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Like to See Squad.xml Added

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Another important part of the squad.xml is to prevent impersonating members of clans and squads. People with a squad.xml get a tag next to their name, which distinguishes them from those who might copy their name to attempt impersonating them. We've used this countless times in the past to prevent infiltration in our group.


I kind of like the idea of someone being able to try and impersonate a certain squad. If we had ingame items that could be sewn onto clothes (or medic crosses on ballistic helmets?) then those items would be accessible to everyone in game. It adds that realism that somebody could take the time to mimic a squad and try to just casually walk into a camp and wreck havoc. Personally, I think it would be a really interesting thing to see implemented.

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I don't really understand the abuse argument. They lack consistency, or let me put it in other words:


This would be a vital addition to the game. Many would benefit from this. Yet, people are apparently somewhat cautious, even against it because some could / would abuse it? At least that's what I see in some arguments.


I can even understand that to some degree, but who prevents anyone from abusing what's already there? Typing similar things in chat, saying them via VOIP, etc ? Sure, it may not be as "visual" in some cases but just as intrusive to some. I even saw a basically racial slur in the game already, referring to my character I spawned in. Justice was kinda served as I beat the guy unconscious, but still. Would we have to restrict the chat or VOIP now?


I don't think so. Or let me put it in even simpler words. The benefits seem to outweigh the risks here. Same with VOIP.



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i Am all for an internal somewhat limited system to do these patches symbols why because it would lessen offensive symbols (no matter how simple you make it though a symbol like a swastika would be possible its hardly a difficult symbol to make. As a limited in game system it also becomes more realistic in the fact that unless you invision your characters back story (previous job or i guess hobby ) was seamstress how did you make such eleaborate symbols???


Touching on the Swastika and its probable event of it showing up if any symbol/patch making painting of cars i would suggest that such offense be reportable perhaps i dont know how hard it would be for server admin or what ever to check server data to see who has drawn such to ban them ???


That then goes to the use of voice chat to also use as or more offensive dialogue there is no way to police such behaviour( have to admitt i have logged out while having been handcuffed while playing a black character and having to listen to some idiots chant white surpremacy crap at me while stealing my blood. Didnt mind the stealing my blood and i know he was talking crap or he wouldnt want my blood but it was offensive......... Sorry a dark path i have taken with this post but the repeated mention of the swastika lead me here...

Edited by SoulFirez

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I would really like to see squad.xml, it doesn't matter if people would spray inappropriate things on their vehicles/clothing. People are able to do that in real life if they choose, so why not in a sandbox style game?

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As for the "How would you(r group) get elaborate symbol XY?" argument:


Well, some actually play military groups or similar who'd have the means. They'd have patches / logos already. And even then nearly anyone could use nearly anything freely because these things basically represent patches on characters. That anyone may have found, for example a medic patch or even symbol drawn themselves. In short: You have a military group? Use something fitting. You have a rag-tag civilian / survivor group? Use something more appropriate like graffiti or something.


A lot is possible with this as it would rely on pictures anyone could edit and customize. Take something existing already like a medical patch. Add certain textures to them. Use comic stuff. Etc.

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As for the "How would you(r group) get elaborate symbol XY?" argument:


Well, some actually play military groups or similar who'd have the means. They'd have patches / logos already. And even then nearly anyone could use nearly anything freely because these things basically represent patches on characters. That anyone may have found, for example a medic patch or even symbol drawn themselves. In short: You have a military group? Use something fitting. You have a rag-tag civilian / survivor group? Use something more appropriate like graffiti or something.


A lot is possible with this as it would rely on pictures anyone could edit and customize. Take something existing already like a medical patch. Add certain textures to them. Use comic stuff. Etc.

These military groups all spawned on the coast with the rest of the survivours in jeans and shirt not military gear they have to find there military gear so again perhaps place a large array of already made patches to game for them to find and then attach.


Also i am not sure if i am believing a rumour or not but didnt writing notes get withdrawn for the excessive use of well inappropriate material for now or was it bug??? cause i am sure your military group wouldnt make rude stuff it be very un military but sadly alot would.

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Given that no one really has any identity in game I think this is a good idea. Everyone looks the same more or less but a badge would let you recognise people (if you frequent the same server). Help you know who you can trust etc.

When I read these forums, people's names mean nothing to me, I don't even read the names but I recognise a lot of the avatars. Logos like this would have a similar use in game seen as you can't really recognise people by their appearance.

Edited by Nanoha
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I can almost guarantee in a real life post apocalyptic world you would in fact see at least 1 "clan" emblem that was a giant pink dick..... so I dont see how that would break immersion in anyway 

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I thnk the simpler idea is to have a squad system and only have these patches/emblems show up for the people in said squad

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Just one thing guys, remember the squad.xml isn't just for having a fancy logo, it also gives you a unique tag that identifies you as a member of that squad so even if someone copies your name they can't impersonate you.

Edited by SGT Phon
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Not a fan.


We're supposed to be survivors... not XTREME CoD kiddies trying to show off.


I agree.  Also the amount of marijuana leafs, penises, and other inappropriate icons will no doubt make their way into the game in seconds after this feature is introduced.  Look at CoD and BF4 - awful idea IMO.  I don't want to see a jeep with a giant, leaking penis spray-painted on the side of it driving around Cherno.


People need to stop making suggestions that attempt to turn DayZ into CoD with random loot.

