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DayZ is NOT fun for new players, which makes me worried.

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I was thinking of making a "experimental series" like ill go dressed as a noobie on the coast, run around, meet other noobies, and see (socially) how they act, I already did this but the recording had like this annoying buzzzzzz sound, I had like 50 subjects :( I was pissed

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This game is extremely punishing, but also extremely rewarding.

It's rewarding because it's punishing. Your friend needs to spend some time playing solo before trying to join the big dogs. Besides, some of the best experiences in this game are found only when you're an absolute new player.

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DayZ is not a game for everyone.  Only those who truly appreciate the hardcore nature of DayZ will play it for a long time.  But it's the game I've been looking for my entire life.



Never heard of arma3, dayZ came up in googling about that other horrible zombie game with the freemium pay to respawn garbage. Found the dev blog, watched everything, read everything, followed it for months.

I was hesistant on the alpha. A lot of early access games i've played are by nature of alpha releases, often unpolished, and lack direction, and I get bored and worry I might not want to come back to it.... but I was pretty bored anyhow, and so far, I'm having a blast. It still seems strange to me that it's server based and not auto-balancing shard based, and I was thinking that might ruin it at first.... until I started hopping on 0-1 player total servers. Was great for getting my bearings.

This is one of those games that you start playing and you know you've been waiting your whole life for.

Folks arguing about fps vs 3ps kind of blows my mind, though. I like first person, but I do not think it is.... more hardcore.

But I absolutely understand how at this state, most new players might get turned off fast. To them, of course, I point to google and reading up on what an alpha release is.... as for final, waaay down the road, I'd hope there is some modest tutorial for how to do things baked into the game, or a single player demo for such learnings. It would help, a LOT.

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The best way to help a friend who is new to DayZ is to explain to him very frankly that you aren't going to let him get you killed and lose all your stuff, but that you will meet him in two hours at Green Mountain if he can make it there. 

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i gotta admit the hole finding friends at the start is extremly frustrating i do get it tho its part of the hole game experience but honestly i think DayZ is one of those nitch games where its just not for alot of people.


its extremly newb unfriendly wich in its own way i really like, its extremly unforgiving wich is part of the hole experience.


but yeah not being able to spawn with your friends "when your both fresh spawns" is really annoying i admit.

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you shouldnt have needed to tell your friend what to do. just tell him 'the aim is to stay alive' and he would be fine, the game even says 'you are hungry'. as for spawning with friends, hell god damn no. clans would be absolutely everywhere and there'd be absolutely no chance of any interaction. however i do feel that having some servers add the feature and some servers without the feature will be cool. but then you run the risk of eventually having all servers with the feature because it's the more popular opinion. look at what happened with the mod. it started off as a survival game and over time almost every server was CHERNO DEATHMATCH SPAWN WITH AS50 AND DMR 5000 VEHICLES NO NIGHTTIME BETTER LOOT


and by god i truly hope we don't end up with that again.

PLEASE don't let it end up like that... god, PLEASE!!!

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Half a day of finding each other? If you use the dayzdb map, each of you needs a maximum of 5 minutes to find out where he is. and it takes a maximum of 20 minutes to get to every point in the map.. since both of you died, theres a something like a 90% chance you spawn not more than 5-10 minutes apart from each other... so theres absolutely no reason to implement a friend spawn system...

Edited by generelleasy

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Change ur headline to "dayz is not fun for my friend"...what the hell do u know if dayz is fun or not for new players.

Also ur general problem seems to be mapreading...not dayz. I wish these "make dayz easier cos I cant figure out how to do stuff" threads would stop.

Edited by svisketyggeren

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I have played DayZ since the mod came out. I love it and I have bought the alpha, which is not bad.


Today, I bought the alpha for a friend of mine who has never played the game and the experience for him was in a nutshell, boring and frustrating.


I played the game with him to try and teach him how the game worked. If you are new and have no clue what's happening, then clearly the game will be frustrating. That's why I wanted to meet him in game to help him out.


The only problem? Meeting up with him was a complete disaster. He obviously had no clue where he was and his surroundings he described only slightly assisted me.


