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Would you like to play on our PRIMETIME server?

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Preface: Please keep this thread clean and civil. If you don’t like the ideas, tell me so but please do it in a civil, respectful manner. Thank you! Also, I posted this in “General Discussion” because I want to discuss the features of the server, not only advertise.


Welcome to -=[ Elysium ]=- (not related to the 2013 Sci-Fi-Movie)!


With the introduction of PRIVATES HIVES in DayZ-Standalone we will re-open the -=[ Elysium ]=- server. Elysium was founded about a year ago as a DayZ Origins RP server, it had a whitelist consisting of over 100 players. People had to write a decent background story to apply as well as give their word of honor not to hack, cheat or dupe in any way.


We will soon re-open -=[ Elysium ]=- as a DayZ Standalone PRIMETIME Server, combined with a new website or Facebook page. This server will be for players who only have a limited time available to play DayZ and wish their limited time to be especially exciting, but it may also appeal to hardcore players wishing to have a new and exciting way to play DayZ.


In the next few days we will start recruiting:

  • Administrators
  • Moderators
  • Event Actors
  • Event Extras
  • In-Game-Journalist/Streamers

What you can expect from the -=[ Elysium ]=- PRIMETIME server:


• AGE RESTRICTION: The server should support players of at least 18 years of age.


• PRIVATE HIVE: The server will have a private hive and a database separated from the public hive. You will have a separate character on this server which you can’t bring into the public hive. This also means there will be no server hoppers and no people “ghosting” on this server.


• ADMIN ONLINE: The server will be monitored 12/7 by administrators supported by moderators helping you out when getting stuck, giving you tech support, answering questions about the game, giving support when being subject to griefing. Administrators may be contacted via Skype or on our Teamspeak Channel. In the far future we hope it will be possible to contact admins via an ingame command (/admin <text>).


• PRIME TIME: Every day at the time most players will be able to play (like from 8pm-12pm, depending on the server’s time zone) there will be four hours of PRIME TIME. During this period, trained event actors will be online ingame, playing persistant roles. Those roles may include
- special bandit characters
- medics
- special lone or groups of survivors with special needs (like Clementine from the TWD game)
- small communities living at special locations like Devils Castle (remember the movie “Reign of Fire”?)
- groups of surviving military
- a setup for a big community with a governor like in TWD’s Woodbury
- scientist looking for a cure for the infection
and so many many more.
You may encounter those characters at random or by visiting the location they live in (if they are at home). In the future we want players to be able to flag themselves as “available for events”, combined with the admin features “map” (showing all locations of players) and “teleport”. When these features are available and you're flagged as "available" you can expect to experience an exciting encounter over the course of the next 30 minutes. Please note: All sessions will be monitored and directed by an -=[ Elysium ]=- GAMEMASTER. The characters themselves won’t have any special powers, only the GAMEMASTER will be able to equip and teleport them to their location.


• YOUR PERSONAL STORY: It will be taken care that every player will have a unique special and personal story or mission in the game, if they like to have one. At character setup you’ll be asked if you’d like to have YOUR PERSONAL STORY. You will find YOUR PERSONAL STORY over the course of your first week playing on the server (or it will find you, depending on the admin features available to us). YOUR PERSONAL STORY will be a dynamic story in the mindset of DayZ, The Walking Dead or any other good zombie movie or book. This story will react on what you do. If you kill the guy who was bringing you a message, or you kill the nice family who was asking for your help, the story will still go on. Something will happen that relates to what you do.


• BECOME-A-LEGEND: In the end your story will develop into a role you play on the server, the way you play the game will shape your role. Maybe you are an infamous bandit, maybe you are the nice guy, the medic, the lead of a small or a big group, a cities mayor. The role won’t be defined by any rules or restrictions, it is a reflection of your actions ingame.