Edited by Mdogg2005
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I agree.  Also the amount of marijuana leafs, penises, and other inappropriate icons will no doubt make their way into the game in seconds after this feature is introduced.  Look at CoD and BF4 - awful idea IMO.  I don't want to see a jeep with a giant, leaking penis spray-painted on the side of it driving around Cherno.


People need to stop making suggestions that attempt to turn DayZ into CoD with random loot.


The mod supported squad.xml, how many giant dicks and swastikas did you see painted on the side of UAZ's?

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Not a fan.


We're supposed to be survivors... not XTREME CoD kiddies trying to show off.


Come on, we all know vinyl and embroidery machines are the first things survivors would restore to function if SHTF.



Another important part of the squad.xml is to prevent impersonating members of clans and squads. People with a squad.xml get a tag next to their name, which distinguishes them from those who might copy their name to attempt impersonating them. We've used this countless times in the past to prevent infiltration in our group.


That's cute, but if I kill one of them I want to be able to impersonate.  It should cut both ways.

Edited by Soupee
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Come on, we all know vinyl and embroidery machines are the first things survivors would restore to function if SHTF.




That's cute, but if I kill one of them I want to be able to impersonate.  It should cut both ways.


+1 for lootable squad patches. that'd be actually pretty awesome.

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No way this should be in game, too much abuse. They should get rid of in game chat too because people just yell curses and racist remarks 24/7 and get rid of sigs in the forum because of all the swastikas and giant penis leafs. <_<



The two big arguments against are 1) Immersion, which clearly this would fit in. There are knives and clothes everywhere, surely Cherno has a sewing machine some place or at the least one of the military camps. As for the car paint part. A buddy of mine painted all our armor art while deployed with spray paint and tape. Both in game. 2) Abuse. Well this is simple, handle like every other type of abuse in the game, report it. Seriously guys since when did we start stopping good things because a few people might abuse it?



100% this should go in game.

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I'd vote for this just so I can turn my guy into a nazi, they had such spiffy uniforms.

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I'd vote for this just so I can turn my guy into a nazi, they had such spiffy uniforms.

Fair enough, I will get a bat and play the role of Aldo Raine. Who wants to be the bear jew?

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Again, if people fear "sudden endless abuse by everyone" (wat? Why?) then you might as well cut out written and verbal chat, too. Not really a good idea to punish all because of a few, right? Besides, see someone with a stupid symbol? Get rid of him ingame. That's what you can or have to do right now anyway if someone annoys you in chat or via VOIP. That's what I did.


I'm not even saying using stupid symbols or logos (like, really stupid) would never occur. It might just happen. But same as chat (VOIP or written). So many benefit from that, still, you get the occasional stupid remark in there.


I see three options in the long run:


1) The devs do not add any "ID system" (not counting clothing / gear that will be added but does not primarily serve as group identifier if you get what I mean)

2) The devs enable squad.xml and / or

3) The devs add specific items just for this purpose, perhaps armbands or patches as item


Let's assume 2 or 3 might happen. I'm personally fine with 2 and 3. Anything helps, really. In that case I don't want to be "picky". Items instead of squad xml? Okay, a few people out of the roughly 850k players (or the active ones out of these, in turn) might not pick stupid symbols for some time. However there's a price to pay there, too. You can't expect the devs to add a brazillion different squad patches or armbands, which would then all have to be distributed via loot, or how do people imagine that? You'd find random group or generalized items left and right then; it could take ages to get sorted out for your group. All players in turn would have to rely / draw on that pool. Or do you just want like 5 different colors?


2? Squad.xml? Simple solution. Anyone or any group can make their own logo and then use it. Maximum customization in those regards. Little dev work but big impact, minus the few who'd use stupid symbols perhaps. But hey, VOIP and stuff can also be used in negative ways, so what?




Let's say, the devs would not like a pure squad.xml feature for whatever reason. Let's say the penis or swastika a few people might use would be a total threat to gameplay or immersion while people hack or shoot away at each other left and right, or resort to cannibalism (to come). Well, again, I can understand some concerns. And if I think about it, I wouldn't really want to see certain symbols. You could just kill the person with the stupid symbols, but it might still be weird.


Anyway, a possible compromise regarding gameplay, moderation and customization:


Add a simple item or few items to the game that allows you to craft patches / armbands. These would have to be required in a designated character slot, much like glasses or a backpack. Having this item on your character enables you squad xml usage (you have to set it in addition, obviously, or it might show nothing). That way, not everyone can use any custom symbols right away, but getting there might not be overly complicated.


As for moderation? Well ... if there's too much fear of "abuse" on dev side, they could perhaps add certain mechanisms. I'm thinking of a report function (however that may work) or perhaps forcing players / groups to submit their symbols before being able to use them. For potentially all or just groups. Some kind of "symbol whitelist". Requires resources and continuous work, however.


Last straw


Compared to the mod I can still imagine one thing here. If all else fails, one could perhaps see how custom servers (not just private as in private hive and some settings changed) will be supported, if at all. Perhaps servers with their own hive can be modified further, at least to allow this squad xml feature or something similar.

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I would really like to see this, I even feel it's necessary since I play with friends and it's VERY easy to get them mixed up with other people, almost everyone looks the same.

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How about, instead of a full color image you can only make a stencil? aka, your picture is in black and white and the game then could tint it so it doesn't stand out too much, like depending of the clothes you are wearing or the vehicle it's on.


This would greatly limit the eyesore potential.

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Also keep in mind that it was pretty in depth and some what difficult to get this logo in game so not everyone is going to be doing this. The vast majority of people won't ever have it.

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