow for a friendly environment. Thing that makes those short, tense interactions even more precious and enjoyable.

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Theres always, ALWAYS! Going to be people who KOS. Even if you made them explode and die as soon as they did it, they would still do it. The game needs these people.

What is happening right now is that the people who would normally group up, hunt, camp, scavenge, trek, find cars and generally just survive cant currently do that because large parts of the game are missing. As soon as alternative options and things to do start to come on line KOS will reduce because currently PvP is really all there is to do.

Before people start adding mechanics, rewards or humanity again I think we need to see the outcome of adding the missing game elements, only then will we know if theres a problem.

Edited by {SAS}Stalker
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well im not talking specifically about myself but sometimes it takes me an hour or so checking the coast to try and find my friends who are completely lost, then run up ou usual route (elektro, mogilevka, stary sobor, vybor military base, vybor nwaf, green mountain, zelenogorsk, berenzino, berenzino cargo ship. takes about 4 hours, then we run to cherno, 1 hour then check the apartments, 1 hour (7 hours so far) then travel around the south helping out fresh spawns until we get bored and log off.

all the while doing all the things u said and more, keep in mind I've played this game for 120 hours and the mod since it's first week.

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I think if some sort of passive reward system was introduced for bandit killing that would work fine.  What makes Dayz so appealing is the unfettered, free wheeling approach.  You are just a guy looking to survive in whatever way possible.


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Checking the coast? What? Why? Get a soda and a food can then run directly north. Why bother checking the coast lol? It's always looted anyway. And I've been playing the mod for a over a year as well and I got 140 hours in the SA. I'm only new on the forums not to the game.

Edited by raynor009

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As a gearing bambi. KoS isn't my first choice simply because loosing items doesn't really matter as I don't hold any value in the items that I've procured. I don't even try to survive to be honest as I tend to deliberately attract those types of players who get aroused for killing bambi. Once I know roughly where there killing grounds are I tend to avoid them and continue to do my thing. Eventually and depending on the gear I have I do become more cautious or stalker like. I've been known to sit and watch for hours on end until they've left or spotted me. Depending on the stance and judging there action you've got a little moment to fight or flee. KoS I use when I know that person is, or has been a person who I think requires my bullet.

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some pixels eh? those pixels are sometimes 10+ hours of work down the drain because some f**ker whose too lazy decides to click the left mouse button instead of interacting with the player


I'm sorry but I heavily disagree. KoS is a factor in realism. In real life people kill people, with no remorse, for the items they possess all the time and you don't get to respawn from that one.

Instead let's support a reward system that heavily encourages co-op.

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o rly? >: ) shit like this is the news all the time.

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I never getting tired of read anti KoS topic :D


I imagine OP eyes red from tears after he die AGAIN :o >:( :(


he don't realise when you die is at least 50% your fault sometime 100%


you were see by other guy before you see him you don't react in clever way never using stealth tactic etc :thumbsup:  :rolleyes:


this game is sometime like shoot fish in barrel :thumbsup: :ph34r:

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10 hours lol? What the fuck? I can get fully geared in under an hour. If for you it takes 10 hours to get gear, I'm sorry, but you suck then. It's your fault for being killed. When you go looting some military base or any place that you know players frequent a lot don't just go in head straight that will get you killed. Wait a bit, scan the area, see if there any zombies around, check if the doors are open, pay attention to gun reloading sounds that means some player just logged in nearby, look behind you once in a while, don't run in through the  middle of the field/road try going through the woods/bushes or tree lines, don't shoot zombies, kill them silently with your axe instead, don't attract any attention especially if you play alone. And when looting or inside towns always run with your weapon don't ever keep it holstered.

If you claim that you can FULLY gear up in 1 hour that means that you are actually server hopping. You just cant tell me that you run from south coast to north and then try to loot the airstrip and get done FULLY GEARED in 1 hour... sorry even when I died in firefight at north I runned back and it took me about 35 min (totally sprinting just stopping to drink water for once or twice) So long story short that what you claim is not realistic at all and you are just abusing a game mechanismus to get geared and you dont even care about the goal of the game...

You might asking now " hmph.. what sould that goal be? its just a friggin game... ppl take it too serious..."

Well the fact is that this game is a SURVİVAL game... and SURVİVAL does not mean kill everybody you see, instead try to stay alive in an Apocalyptic world where the environment itself becomes hostile itself. Which means you have to cooperate and group up with people to survive a hostile world, in which is hunger, illness, thirst, zombies, infection trough zombies and many other factors (these which counted were just the obvious ones)...


And about real life...you really claim you would kill people in a world where humanity is at the brink of extinction? just because he/she has a bagpack and you might need the beans coz you were too lazy to search around for eadibles? How long do you think will that last? people do not respawn like in th game... are you gonna eat corpses and have your sexlife with the women you shot? quite creepy lifestyle dude... you should urgently check a doctor if you really have such a mindset... dude just staying alive all alone in such a world will drive you crazy and youre gonna shoot yourself when you realise that youre all alone in such a fucked up world.

Long story short, the dude who was working 10 hrs. to get his items was actually really playing a survival game... he was roaming from city to city, goin to different places just to find stuff which would make his survival more possible. And therefore he IS actually playing the game the right way... just calling him dumb because of it is actually a sad thing, coz that just shows that you actually dont play this game for its atmosphere just because of its realistic action... well in this case I strongly advice you to play arma series... there you respawn, take up your gun and shoot the heck outta people...

Edited by gingatsu

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o rly? >: ) shit like this is the news all the time.



highest gun-related death count is at about 60 per 100,000 people per anno. now compare it to gun-related deaths in DayZ and tell me again that its "realistic" ;)


pointless argument though, as its all fun and fiction. those who don't like remorseless murder - like me - just dont do it. promote your metagame, lead by example. as a medic, i met an incredible amount of friendly, grateful people in the mod, who were a blast to play with. i am absolutely convinced that it will be the same in the SA.


we dont need a game mechanic punishing a certain play style. play the game the way you can identify with, and adjust your actions for those, who play it their way. thats the fun.

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If you claim that you can FULLY gear up in 1 hour that means that you are actually server hopping.




I can be geared up in between 30 minutes to 1 hour WITHOUT server hopping.


In fact, next time I die I am going to record raw, uncut and unedited footage of me getting geared up and you will be the first person to receive the youtube link.

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