• IT WILL BE NON-PROFIT: [Edit: We will try to get this server going for about three months. But after that] In the future we won’t be able to run this server free of charge. Please note, this is just an idea at the moment, not a business model. [Edit: This shouldn't be about money making, but about sharing the cost when you enjoy what you get.] Of course everything involving money has to be approved by Bohemia Interactive first. I am thinking about a non-profit solution, where every Dollar or Euro paid goes directly into hosting costs and paying a small compensation for administrators and actors (and actress) as well as writers, directors and gamemasters. The more players willing to play on our PRIMETIME server and the more those players are willing to pay the more content and “act-ion” can be provided for them. [Edit: "Non-profit" also means that there is 100% transparency about the costs.]


• CLOSED SERVER POPULATION: After the server reaches a number of players, the whitelist will be closed for new players. Up to a certain maximum amount (120-200% of the maximum server connections), players can still invite friends to join them on the server. There will be a lot of unique players on the server but you’ll also be able to learn to know some players by meeting them in game. That also means that your actions carry consequences. If you’re a known bandit roaming around Stary Sobor, people may not approach you in a friendly kind of way. 


• STILL A DAYZ EXPERIENCE: There will be no high level item handouts, no ingame-shop, there will be no shortcuts for players getting loot. It won’t be easy-mode. You’ll still sneak through cities for your can opener, you’ll still be killed at the beach for your axe. There’ll still be a massacre at Balota, there’ll still be bandits at NWAF. It will still be the DayZ experience. Plus a lot of fun random encounters, a lot of fine dialogue (with YOU), a lot of moral choices, many great adventures, persistant (but not immortal) actor-characters. Think of it as Skyrim meets DayZ but it’s all live and everything can happen. There are no NPC. Everything is possible. Encounters and events won’t  be scripted, but a lot of thought will be put into what may happen and what will allow the story to progress.


Thanks for reading this far. If you have the time, please answer my questions:

  • Would you like to play on the -=[ Elysium ]=- PRIMETIME server?
  • Would you like to join the -=[ Elysium ]=- PRIMETIME staff?
  • What other features would you like to see on the -=[ Elysium ]=- PRIMETIME server?
  • Would you even be willing to pay for a server like this? If yes, how much are you willing to pay per month?
Edited by Kassander
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is interesting idea


but for me no money should change hand >:(


if you want to make a server with friends do it for love of game


if guys want to give time assist admin or do acting they do it for love of game :thumbsup:  ;)


is game for fun and we pay for game already


any item handout is wrong for me and double if this is connect to cash paying system


problem is when you try take cash from player is make server loom like no integrity, is not exist for love of dayz but for cash profit :|


I know guys who pay for server and never ask for contribute from nobody, is very cheap thing and time is free for give


for me is feel like when money become involve problem begin :thumbsup:  :|

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making money from someone else's game is just being a leech, regardless of intentions. no thanks

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Thanks KoS, for your statement. I think I was very clear about handouts, ingame shops and shortcuts. No, absolutly no! Not intended, never will be. I hate that too.


I don't want to make money with this server. But server hosting is expensive (I payed about 600€ for my old server) and the server should provide the services mentioned above every day. And there won't be a lot of players involved. How many players will be the maximum in the future? 100? 120? So please think of it as sharing the costs. There should also be 100% transparency about the expenses.


Players on the server should have a good time and with the current and future state of DayZ Standalone in mind, you need people being available as admins. Helping people getting stuck or teleported into an ocean. Helping out with fine tuning settings so game time is fun even for people with imperfect knowledge of their rigs. I know a lot of people who do admin-work without compensation, but when you want someone to man the 2-3 hour shift on a difficult day you need just a little compensation to make sure he's on board. Of course you don't need a lot of people being online all the time, but you should get a reply in your standard gaming time.


Another thing is that  (professional) event actors will need a little compensation. I have two professional actors who are willing to participate for the love of the game (aka for free). I think I will find a few more. Of course there can also be volunteer actors from the community. I hope that a lot of players want to participate for the love of the game. With all respect for their passion, skill and time invested, I can tell from experience that it's not the same as dealing with a professional actor. Please image for a moment what the atmosphere is like when interacting with a good actor (like Gary Oldman), who is playing a well-written-role, reacting on everything you say or do? It's like being in a movie or taking part in a television show. And what about actress? Do you want to meet a "Clementine" or any (real) girl in game? Then there's got to be an actress, better two or three. Envision what this adds to the game. DayZ already is an exiting and fantastic experience. It can get even better.


