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SalamanderAnder (DayZ)

Please for the love of god don't add "Sanity."

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I don't understand why they don't just band together on the server and hunt down the bandits, kill them and rinse and repeat until thier gone, It would be roleplaying-ish and they might end up leaving the server, plus it gives us bandits some thrill to be hunted by a squad.

It's very difficult to hunt bandits since they might be server hopping in their own search for action (not necessarily as a combat logging/loot grabbing exploit) - also even if you see someone aggressing in pvp, you can't assume they're a bandit unless you observe them KOS/hold someone up or remain within the same area purely for camping purposes. It's hard enough to find players sometimes, let alone find someone who's concealed in a sniping position or track someone roaming the map until they bump into another player - that said, we all know where the banditos hang out already, it's initials are B.A. - but then what's to stop one bunch of heros accidentally hunting another there :)


Not gonna comment further on sanity in another thread about it.

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because the game lacks of bandit skins, and you can't tell is someone's a bandit or a super hero, so there's no such thing as hunting bandits right now


Good god for the last time, bandit skins don't change anything. Even with the skins people constantly KoS'd, bandits were basically forced to kill everyone they met because people instantly knew who had killed a bunch of people (stupid) and Hero's were basically non-existant, and the system could be farmed to give you a hero skin, even if you were a bandit!


Stop bringing up skins. They don't do jack squat. In fact, I've had more positive interactions in the Standalone than I ever had in the mod.

Edited by SalamanderAnder

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Good god for the last time, bandit skins don't change anything. Even with the skins people constantly KoS'd, bandits were basically forced to kill everyone they met because people instantly knew who had killed a bunch of people (stupid) and Hero's were basically non-existant, and the system could be farmed to give you a hero skin, even if you were a bandit!


Stop bringing up skins. They don't do jack squat.

I think there are two approaches on that. One sees it as additional gameplay element, like an extended health system, others may see it as punishment. I'd love to see it as part of being an expanded health system, so someone innocent or guilty could be traumatised by witnessing cruel sceneries.

Edited by Ken Bean

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There was always the problem of bandit groups just sitting by a town. Letting the zombies hit em a bit, then a squady uses a bloodbag. Rince and repeat for hero skin. As for the "sanity" stuff, dunno. It does have potential but it would have to be done very carefully. I could live without it happily though. 

Edited by Karmaterror
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Yep, some bandits used to buff each other with humanity. Those twisted souls...

Edited by Ken Bean

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[...] and Hero's were basically non-existant, [...]


the medic community begs to differ ;)

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If you played several days in a team without killing surviver, you actually could get a hero pretty fast, just by taking care and having medical supplies.

This happened to me most of the time on private hives though, didn't find sth like this on a public hub.

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Being honest a sanity mechanic might be pretty good but only if done correctly.


I don't believe it should be trigged by shooting people IMHO NOTHING should ever punish playstyles.


It would be cool though if your character is extremely dehydrated he hallucinates stuff, and after a few close encounters with bandits at nighttime he rarely hallucinates people shooting at him, etc.


Ha, that would be cool. I'd like that.

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I love this thread, I laughed so hard at your usage of that picture Op.

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I liked the idea of a sanity system imo but not as a punishment to KOS because theres nothing wrong with KOS just the fools that come running up to me shouting friendly and expecting me to just lower my rifle. If you want stop KOS just avoid other players and play smart. I liked the idea of sanity because its the one thing that doesn't effect the player outside of game like the thrill of a gun fight or the fear when raiding places, after a gun fight where you come out on top or you shoot a guy because he's in the way or a threat to your groups activities, there's no regret or guilt or troubles that would effect you in real life such as PTSD. I think it would be cool to start hallucinating and seeing shit in the trees and maybe even hearing things after being a witness or cause of death. They could then add things to help ease this such as alcohol, anti-depressants and other substances to help you through it. Maybe its something which you eventually get over like sickness. Id love it if after killing someone I could then deal with the stress by drinking whiskey which would have its own side effects but could ease some of the other problems.


