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Make drab/dark/green/camo clothing more rare?

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The customization aspect of DayZ SA is pretty great. Choosing between a baseball cap, gasmask, Payday mask, Russian fuzzy hat (forget the name, haha), etc..


But at the moment, I'm pretty confident that most, if not all people drop their bright color clothing for the drab, preferably green clothing in order to camoflauge themselves. Which is a smart move but ultimately, since those green/gray/camo colors are so common, everyone eventually looks the same after about an hour of playing.


At the moment, the only time you ever see someone in a bright yellow raincoat or pink hat is within the first 20 minutes of the game usually. People only wear them to get the extra space to put loot and swap them out as soon as they find a green raincoat or hoodie. 


So with all that said, should the more earthtone colored clothing/gear be rarer? So we have a more diverse, less military presence? Obviously I'm not saying they should be removed completely but I feel like in order to deck yourself out in all green/camo, it should take a while. Until then we'll see more people wearing orange and red and yellow and finding a drab piece of clothing would then become more exciting as you eventually gear your character to be less of a walking target.


The obvious con of this would be bandits who are fully decked out being able to see their 'prey' a lot easier but is that drawback enough? As it stands, the bright colored clothing is basically useless save for the first half hour of a player's life before they swap it out for something green.



Edited by serenityrick

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i think the clothing aspect of the game is good where it is now.  Im sure more custimation will be added in the future.

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I would think that the earthtone clothes are just as common as the other ones, which they basically already are in the game right?

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You can get all that on the school in Elektro if you want to go there. Let me know and I'll meet you


Just kill urself please.


Every military item including clothes should be VERY rare and spead through all map randomly.

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You can get all that on the school in Elektro if you want to go there. Let me know and I'll meet you


You are really trying... It's just not working for you :D

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Yeah, ofcourse people will want to end up with camo clothing.

However, given the option, i would wear a complete black suit, which without the backpack, is silly atm.


Things will change with more options, no use to discuss rarity right now with the limited options.

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A green hoody or jacket isn't rare, nor military.

To be honest, IRL you hardly see the flashy stuff. If you wear a flashy yellow jacket here, people will look at you funny. It's good the way it is atm.

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funny... I avoid the green clothing because it is what everyone wears.. I prefer either a hero outfit (White check shirt + Bluejeans), black clothing (Black Cargo pants + Black Tactical Shirt), or Brown clothing (Brown Hunter Pants + Tan Tactical Shirt or Brown Hoodie).


While bright colors DO stand out, there are plenty of non-military dark/drab colors in the game.. That said, I would like to see a greater variety of clothing and I wouldn't mind if they reduced the spawn rates of military camo by quite a bit.

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I would think that the earthtone clothes are just as common as the other ones, which they basically already are in the game right?


Uh.. yeah. That's my point, haha. My question is should they be LESS common so that players have to deal with red/blue/orange/yellow clothing a little bit longer and make the drab/camo stuff more of a rare find?

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I dont mind the way it is now, but i would like even more clothing items in the future. the more options the more everyone looks different... which is ultimatly where things need to be if there isnt going to be any form of floating usernames or anything... I would however still like to see some form of handshake system where if you "shake hands" with someone they have some sort of identification that lets you know who they are even if they take all they're clothes off and are just the standard model. the problem is just figuring out what they identification would be without being too unrealistic...

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There should be an armband like the Germans had, but white and with a medic cross in the middle.

Edited by Ratiasu

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funny... I avoid the green clothing because it is what everyone wears.. I prefer either a hero outfit (White check shirt + Bluejeans), black clothing (Black Cargo pants + Black Tactical Shirt), or Brown clothing (Brown Hunter Pants + Tan Tactical Shirt or Brown Hoodie).


While bright colors DO stand out, there are plenty of non-military dark/drab colors in the game.. That said, I would like to see a greater variety of clothing and I wouldn't mind if they reduced the spawn rates of military camo by quite a bit.


I think people completely misunderstood my OP, haha. 