Think of finding a person (or two) in need in the next town you come across. Just a random encounter. They speak to you. They come from somewhere and they are headed somewhere. They have (had) relationships, they have a story to tell. They have a reason to be there. Will you help them out with your precious medical supplies? Maybe they got nothing in return.

You are a bandit? You rob them? You kill them? They won't combat-log for sure. They will play their role to the end. Maybe you even become the reason for the involvement of other players by taking them hostage or killing them and giving the nearby hero/s group/s a reason to hunt you down. Someone might have seen you do the things you do.


I want to try out stuff like that. In the spirit of DayZ Standalone: If you want to do something, take your time and make it right. 

If you don't like or want to play on a server like this, I perfectly understand that. As stated before there will only be a few players involved in comparison to the sales of DayZ Standalone.

Edited by Kassander
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I had a nice post written but accidently the web-browser, here was my questions for you in a TL;DR format:

What level of Roleplaying requirements are we talking about? Compared to lsrp (GTA SAMP)?


Excluding Age, what requirements are you going to request for someone to join the server?

Do you think a donation-plan would be sufficient enough to manage the servers? (Perhaps let donators be in charge of events during prime time, or other kinds of rewards etc)


I like the idea and hope that we get a good community of serious players together through something like this in the near future. I wish you luck!

And Primetime events: LOVE IT, have my beans.  :beans:

I can imagine many kinds of scenarious created by players or admins that will enhance the experience for everyone. And having it regulary on set hours will help alot of players plan, and eventually group together to make theese events possible for everyone.

This could be implemented into the game, like in MMO-games(wow, planetside 2 etc) by the devolopers of course. But I belive letting players be creative and in control of such events would bolster creativity and remove repetiv and stagnant gameplay, and also keeping the sandbox-nature of the game intact.

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This sounds like a brilliant idea!



Would you like to play on the -=[ Elysium ]=- PRIMETIME server? Absolutely, this sounds like the DayZ experience I've been waiting for.


Would you like to join the -=[ Elysium ]=- PRIMETIME staff?  No but I would like to try out being an event actor.


What other features would you like to see on the -=[ Elysium ]=- PRIMETIME server? Commodities, I would love to have to trade a bag of rice for a bandage, or a handgun for another few magazines.


Would you even be willing to pay for a server like this? If yes, how much are you willing to pay per month? I have issues which forbid me from using PayPal so an alternate payment system would be good,well with 80 monthly users (?) and a server which I presume costs £30-40 (A 200 slot M&B server costs £30-40) then that would be 50p per person,which almost seems too low. But I don't know how much a server costs so... To be honest I think if you request donations you will get some,maybe not enough but it depends on how well you advertise.

Edited by Jezza93

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Nothing, you nailed it




Very solid idea and I really like being able to have the private hive. As long as there is still PvP it will be great. Not sure how much PvP there was on the other servers.



How do you handle character "death". As in me and you get into a firefight and I die, do I have to make a new "character".

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Nauticus: Same thing happend with my reply in this thread. I dont know which button I pressed but I was suddenly on a different page and my text was gone. 

I know how that feels. Now, about your questions:

What level of Roleplaying requirements are we talking about? Compared to lsrp (GTA SAMP)?

I don't know what "lsrp (GTA SAMP)" means, sorry. But I can say, if someone doesn't like to communicate, this server is not his kind of thing. I don't want to enforce roleplaying, I'd like to encourage it. For me, meeting other players always was the most exciting part of the game. And yes, it's fun to play a role in those interactions. But if you just like to play yourself in a zombie apocalypse, go ahead. Just react how you would react if it all were real. With the further encouragement by acting professionals and volunteers I am sure players will experience the fun in personal interactions. And they will start making/treating their own encounters special.


Excluding Age, what requirements are you going to request for someone to join the server?