But it would be very difficult to implement without being just and inconvenience to the point where people start abusing it, and going down the coast with a buddy so he can shoot you and you respawn a fresh and get your gear back which knowing this community would happen.


P.S theres nothing wrong with spit balling ideas as this is the stage for experimenting, and there is much worse ideas then an insanity system posted on these forums. Such as bandit skins because you can already customise your character however you want and you shouldn't be able to tell if someone's a bandit by looking at them that's just stupid, either take a risk, kill to survive another day or stay the fuck away.

Edited by Ricky Spanish
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Buy dayz > get angry about getting killed > make forum threads.

Is that how one should roll? Imagine if bf/cod was like that lol. Its a PvP game, PvP happens


thats not what this thread is about though.  Thread is talking about what they don't want changed and how it would mess with their own personal views on what THEY think is good for the game.  Have you been to the BF4 forums in the last 2 months?  That IS how BF4 is lol.  BF4 forums are all topics bitching about something.  i don't play COD so I can't say anything about their forums.  Plus, people coming onto the forums to bitch about being killed IS how the dayz forums are lol.  You can't go to threads without someone talking about KoSing.  I don't know if people on here are half wits or are so stuck up that their opinion is the only one that matters but at least as a veteran player I try to see things from other peoples perspectives.  They don't like being KoS every second.  I can sympathize since I'm one of the people KoSing them.  You can't compare BF4/COD to this game because they are very different in dozens of ways.  It's like comparing a flight simulator to BF4 and being like "well, they both have jets in them so they are the same thing!"

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I`d say every survivor that washes up on shore already is insane to some point. I mean, imagine you woke up to see actual living dead/infected people chasing down and ripping guts out of people in the very street you`re living in. Then seeing the military roll in and start blasting the ever-loving crap out of everything, eventually not discerning infected from real people because controlling the area is more important than human life.


Yeah, if you`d suffer from mental illness, you`d be far gone already.


Now i realize that from a game standpoint you want some way of discouraging murder and KoS, but honestly, even with a complex world building system and massive panzer-coated zombies, you`ll always have someone shooting someone else simply because they can, but it`s been talked about alot lately, IMO giving incentives to interact is a way better method of reducing murder rates in Chernarus. 

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There's already a sanity system in place. 

It's human psychology, there's no game design in the world that can simulate this.

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While I can appreciate your point, we have already tried this. Good ideas and topics are being continually buried by the same repetitive post. It's not as simple as "don't read it" because it keeps other good threads from being commented on.

Yet here you are creating a bitch thread that buries good posts...

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thats not what this thread is about though.  Thread is talking about what they don't want changed and how it would mess with their own personal views on what THEY think is good for the game.  Have you been to the BF4 forums in the last 2 months?  That IS how BF4 is lol.  BF4 forums are all topics bitching about something.  i don't play COD so I can't say anything about their forums.  Plus, people coming onto the forums to bitch about being killed IS how the dayz forums are lol.  You can't go to threads without someone talking about KoSing.  I don't know if people on here are half wits or are so stuck up that their opinion is the only one that matters but at least as a veteran player I try to see things from other peoples perspectives.  They don't like being KoS every second.  I can sympathize since I'm one of the people KoSing them.  You can't compare BF4/COD to this game because they are very different in dozens of ways.  It's like comparing a flight simulator to BF4 and being like "well, they both have jets in them so they are the same thing!"

Yeah but why do people buy this game if they are gonna bitch about PvP? Even the trailer shows players murdering other players so they can't say they didn't know pvp was part of this game..

And why haven't I been a fictim of KoS yet? maybe because I don't make myself a fucking EASY target, which most newbies are. But they will learn how to play someday(We all know they won't because they rather bitch on the forums instead of learning to be good at this game:D)

Edited by KarbineR

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For the love of fuck its nothing about getting good at the damn game, Its about not wanting some pussy hiding out in a bush and gunning you down. I would rather have someone act friendly, just to gun me down later. 