RIght now I actually think there is a good variety.. but whether it's a green raincoat, green shirt, green checked lumberjack shirt.. everyone would pick those colors over say, a red checked shirt. (I shouldn't say EVERYONE, as you said, some players will choose to give themselves more of a personality which is cool)


It doesn't matter how many more options they add in terms of colors or styles, people will generally always pick the drab colors. It's like saying "Everyone loves tacos and that's all they eat!" and someone saying "well if once they add a bunch of burgers in addition to the tacos, it'll be fine" well.. no.. since they'll continue to eat the tacos no matter how many burgers are added to the buffet. 


Heh, that was a weird metaphor. 


But perhaps some people here are right. I just know that whenever I play I always grab whatever new clothing I can no matter what color.. and then when I find a more drab color (grey/brown/black/green) I'll ALWAYS switch out my red/blue/yellow/orange piece of clothing for it. I assume most people do that.. and you can get decked out in drab/earthtone clothing within an hour of playing leaving the brighter colored (frankly, more interesting) clothing in the dust.

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I think people completely misunderstood my OP, haha. 


RIght now I actually think there is a good variety.. but whether it's a green raincoat, green shirt, green checked lumberjack shirt.. everyone would pick those colors over say, a red checked shirt. (I shouldn't say EVERYONE, as you said, some players will choose to give themselves more of a personality which is cool)


It doesn't matter how many more options they add in terms of colors or styles, people will generally always pick the drab colors. It's like saying "Everyone loves tacos and that's all they eat!" and someone saying "well if once they add a bunch of burgers in addition to the tacos, it'll be fine" well.. no.. since they'll continue to eat the tacos no matter how many burgers are added to the buffet. 


Heh, that was a weird metaphor. 


But perhaps some people here are right. I just know that whenever I play I always grab whatever new clothing I can no matter what color.. and then when I find a more drab color (grey/brown/black/green) I'll ALWAYS switch out my red/blue/yellow/orange piece of clothing for it. I assume most people do that.. and you can get decked out in drab/earthtone clothing within an hour of playing leaving the brighter colored (frankly, more interesting) clothing in the dust.

Seems like a typical thing to do during an apocalypse, tbh. It wouldn't make sense to make them rarer, from a realism/authenticity perspective. You see more people wearing calmer coloured clothing than flashy though. Even if it makes people prefer camo colour, I think it's normal and should stay like this. I'd love me some marine uniforms or police clothes, though... A military parade uniform... Dang.

Edited by Ratiasu
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Nah man. Green clothes are as common as red ones. It shouldn't be lowered imo.

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IMO, drab and dark clothes are more common in Cherno. But. Here might be some changes. We need more workers clothes (in such areas as factorys, ports, stations etc.). Padded jackets, overalls, kirza boots and so on.

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IMO, drab and dark clothes are more common in Cherno. But. Here might be some changes. We need more workers clothes (in such areas as factorys, ports, stations etc.). Padded jackets, overalls, kirza boots and so on.

French maid uniform...


Cat ears?





Would be a great 1/100000 drop chance thing...

Yea I know, immersion... >> Nvm... Though I still want me some nice female uniforms!

Edited by Ratiasu

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I like that everybody is using camo/green clothing. Makes it better for our group who prefers black. Black cargo pants, black hoodie/shirt/tactical shirt, black ushanka or bandana and dark combat boots. You wouldn't believe how easily we can regonize if somebody is not a part of our group.


I remember the first time my friend made it to the NWAF and asked how we looked. We just said that everybody green, wearing combat helmet and big colorful backpack is enemy, and pretty much everybody else is part of our group. EVERY SINGLE guy we encountered looked the same.


Also black seams to blend in with the nature better than green, atleast that's how it feels.

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French maid uniform...


Cat ears?





Would be a great 1/100000 drop chance thing...

Yea I know, immersion... >> Nvm... Though I still want me some nice female uniforms!


Female uniforms?



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Just kill urself please.


Every military item including clothes should be VERY rare and spead through all map randomly.


so mad at a game you have to demand he commit suicide? you really care about your realism.

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