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Timberwolf (DayZ)

Most bandits are posers

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I think I'm one of those few survivors that doesn't shoot on sight and is willing to take risks to meet fellow survivors. I don't mind dying since it's an essential aspect of this game and of course I've been shot on sight but I don't mind, I can always get that weapon\skin\backpack. I think it's more fun to experience the stress and the tension\fear that comes with trying to meet other survivors and be a good Samaritan.

It's easy to shoot someone, it's far more difficult and rewarding to befriend unknown survivors imo. Being a bandit is easy and it's what people who have no guts whatsoever do.

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yeah im getting sick of it' date=' i've been killed about 10 times just from people pretending to be friendly asking for help then when i help them they kill me and take my stuff. Whats the fucking point of asking for help if you were going to kill me anyway? just say im not friendly and if i dont leave kill me then dont ask for help then as soon as i turn my back and say good bye dont shoot or stab me in the back with a hatchet. so pathetic it put me of the game and if i do go bac the only people i wont shoot are my mates ill just kill everyone i see because its rediculas. Hope this doesnt kill the mod because its very promising and looks to have a good future if everyone does the right thing.


as they say on these forums..


I think I'm one of those few survivors that doesn't shoot on sight and is willing to take risks to meet fellow survivors. I don't mind dying since it's an essential aspect of this game and of course I've been shot on sight but I don't mind' date=' I can always get that weapon\skin\backpack. I think it's more fun to experience the stress and the tension\fear that comes with trying to meet other survivors and be a good Samaritan.

It's easy to shoot someone, it's far more difficult and rewarding to befriend unknown survivors imo. Being a bandit is easy and it's what people who have no guts whatsoever do.


Youre gonna get banned. I posted something similar and got banned.

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Because its not the same.Its different when you got great high end equipment' date=' when you've got whole squads of soldiers, when you know you're out to kill them and they're out to kill you.

No matter if its still arma 2, its a different experience.


That is where the "asshole" factor comes in. You just find the fun when other people suffer somewhat harsh consequences when you kill them and when they are not exactly looking to kill you.

And by the way, ARMA is extremely customizable so what you are saying is not true.

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I completely understand what you mean' date=' I really do. But doing it for fun in DayZ? Why? YOU HAVE ARMA 2, why don't you play on a PvP server in which the purpose is to kill? DayZ is capable of bringing much more than that to the table and that is what I'm complaining about, we are narrowing the possibilities of the mod.


He said why he's doing it: for his fun.

Ppl like him would never play in true competitive and fair PvP environments.

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I agree with the OP.

Seeing things like that first video is great.


yeah, what he already said.

A long time ago (I think the forum restart ate the thread), I asked after RP servers, because among other things, I thought this kind of thing would be prevalent.

People playing to MAKE the game experience interesting and lively, not coming to the game trough and then complaining.

If you're BORED and there's nothing to do, can't you please go play something that fits your attention span better?

There are a million things to do in this game, and all of the people playing PEW PEW games are fogging everything up.

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yes, that's what I've been trying to say. It doesn't matter if you die to a bandit or wtv, you will die, that's the only thing you can rely in chernaurus. You will die regardless of bandits, you will die to zombies, glitches, bugs and your own mistakes.

The fun in this game is really trying to overcome your fear of losing everything in order to fulfill one of the most basic human needs, social interaction and having someone completely unknown to you helping you and being at your side.

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yeah im getting sick of it' date=' i've been killed about 10 times just from people pretending to be friendly asking for help then when i help them they kill me and take my stuff. Whats the fucking point of asking for help if you were going to kill me anyway? just say im not friendly and if i dont leave kill me then dont ask for help then as soon as i turn my back and say good bye dont shoot or stab me in the back with a hatchet. so pathetic it put me of the game and if i do go bac the only people i wont shoot are my mates ill just kill everyone i see because its rediculas. Hope this doesnt kill the mod because its very promising and looks to have a good future if everyone does the right thing.


as they say on these forums..


I think I'm one of those few survivors that doesn't shoot on sight and is willing to take risks to meet fellow survivors. I don't mind dying since it's an essential aspect of this game and of course I've been shot on sight but I don't mind' date=' I can always get that weapon\skin\backpack. I think it's more fun to experience the stress and the tension\fear that comes with trying to meet other survivors and be a good Samaritan.