You have to have a working microphone and you have to be willing and able to speak English. Like on the old server we'd like to have an international, diverse community. Your English doesn't have to be good. Mine isn't good.

Also we try to have a decent ratio between heroes and bandits. Everything else will be decided soon. There may be kind of an application to seperate the dedicated players from those who don't really care about the server. 


Do you think a donation-plan would be sufficient enough to manage the servers?

That'd be great. I really, really hope so. We are working on different models of how to make this kind of server survive. At the end, only time will tell...


Perhaps let donators be in charge of events during prime time, or other kinds of rewards etc.

There'll be no rewards like gear or shortcuts for aquiring loot. But if someone invests in the server I will make sure he get's his reward of it. Donators may have a higher chance of having random encounters. This will also depend on if and when we get certain admin features. If we don't have an admin map (yet), we can't find the donators in game and won't be able to set up special encounters/events/adventures for them in the beginning. 


I can imagine many kinds of scenarious created by players or admins that will enhance the experience for everyone.

I think so too and would love to have players who like to make up their own roles, events and encounters. We are working on ideas and systems to integrate and support player-run events and scenarios, without creating unintended chaos. Maybe we'll don't even need a "system" for that, if we got 80 dedicated players playing their own roles on the server (aka how they like to play the game: bandit, hero, medic, lone wolf, groups - no rules and restrictions about that), plus 5-7 professional and 13-15 volunteer actors, the server will be very much alive and provide an exciting experience for everyone.


Jezza93: Do you mean traders running small "wasteland shops"? I think there won't be NPCs in game, but I am sure players will fill that role. We had some trading posts run by players on our last server. I am sure, as soon as containers like tents are added to the game, players will start trading posts on their own. I hope the shops will be open on PRIME TIME at least. Also, random encounters will be equipped with a little stuff, so you'll always meet someone to trade a little food for some ammo or bandages. But this will require good interaction.


As I stated the server cost will not be the only expense. I hope we'll get a lot of people willing to donate but in the beginning we will start by showing you in advance what you'll get. I am sure that if you like it a lot you'll be willing to contribute a little.


Devildog: How do you handle character "death". As in me and you get into a firefight and I die, do I have to make a new "character"?

No, you don't have to. I treat character "death" as getting seriously wounded. You have been shot and robbed, but you're still alive. The fact that you spawn at a new place is an abstract resemblance of you you waking up wounded, crouching to a safe location, healing yourself, getting well and starting all over.

Edited by Kassander
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Hey Guys,

last Year I played on the DayZ Origins Elysium Server for about 5-6 Months and I realy enjoyed to play on this Server. Kassander made a real good Job in performing as an Actor in the Events and as an Admin for Support and Event Ideas. The first Time i met him in my Base I was surprised about the whole Situation, the way he talked to me, the way he changed his Voice to Sound like the "smoking Cigarrets all day, drinking Whisky all day, smell like Shit all day" Bandit he was, was just Amazing. We all had alot of Roleplay Fun, like Kidnapping Random "Heroes" to get some Items to set him free, Base Moving Convois that got Invaded, a Primestory that got involved and alot of other things that only can happen on a Roleplay Server. 

I know, if there will be the Elysium RP Server, I will play there for Sure...and I´m looking for it.

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Well i didnt played long on the DayZ Origins Elysium Server but i knew that, when u needed help, Kassander was there. Haha
It was much fun playing there, I played with a few friends and built up an small Base. Anywhen we stopped playing and we never joined an Event.

But yeah, that sounds like much fun, i will definetely join the server and will look thru it. I'll also tell all my friends, which play dayz, that youre going to make a server like this.
And yeah. You will see the [GDF]-Clan there when its up.(:



best regards


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Interesting idea. I would like to play on such a server, but not staff it. Not sure about how payments would work.


I like the idea of a RP environment, without the server hopper, new spawn murderers. There would still need to be a lot of freedom for PvP within the RP, but if you declared yourself as a Bandit Gang leader etc...great. You could set yourself up as Mayor and recruit a security force, keeping the bandits and Zed's at bay. Great scope for developing a story.


