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North Chernarus Militia to begin operations on Oceania Servers!

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Were you in a bandit skin? And how do you know it was one of us? Server, time details etc. If you are a survivor and were wrongfully shot then Ill see what i can do to fix it. If you were a bandit who fell to our guns, well, welcome to the club :P

EDIT by the way most of our guys have been away the last few days, so chances are slim. If you give me the circumstances behind it ill be able to figure out quickly if it was us or not.

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I like the initiative, its really shocking how realistic this game would be to real life post-zombie apocalypse. Initially survivors grouped up almost unquestioningly and then bandits came about preying on the survivors alone or in small groups and now bigger groups such as this one may be starting to arise with good intentions...I've enjoyed the game but I think I'll definitely be looking at what happens with along the lines of what the players/community ends up doing...

Either way, back on topic, I'd like to let you know that though I'll not be joining the militia (which should totally be changed to Marshalls I mean, come on, North Chernarus Marshalls sounds soo much better :P) but I'm a man of good intentions myself and would be more than happy to perhaps even share supplies with you guys if you're in need and I run across you in-game. Good luck to your group and may you hunt well!

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This is excellent news for me and my team of bandits.

We are all equipped with M4A1 Camo SD rifles, M14s and DMRs. We all also have night vision goggles and enough ammo between us to get through a world war.

We are all mates and use military tactics and love nothing more than to butcher noobs along the coast and anywhere else we come across others. We look forward to killing every last member of your militia and continuing to wreak havoc on all noobs everywhere.

Fear the night. We are coming for you.

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pretty cool roleplaying idea.

i had 4 days on a suvivor and i was helping noobs get from the coast and get weaps e.t.c., got killed by a bunch of bandits killing people for fun in elektro, shouldnt have really helped there lol.

anyway im pissed, if people are playing this like CS may aswell stop bitching and start treating it like CS.

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Was hanging around cherno sniping people with a CZ from yellow crane, copped a bullet and thought I saw one of your guys tagged up in side chat bragging, it wasnt any of you guys I think, just someone with similar tags

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Theres alot of careless bandits out at the moment. assuming that every survivor is a ''Noob'' the day will come when survivors kickass

Edit: The Day has already come :)

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So far I've yet to see a single NCM member, I spent a few days around the NWAF and Starry with no luck, bagged more than a few survivors. Spent the last few days in and around Cherno, not a single encounter.

You're letting me down NCM.

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lmao this mod is awesome! i love the animosity, its like a full on conflict that we can all take part in!

even though i dont wanna get shot by a bandit, its cool that the mechanics exist to allow them to play that way and create that dynamic!

very cool stuff!

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haha Karko sorry, you have been running with a mutual associate of ours a lot lately so have been avoiding you as we dont want to get him caught up in the crossfire. Plus you seem like pretty cool peeps for bandits :P

In all honesty we arent often on the same server bro. i was on the same server as you guys but was alone so wasnt hunting at the time. No doubt we will see each other at some point.

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Good luck guys. I like the way you have page after page of bandit threats. If I see any of you I'll be sure to share some of my supplies for the fight :)

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I'm interested to see how this group turns out.

We need more large groups instead of many small ones.

One day you could be hanging around with one clan in their TS channel and then find yourself being helped by another clan the next day.

Then the day after you could be on a mission with the first clan and are confronted by those who helped you earlier.


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Oh great.... vigilantes... well...time to kick some ass...

I have a bandit skin... I don't take chances...

I do honor you cause... If i didn't have a bandit skin i might of considered joining... I currently making my way north with a friend... I kill anyone who runs at me or shoots at me... I guess i will have to travel deeper in the woods..

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haha Karko sorry' date=' you have been running with a mutual associate of ours a lot lately so have been avoiding you as we dont want to get him caught up in the crossfire. Plus you seem like pretty cool peeps for bandits :P

In all honesty we arent often on the same server bro. i was on the same server as you guys but was alone so wasnt hunting at the time. No doubt we will see each other at some point.


We usually stick to the Veteran servers, I hate that name popup on regular and I know the others agree.

I guess since Colin runs with you guys I should probably not try to provoke a confrontation but dammit, get your arses to Cherno for a good old fashioned bandit hunt, I've got a great little hiding spot and there's some NVGs in it for you if you can bag me.

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yeah we stay on veteren servers too. Cant stand the names popping and wanna avoid handscanning.

And Chernos a lost cause man. thats why we stay north. trying to clear cherno of bandits is pointless.

Also, no bandit skins tomorrow. Not gonna lie, kinda at odds about how to continue doing what we do. May tone it down a bit till we figure out some effective systems.

I spoke to colin about what would happen if we ran into each other. He says hell stay out of it and just run around providing medical assistance to both sides :P Hes a GC

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I used to agree about Cherno but recently I've really taken a shine to the city, especially at night. People are constantly coming through, well geared bandits and desperate beaners and as long as I take no chances and kill them all on sight then I come out of it with an almost endless supply of food/water/ammo.

I haven't checked but I heard that those who still have the bandit skins will keep them but it'll be as one of the pickup / changeable skins. I hope this is the case, I've really gotten attached to my camo. You could always swap from "bandit hunting" to securing a town or two and simply protecting them from trouble makers.

So he's switzerland. Alright, some additional incentive, if you can bag me, I'll stop killing beaners.

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hahaha ohhhhhh with an offer like that...

Well I need to stop spawning in the wilderness to try that bro. At the moment everytime I log in im in the middle of no where so at the moment no playing at all :/

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I have 4 friends plus myself willing to join an Oceania militia. I have sent you a steam friends request (batcave slimer). My group of bandit hunters also disappointed at bandit skin removal. We use venty and would love the opportunity to work with other large® groups on AUS/NZ servers.

Although i think to be effective (due to server fullness and other factors) there needs to be an international militia.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

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It's good to see some vigilante stuff gearing up on the Oceania servers. I've been playing with a number of mates IRL due to the rapidly escalating hostility in the game, used to be we could just team up with people we found but lately that doesn't seem to be an option with everyone's twitchy trigger fingers. We've been playing as survivors relying on stealth to get us in and out while we raid towns for supplies, we don't engage unless shot at and we are friendly to all who are friendly to us. But in the last week we've been shot down without even a warning on at least 2 different occasions while not presenting any kind of obvious threat, so we're getting f%$#ing sick of banditry and psychos in general.

I don't know whether we'd want in on the North Chernarus Militia but we definitely don't want to be considered as hostile as we seem to have similar goals.

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Good luck on oceania if you're from ANZ, if not note that ping kicker is being set lower and lower on a few servers due to too many high ping players causing issues, set a couple on3 to 100ms last night and is better now.

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A clan of people I know won't shoot me in the back of the head and steal me tent? Almost sounds to good to be true.

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