It's easy to shoot someone, it's far more difficult and rewarding to befriend unknown survivors imo. Being a bandit is easy and it's what people who have no guts whatsoever do.


Youre gonna get banned. I posted something similar and got banned.

LOL call me a care bear? you know how many times i respawn and start again plenty. retards like you are what kill games, the fat pie faced faggots that get of ruining other people games go buy some hacks and play cod mw3 loser

[i have been warned for this post - Ubi]

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You can't tactfully 'rob' or 'bandit' because player's DC Before you can stop them. Therefore there is a shoot and loot mentality instead of the highly professional and (IMO) Very respectful 'robbery'. Robbery is an art form, I would not mind at all if I was robbed in a tasteful classy way rather than the barbarous scum-fuck slayings happening now. You see..... Actually engaging an opponent take's guts, skill, coordination, and class. Sitting 20-200 meter's away and back shooting...... Meh.... to me... Just to me, my opinion.... Thats some pussy shit but until we can end the lil kiddies who DC to avoid the fucktard consequences they set into motion.... we'll have to deal with classless pussy bandits who think they're pro for camping a spot. I hunt In real life..... its like me thinking im pro cuz I shot a deer at 70 yards.... No.... Allz I did was sit in a tree for 4 hours and got a buck. If I hoofed it and snagged him with a bow.... that'd be more skillful. But.... meh, to each their own.


yes' date=' that's what I've been trying to say. It doesn't matter if you die to a bandit or wtv, you will die, that's the only thing you can rely in chernaurus. You will die regardless of bandits, you will die to zombies, glitches, bugs and your own mistakes.

The fun in this game is really trying to overcome your fear of losing everything in order to fulfill one of the most basic human needs, social interaction and having someone completely unknown to you helping you and being at your side.


Yes. ^ what he said :D

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I agree with the OP.

Seeing things like that first video is great.


yeah' date=' what he already said.

A long time ago (I think the forum restart ate the thread), I asked after RP servers, because among other things, I thought this kind of thing would be prevalent.

People playing to MAKE the game experience interesting and lively, not coming to the game trough and then complaining.

If you're BORED and there's nothing to do, can't you please go play something that fits your attention span better?

There are a million things to do in this game, and all of the people playing PEW PEW games are fogging everything up.



The thing is even if there were servers made specifically for DayZ PvP version the "assholes" would all go to DayZ friendly version servers and that is the problem.

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I'm going to preface this reply by saying I played Call of Duty. A lot. I still consider Call of Duty 1 and 2 to be some of my favourite online experiences, along with medal of honor before it and Battlefield 1942/Desert Combat.

I was also still at school when both of those games came out, so I guess that made me a CoD Kiddie. I'm not ashamed of that at all. I'm also not ashamed that during uni, Modern Warfare 2 was my go to game. It allowed me and my best friend to keep in contact as he was working in London, so I have fond memories of it for that reason as well.

I'm 25 now, I work in publishing, and my first day in DayZ was spent trying to be friendly. I died 5 times. It wasn't fun. The game was excellent, but dying wasn't fun. I didn't complain; it's part of the game mechanics. Getting shot doesn't ruin my game, I just try to learn from it to limit getting killed like that again. There will always be people who do things that the game allows you to do. Eve Online is proof of that. I just changed my mindset, and started getting a lot more enjoyment out of the game. I like having a powerful sniper rifle. I like sitting somewhere and working out the correct distances to the key locations around me to quickly zero when a player crosses by.

This is how I get my enjoyment in DayZ. I'm sure I would get enjoyment out of other styles of play, I'm sure others won't enjoy this style of play. All of that is fine. What isn't fine is making a thread on a forum telling people how to play. Not only for the fact that it won't change anything, but more for the fact that it's pretty pretentious to tell people how they should be doing something, especially when you don't know how they get their enjoyment.

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Stereotypes are rare. There is rarely Black and White. Most of us are different shades of grey. Killing and Dying is part of the game. Most kills and shots are depending on situation.

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LOL call me a care bear? you know how many times i respawn and start again plenty. retards like you are what kill games' date=' the fat pie faced faggots that get of ruining other people games go buy some hacks and play cod mw3 loser


EXACTLY Thats what Im saying. All those people are CoD kiddies.