Hope this gets off the ground. Count me in.....I just need to work out a back story......... as leader of the defense force :) ...or something heroic. (possibly) :)

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I hope this server makes it's comeback, the previous server was the best dayz experience I have ever had. I'll gladly spend my free time (as little as I have). All and all I am looking forward the reunion

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Asking players to write a backstory and have them PAY later sounds like a very bad thing.There are hundreds of private servers that don't take money,they are doing fine.

Edited by Gandolaf

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Thanks to all former -=[ Elysium ]=- inhabitants for the nice replies. 


Merrick, this thread was moved by a mod to "Servers" yesterday, today it has been put back into this forum. Don't know why, but it's not my right to question what the mods do. I hope for this thread to stay in "General" so it get's a little more attention, cause I'd very much like to discuss the features, events and scenarios that are possible in DayZ at the moment and in the future. 


Gandolaf, it is not decided if we will ask for a backstory again. On the old server it was a good way to tell if players are really interested in the server. As I said, it's not about making money for me, I am sure in the end it'll be the opposite and cost me a lot of money (again). As stated, this server will be free in the beginning. It's not a monetization idea but an experiment to explore the possibilities of direct-dynamic storytelling, including skills from the old arts like writing, acting, improvisation and directing in a computer game. I want to do all that in high quality and that is not available for free.


iRazgriz. Do you want to join as staff or player?

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I've heard Rocket mention that he'd like to see players develop societies within their own game groups some day. I think its a brilliant idea.


Guys, server hosting isn't free. Most clans look for donations from its community to keep the server afloat. Plus they want to have 24/7 admins and moderators present, and an interesting sounding RP element with actors.

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This is a very interesting idea for a dayz and would like to try it out.

And if the idea and staff are good, I might also be interested in joining the staff as an actor.

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Thanks for the replies. I will keep you guys informed on what happens in preparation of the server and when you can apply for the server as staff or players.


At the moment we are working on:

• Finding volunteers to help me as administrators, moderators and event actors/extras.

• Re-design of the current facebook-page, with new screenshots and new text

• Planning and writing the background story for the server and "actor's" characters, as well as writing short storys for random encounters


In the next few days we will be "filming" two in-game teaser trailers to show you guys what playing on Elysium will be like. I will post them here as well as on the Facebook page as soon as their are ready.


When Private Hives (with the abitlity to whitelist) are implemented by the DayZ-Devs we will rent the server and our staff will have access to it. There will be fixed rehearsal times where we will try out random encounters, events and everything that comes with it. In their "free time" the staff will be able to play on the server if they like to do so.


There are two milestones we have to reach to open the server to the public:

  • The first milestone is the completion of our rehearsal period. I want things to run smoothly when players join. They should have fun from their first login on. Compare it to real world theater: the public only gets to see a "finished production", not a work in progress.
  • The second milestone is the fact, that we need a few admin tools to effectively run the server. We are depending on the devs to implement those features and grant them to our server or gamemasters. We need at least the ability for gamemasters (GMs) to see an admin map, as well as being able to teleport actors. Without the map we are unable to find you in game and without teleport we cannot bring actors to a location near you. Chenarus is too big to run the server without those two features (otherwise there won't be much interaction with the actors, most of the time they will be running from location A to B, not knowing if they find anyone to interact there).
  • Also it would be great to be able to spawn items like clothes, food and drink but that would be the cherry on top of the cake. 
  • Please note that gamemasters are not "playing" on the server at PRIME TIME, they are "directing" in game interactions. Only GMs will have have access to those admin features. No character you meet ingame will have those powers. GM's only use those powers on event actors and extras so you have a great experience and a lot of fun in game. I will monitor the GMs myself to make sure those powers are not abused and GMs will be chosen from the most mature and trustworthy people from the staff.

There is no ETA on Private Hives, there is no ETA on the admin features. So I can't tell you right now when the server will be available. But this gives us time to think, plan, write and develop the financial plan. As stated, I will keep everyone informed about any updates. 


