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Alpha - Bet

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A - Aimbot

B - Bullet Ballistics

C - Can't login

D - Dying without a reason?

E - Endgame missing?

F - Four Spawns ?

G - Global Echo?/Sounds?

H - Hacking 

I - Invisible players

J - Jumpy unstable servers

K - Krunchy nut crisp

L - Lack of  loot

M - Mouse Acceleration bug

N - Neglected by Devs

O - Optimisation

P - Poor gameplay feel 

Q - QQuing fanboys

R - Rendering distance 

S - Server Stability / security / Hoppers

T - Trolls

U - Useless items ? , Racist notes ? 

V - Variety of guns

W - Wubber Banding

Y - Year and a half for this ?

X - Xequinox moaning / trolling on forums 

Z - Zombies


Now i know my abc , lets try learn my 123 

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crunchy nut crisps is much more important that needs fixing... where is my free compass advertised on back of box?!?

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C - Crying....

F - Fungi

O - Opolongs

Edited by Xequinox90

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Mhmm...someone seems a little mad. :3

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I just don't get why people cry and complain so much, it is the Alpha, if you don't like it, wait for the full release until then... quit complaining and try to have fun.

In the end.. IT IS JUST A GAME.

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C - Crying Fanboys who don't think there is a single thing wrong with this game 

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kos is fine l2p

10/10 post

((INB4 Yard)) KOS can be fine.,But most of the time is not.

This thread is going places, bad places but places.





I haven't ran into any problems....maybe it's just you


((Inb4 you call me a crying fanboy))

Edited by Rooniedoo

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and it is still worth paying for and playing. not bad really..

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C - Crying Fanboys who don't think there is a single thing wrong with this game 

I never said there is nothing wrong with the game, there is plenty wrong with it, me crying on forums is not going to do anything about it.

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and it is still worth paying for and playing. not bad really..

Ruins the gameplay ,. not worth playing 

Edited by Xequinox90

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A - Aimbot - Have yet to see this

B - Bullet Ballistics - Everything for now is a place holder until server structure is complete

C - Can't login - Blame steam for this too.

D - Dying without a reason? - That's why Patches exist

E - Endgame missing? - How can you tell this from an Alpha?

F - Four Spawns ? - Can't find weapons so easy now?

G - Global Echo?/Sounds? - Placeholders, Haven't heard Global Chat since the second patch.

H - Hacking - Bugs and latency issues

I - Invisible players - Latency issues

J - Jumpy unstable servers - Latency issues

K - Krunchy nut crisp - Milky cereal

L - Lack of  loot - I've just looted two towns and found tons of food after a server restart.

M - Mouse Acceleration bug - I agree, it's annoying.

N - Neglected by Devs - There have been two updates in the past few days

O - Optimisation - Server optimization comes first

P - Poor gameplay feel - Welcome to the Real Virtuality Engine

Q - QQuing fanboys - I see a bit of this on these forums, no response.

R - Rendering distance - Edit your config files, client optimization comes in late Alpha/ Early Beta

S - Server Stability / security / Hoppers - Look up at my last responses, Hoppers is only solved with Private (Best) hives.

T - Trolls - What?...

U - Useless items ? , Racist notes ? - It's a real world environment, there are useless items in a real world; there's also racist notes....

V - Variety of guns - :Look at the various threads about weapons.

W - Wubber Banding - Latency Issues

Y - Year and a half for this ? - No, a year and a half for a map that is a lot more detailed than ArmA 2, that has a lot more buildings and that has about 90% enter-able buildings compared to ArmA 2's 50-60%

X - Xequinox moaning / trolling on forums - That's all I see.

Z - Zombies - Yes, zombies...


Now i know my abc , lets try learn my 123 


Here's your 123.


1: Don't flame or "hate" without logically thinking

2: Don't focus so much on 'more guns, more loot, fix server hopping/logging' because once that's fixed, you'll bitch and moan when the servers are still crashing and having issues.

3: You should have read Rockets response, and the Steam page before purchasing.

Edited by ColinM9991

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Here's your 123.


1: Don't flame or "hate" without logically thinking

2: Don't focus so much on 'more guns, more loot, fix server hopping/logging' because once that's fixed, you'll bitch and moan when the servers are still crashing and having issues.

3: 1 & 2.

You don't know your 1 2 3 very well , im not flaming or trolling . Thanks , and cool story 

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Ruins the gameplay ,. not worth playing 



I'm playing and having a ball. chur

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10/10 post

((INB4 Yard)) KOS can be fine.,But most of the time is not.

This thread is going places, bad places but places.





I haven't ran into any problems....maybe it's just you


((Inb4 you call me a crying fanboy))

Your the problem A**hole. The whole point of a forum is to mention bugs. Anyone who states a single thing wrong with the game and you and your group of chumps defend it. Therefore defending bugs and a half finished game.

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Playing and on Forums ?

is that unheard of.. ?

Sometimes I will lurk the forums while I am in game if I am waiting for someone to link up with.

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C - Crying Fanboys who don't think there is a single thing wrong with this game 


all of those people are pvp carebears who think the whole game is spawn at balota and kill bambi's

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is that unheard of.. ?

Sometimes I will lurk the forums while I am in game if I am waiting for someone to link up with.

Not unheard of , Just means your camping somwhere becuase your too scared to fall offf a glitchhy ladder , or die on stairs 

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