It's not like the mod where it tells you where you are when you log in or spawn. We are just left smack bang in the middle of nowhere.


So, after spending about 1.5 hours running in different directions and around in circles, we finally meet each other. We briefly enjoyed about 30 seconds of reunion before a bandit came out of a house and shot both of us.


Joy. Back to square one.


Needless to say, my friend was not impressed and really could not bare spending another 1.5 hours trying to find each other and he definitely won't play the game again unless I am on or unless I hassle him to give it another try.


This has been suggested before, to allow friends to spawn with each other. At the very least when you both die. Obviously, it would be stupid to allow people to spawn with a friend who is already alive with their full grade military equipment. But allow fresh spawns to spawn together.


I know naysayers will say 'finding each other is part of the experience!' Well, I personally don't believe spending half a day meeting up and dying then meeting up again to be a part of the dayZ experience.


Well, I guess I could just kill myself and hope for a spawn closer to my friend by clicking the 'respawn' butto- Oh wait.


Another suggestion regarding this functionality is to make it optional for servers to have this setting.



Something needs to be done to allow experienced players like myself to assist new people who I am trying to introduce this game to. This game is extremely punishing, but also extremely rewarding. I need a good chance to show my friend the rewarding side of this game and so far, I have had none.


I would like to discuss this with my fellow DayZ players.


Nothing has to be done. Dayz like the rest of the Arma series was never easy to learn because it doesn't hold you by the hand unlike most other games, has a steep learning curve and requires great amounts of patience which is some of the reasons why the people who play it, enjoy it so much. That is also one of the reasons why the Arma/OFP series wasn't that popular until the DayZ mod, because it didn't appeal to the masses of mindless gamers who like to have everything handed to them on a silver platter. 

This game requires more patience and requires you to use your brain capacity more than most games out there. This can of course be frustrating to the casual gamer. If you spend 1.5 hours finding each other, that is not the games fault, only your own. There are plenty of resources out there to get you going in terms of navigation and survival on the web (e.g. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=dayz+standalone+map), blaming the game is not an excuse in this case.


I leave you with this message of the infamous Australian tough guy:


Edited by weedmasta
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New player here. Never played the mod and started up the game without reading any guides or anything and I am having a blast.


I had so much fun playing the first day that I bought a copy for my friend so we could play together, and he is loving it too. I don't mind that the game doesn't hold your hand and that dying comes quite often. To be honest, with the amount of resources now online for this game (be it on YouTube or these forums) only a few hours is needed to fully understand the game mechanics as they are. I for one hope that the devs don't cave in too much to the people who aren't willing to accept the learning curve.


And friend spawn system = dumb. Just my opinion.

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To be honest, the people who need to read this thread are the ones who will never be on the forums except to make an account and ask a "omg wur iz balota lewt in tentz liek its gone wtf #brokegame" type of question, and those are the people causing most of the trouble for new players xD

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Today, I bought the alpha for a friend of mine who has never played the game and the experience for him was in a nutshell, boring and frustrating.


sounds like he should play a different game. if he doesn't enjoy the game mechanics, and only your company, maybe you should let him pick the game.

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sounds like he should play a different game. if he doesn't enjoy the game mechanics, and only your company, maybe you should let him pick the game.

This isn't very constructive :/ he's bringing to our attention an example of the issue the OP is illustrating. An attitude like that, which i embarrassingly admit was originally my own, doesnt help our community grow and thrive. As much as i hate the idea of it so.etimes, we need more people to play this SA so we can enjoy this for a long time :)

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This isn't very constructive :/ he's bringing to our attention an example of the issue the OP is illustrating. An attitude like that, which i embarrassingly admit was originally my own, doesnt help our community grow and thrive. As much as i hate the idea of it so.etimes, we need more people to play this SA so we can enjoy this for a long time :)


It isn't but it doesn't make it any less true. This is just not the right game for some people.

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Whenever a friend asks me about DayZ I explain to them it is extremely difficult for new players to learn the map/gameplay. I explain to them this game is a mixture of pvp and pve and that they should trust no one. All of my friends understood what they were getting into before they played the game. 