EDIT: One clarification for Hells High: We are planning on having admins and mods online 12/7, not 24/7. I don't think there will be a lot of players online at 6 in the morning, so you don't need an admin online all the time. I am thinking about admins online from 3pm to 3am (15:00 - 03:00). Maybe it's even enough for them to be online from 4pm-2am. But we need to find that out when the server is live.

Edited by Kassander
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The second milestone is the fact, that we need a few admin tools to effectively run the server. We are depending on the devs to implement those features and grant them to our server or gamemasters. We need at least the ability for gamemasters (GMs) to see an admin map, as well as being able to teleport actors. Without the map we are unable to find you in game and without teleport we cannot bring actors to a location near you. Chenarus is too big to run the server without those two features (otherwise there won't be much interaction with the actors, most of the time they will be running from location A to B, not knowing if they find anyone to interact there).

  • Also it would be great to be able to spawn items like clothes, food and drink but that would be the cherry on top of the cake. 
  • Please note that gamemasters are not "playing" on the server at PRIME TIME, they are "directing" in game interactions. Only GMs will have have access to those admin features. No character you meet ingame will have those powers. GM's only use those powers on event actors and extras so you have a great experience and a lot of fun in game. I will monitor the GMs myself to make sure those powers are not abused and GMs will be chosen from the most mature and trustworthy people from the staff.


None of that is ever going to happen for DayZ server hosters, "game masters", administrators, players or anybody for that matter.

Edited by ColinM9991

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Hi Colin! 


Do you have any source for your statement? I know it is a hot topic to discuss admin features and I will refrain from doing so, cause it will only end up in a flame war.


In the end, it's up to the developers to decide if they want to implement it or not. We can only show what possibilities and scenarios open up when they implement them. I stated why I need those features for and justified their use. 


If those features are not implemented we have to scrap our server-idea or heavily transform it. But I haven't seen any official statement about that. If you got more info, please share it with us.

Edited by Kassander

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Read the various threads on the forums.


On top of that, what stops one from using the Vote as Admin thus teleporting to players and killing them?

If it's included in the code, then what stops players from extracting the PBO files, finding the call backs and creating an injected file that will utilize those call backs so they can freely cheat or hack in servers.


Along with those two, put these in to every server and you have administrators spawning items for themselves and their friends, teleporting their friends because it's "easier than running around the map", they teleport themselves out of action to avoid being killed etc.


It has been questioned for a very very long time and every time the answer has been no, unless of course you wait for one of those "Private Hives" that you see on the likes of Tunngle and use them; but you won't find this anywhere near the 'Rocket' Hive.


My guess is that you begin thinking of a contingency plan for when that day does come.

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Colin, I very much understand your arguments. Releasing those features without securing that they won't be abused is a grave danger for the whole game. But as far as people told me, those features are already in the code and available via dirty hacks/scripts. I can't confirm that, cause that's not a road I want to walk down.


As stated in my last post we will wait for Private Hives to appear. We will see what admin features are available with the release of Private hives. If we can run the server with these features, we will open the server to the public after finishing our rehearsal period. If not, we will try to convince the devs as well as the public that the reward is worth the risk by inviting streamers and (of course) the developers to try the server out. 

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I can say that those features are not already in the code because I have looked at the code from extracting the PBO files. The only reason hacks exist now is because there are some exploits which are being worked on; they wouldn't work so much on anti-cheat and closing doorways just to open them again for the benefit of making a video, or so live streamers can see an admin abuse his powers to get views.


Try to convince the devs, it sounds like you're new to DayZ because I think everybody here knows that the chances of that happening are 0 to 1.


P.S; "the reward is worth the risk by inviting streamers and (of course) the developers to try the server out." That is the most ridiculous thing on these forums.


The devs develop admin tools for ONLY your server?.


P.P.S; Once again, I am not talking about a "Dean Hall private hive", I am talking about a "Tunngle Private Hive"; in which case your server won't be whitelisted, in fact it will probably just be blacklisted from the entire DayZ server browser.

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