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I'd never kill someone for fun or loot. Only for safety, if I spot someone who hasn't spotted me, I run away as I want to avoid contact. If you "kill for fun" WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, I understand for loot or out of paranoia. There are games meant for killing for sport, but those games don't appeal to you people somehow. I think its the fact they get to ruin hours of work by good hardworking people. They are exactly like a psycho killer, killing for enjoyment. I've lost my best gear from a jet crash, Chicago 84 a hacker hit and spawned loads of jets, I flew one and crashed. I've died very few times from other players and never had good gear when I have. What does irritate me beyone belief is how people continue attacking me when I'm screaming friendly into direct communication on my mic.

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To put in statistics, about 1000-2000 players play arma 2 every day. This numbers has been about the same for months.

So, barely any new people join or leave Arma 2 you could say.

Pretty sure +90% of the people playing DayZ came from other games.

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And please' date=' leave CoD out of the way, you just make yourself look stupid


I like looking stupid to people like you, it makes me feel smart.

There no point for me answering further than that, your reply was pointless and it is kind of obvious you're one of those people I was talking about.

You're not worthy of my time.

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Tbh if people are gunna hate against this thread, they are stupid, both sources show how the new people in this game have fucked things up, im new, but im not running around shooting people on sight for the lolz and killing unarmed for there bandages when i can get 30+ of them at a hospital.

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lol @JohnSmith.. I've played in every competitive PVP system you can find. I've played in professional ladders for many different games (CAL, TWL) I've played professional tournaments... but your rite, the fact that I like a realistic shooter where some guy runs through the woods with an m107 and never looks behind himself to see if he's being tracked gives you enough information to profile me.

The fact is DAYZ is survival of the fittest, for as long as you can do it. I've died because I was being stupid, and I've killed because someone else was being stupid. The game is fun to me and you can't take away aspects of the game that I enjoy because you don't particularly enjoy them...

@ OP You're telling people to go play another game when maybe YOU should go play WoW or Minecraft.

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No' date=' this is not an anti-bandit thread, it is a thread regarding the devolution of the bandits due to the sudden growth of the community which brought many trigger happy PVP assholes.

Being a bandit used to be one of the many paths to take for survival. Killing a survivor because you don't want the risk of him killing yourself first, killing to get supplies, killing for that awesome gear that guy was carrying...But now most bandits are killing just for fun or no reason whatsoever. This new "killing for the lulz bandits" are just posers, they are not true bandits as I defined them. For me this is not what it was meant to be like.

It is not even a matter of what mechanisms are added to the game regarding PVP, it is a matter of a specific mentality that a large percentage of the arriving players carry with them, deciding to play for the selfish benefit and amusement of themselves rather than playing for the the greater good of the DayZ experience.

Two quick examples that while very specific do tell the general story of the bandit behavior before and after the arriving of the new players.

Example of bandit behavior before the player boom:

Example of bandit behavior after the player boom:


Please discuss.


I guess killing people before they have a chance to kill you is selfish

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@ OP You're telling people to go play another game when maybe YOU should go play WoW or Minecraft.

What the hell is that supposed to mean? Totally uncalled for.

And yes, if you want just PvP you better off playing other ARMA modes or games built specifically for that.

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if people are gunna hate against this thread' date=' they are stupid[/quote']

How can you actually "hate" against a thread?

I mean...is it some sort of actual despite for the bits and bytes in the forum database, or how can I imagine hate for virtual bandwidth?

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People who do not live by the definitions I set are posers.

Nice approach to life, not all that original though I'm afraid.

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You gotta admit, that hold up was cool as shit. Much better than lawl killz. I've ran into a number of people where we've had peaceful encounters (much less lately). I play solo a lot and I've had to get help from strangers for food or transfusions. Usually I will offer some goods in exchange and at least half of the time it works.

I like the PVP aspect of the game, but I also like the realism. Hopefully we'll get some RP servers where you can actually play a survivor or a bandit in a more immersive sense. If anyone is running a server like that, let me know.

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RP Servers would be cool, but its too hard to moderate... Someone could be roleplaying a serial killer and get banned for not roleplaying correctly. I've said it before but you friendly players all overestimate the human race. When the shit hits the fan we're all out for ourselves and ours.

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Whoa, I actually said im not a bandit, I dont even have a barret, I just wanted to see people's reactions on it.

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