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It isn't but it doesn't make it any less true. This is just not the right game for some people.

Idk i think we sbould be trying a lot harder to convert people to this game, showing them the appropriate ways to play. Kind of like winning an argument when your friend finally sees how awesome a game really is after you told them a million times to play it xD

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Idk i think we sbould be trying a lot harder to convert people to this game, showing them the appropriate ways to play. Kind of like winning an argument when your friend finally sees how awesome a game really is after you told them a million times to play it xD


There is tons of content out there already to learn about the game, to understand and to enjoy it. There are already all these starter, basic, survival and navigation videos on youtube. They just have to look.

Improvised backpacks as an example. I saw a thread about someone complaining that they couldn't find the items to make one. I knew one was going to be added but I didn't know it was already implemented. So instead of asking dumb questions or making a new thread, I went on youtube and typed "Dayz burlap backpack" and voila. Faster than waiting for a response on the forums. ;)

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There is tons of content out there already to learn about the game, to understand and to enjoy it. There are already all these starter, basic, survival and navigation videos on youtube. They just have to look.

Improvised backpacks as an example. I saw a thread about someone complaining that they couldn't find the items to make one. I knew one was going to be added but I didn't know it was already implemented. So instead of asking dumb questions or making a new thread, I went on youtube and typed "Dayz burlap backpack" and voila. Faster than waiting for a response on the forums. ;)

Well i say WE have to show them because we all know some of these people dont know how to find this stuff unless you shove it in their face.

Hence why we have 8000 tent spawn threads lol

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it  was fun for me as a new player. maybe your friends should play something else.


also, it was much more playable than what those Steam warnings let me to believe, but it seems you were clearly expecting a much more complete experience.

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sounds like he should play a different game. if he doesn't enjoy the game mechanics, and only your company, maybe you should let him pick the game.

Strip poker?

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I have played DayZ since the mod came out. I love it and I have bought the alpha, which is not bad.


Today, I bought the alpha for a friend of mine who has never played the game and the experience for him was in a nutshell, boring and frustrating.


I played the game with him to try and teach him how the game worked. If you are new and have no clue what's happening, then clearly the game will be frustrating. That's why I wanted to meet him in game to help him out.


The only problem? Meeting up with him was a complete disaster. He obviously had no clue where he was and his surroundings he described only slightly assisted me.


It's not like the mod where it tells you where you are when you log in or spawn. We are just left smack bang in the middle of nowhere.


So, after spending about 1.5 hours running in different directions and around in circles, we finally meet each other. We briefly enjoyed about 30 seconds of reunion before a bandit came out of a house and shot both of us.


Joy. Back to square one.


Needless to say, my friend was not impressed and really could not bare spending another 1.5 hours trying to find each other and he definitely won't play the game again unless I am on or unless I hassle him to give it another try.


This has been suggested before, to allow friends to spawn with each other. At the very least when you both die. Obviously, it would be stupid to allow people to spawn with a friend who is already alive with their full grade military equipment. But allow fresh spawns to spawn together.


I know naysayers will say 'finding each other is part of the experience!' Well, I personally don't believe spending half a day meeting up and dying then meeting up again to be a part of the dayZ experience.


Well, I guess I could just kill myself and hope for a spawn closer to my friend by clicking the 'respawn' butto- Oh wait.


Another suggestion regarding this functionality is to make it optional for servers to have this setting.



Something needs to be done to allow experienced players like myself to assist new people who I am trying to introduce this game to. This game is extremely punishing, but also extremely rewarding. I need a good chance to show my friend the rewarding side of this game and so far, I have had none.


I would like to discuss this with my fellow DayZ players.

Easy enough, your friend it is not compatible with dayz.


Have care


bye bye

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I'm a bit late to the party here... But with regards to the OP - you should have had him read road signs to you and then told him which direction to head in. I've played with friends that have just picked up the game after having never played the mod and it never takes us more than 20 minutes (give or take) to meet up. Just make sure that they're aware of the fact that they should try to be relatively stealthy, i.e. use the trees and not the middle of the road when moving up and down the coast and then try and keep them right once you're together.

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