I'm so aggravated with the whole "Gitgudskrub" thing when someone talks about KOS, It has nothing to do with how good you are, Someone hides and guns you down, theres is nothing you can do really.

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I think if Rocket abandoned the ~ Hero / Survivor / Bandit AND humanity setup ~, he did it for a good reason.. Why he'd go back on his tracks and implement a similar sanity setup is truly beyond me. 

I hope moderators bury all related topics (after reading, just in case some good might come from them).

Otherwise, title your sanity topics as, "Rocket, you're wrong, make the game the way I want it to be"... which is what's happening. 

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Yea sanity has to be one of the stupidest suggestions that we see over and over again along with spawning with friends.

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Lol, If you were paying attention to my post count and join date, you would realize that what you just said is quite silly. I have been playing the mod since it came out also, and I understand the "principles" of DayZ very well. Gimmicks are not part of that principle. Gimmicks are the kind of thing you'd see in WarZ, or some other arcade bullshit. DayZ is not the place for artificial sanity. No way, no how, no thank you.


I'm not even a "bandit" (stupid name for murderers btw, bandits rob people) and I don't want this. I can defend myself just fine thank you.


Bandit Definition: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bandit

Real Historical Bandits: http://www.oddee.com/item_96687.aspx


Sanity is a factor in real life. So, it wouldn't be a game "gimmick".

Please stop being snide and understand you don't know everything. No one does...

While I'm not for sanity (aka: a punishment system). I am pro co-op encouragement via a rewards system.

Edited by Zebriah

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I'm not sure YOU understand the Dayz principle.  I have been playing since the Mod came out and how rocket originally set the so called "principle".  That being said, I'll KoS anyone but new spawns.  It's a waste of ammo and you don't get anything from it.  I have read one of the "sanity" posts, I thought the idea was an interesting compromise.   I could deal with it honestly, it would help new players get used to the game.  Eventually they will learn the game and probably KoS as well.  Remember, there are a lot of people getting Dayz SA who have never played the mod.  If we immediately start flaming these people that just means less people playing, which ultimately means less funding and less patches and dying servers.  Stop being such elitests.  The game isn't called Dayz SA: Salamanderanders revenge.   If you can't deal with it, hate to say but "learn to play better" goes both ways. lol.


You sir can have my beans.


KoS is part of the game, it is PvP, it is a player decision.


I have had two examples of this during my play time, I was looting a building when the server de-synced with me so I had to find a new server.

I logged in only to find when I opened the front door two guys sitting down in the road trying to take screenshots of each other (they were geared up reasonably well).

I had 20 rounds on my M4A1 and figured they would probably run to cover and siege me in the house if I tried to communicate or shoot me if I emerged from the building, so I killed them both.


Later had a fight to killed two more at a military base further south before a ladder decided I should die too.




HOWEVER... gearing up simply to camp the coastal regions with the intention to kill un-armed fresh spawns is very unfair on them and very immersion breaking.


Coming across another armed-survivor or someone who may have good gear and killing them for it... fine... be my guest... but I just hate the mentality to go camp the spawn zones.


When spawns are evenly spreads and civilian weapons available then it won't be as easy for the "bambi killers".

Edited by Lancer 2-2

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Alright, I don't mean to be abrasive, but I am sick and tired of seeing this idea for one. Can we STOP suggesting it over and over?


Thanks noobs. #learn2play #gitgud #stopcryinglikealittlebaby




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Hey now.

If they add hokey shit like "sanity" then they could also add laser guns in crashed UFOs or magic spells like in skyrim.

Or change the zombies into dinosaurs!

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Until bandit skins come back - if they do - I'm strictly KOS.  That's how it is.  I was willing to take a chance talking with a non-bandit skinned player before.

Not willing to do that now.

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