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Dean "Rocket" Hall, may I ask a Favor?

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Tell me how they should do it! I don't mind the console peasants enjoing the SA, but with the current consoles it's impossible. Start accepting reality! They 'd need consoles with a 2.3+ GHz cpu and a graphics card, and that has yet to come.

This, and who wants to listen to the hundreds of thousands of cod kiddies who will buy the game because it is a zombie game, thinking it is like COD zombies and L4D., then complain about how hard it is and that it sucks because it is hard and want their money back. Then the inevitable thousands of people being banned for hacking on consoles who will then come the the forums, spamming all sections with "PLZ unbanz me, my bro used hax not me!" and all the "ULTRA PRO 360 QUICKSCOPE KILL STREAK!!!LULULUL!!" vids, I mean, you would have seen those videos online of people playing COD or BF and they have an epileptic fit all over their keyboard while jumping off something, some how managing to hit the guy they wanted to shoot.


Who? Who wants to sift through all that sh*t to get to the interesting content?




Ain't nobody got time for that.

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Man with the money people shell out for Next gen consoles. You can build a budget gaming build that will run games fine

you don't need a supercomputer to play most games (that's only to max em and still have em run good XD). But i hat when i see

a topic i can only buy ps4 and  Xbox 1 plz we need Dayz on it. It bugs me to no end. look around use the money and build a   budget gaming rig and such its not hard. Go round forums ppl will help you get the best for your money.


TL;DR- If you can afford Xbone or PS4 you can get PC



This, and who wants to listen to the hundreds of thousands of cod kiddies who will buy the game because it is a zombie game, thinking it is like COD zombies and L4D., then complain about how hard it is and that it sucks because it is hard and want their money back. Then the inevitable thousands of people being banned for hacking on consoles who will then come the the forums, spamming all sections with "PLZ unbanz me, my bro used hax not me!" and all the "ULTRA PRO 360 QUICKSCOPE KILL STREAK!!!LULULUL!!" vids, I mean, you would have seen those videos online of people playing COD or BF and they have an epileptic fit all over their keyboard while jumping off something, some how managing to hit the guy they wanted to shoot.


Who? Who wants to sift through all that sh*t to get to the interesting content?




Ain't nobody got time for that.



It is to me highly entertaining to hear that someone out there in the world thinks that consoles are a more affordable gaming platform. You can do so much with a PC for completely free as well as take advantage of so many gaming discounts. PC is -by far- the most cost-efficient gaming solution, it is not even close. I personally think it is the unfortunate combination of being poor -and- lazy that draws people to the conclusion that consoles are the best solution for them.


PC gaming master race is superior in every way imaginable to console diddling. If you are of the underrace that undoubtedly is console gaming then it ought to be abundantly clear that asking for DayZ is indeed reaching far above your station.



Thank you guys :)


The deal with consoles is that they are plug and play. To properly build and maintain a PC some knowledge and determination is required. This is what truly separates the master race from the peasants. The will to not just take what you get, but to make what you want! This difference in mindset is the reason for the superiority. (besides specs, graphics, and fps)


Only a peasant could ask for DayZ to be ported to consoles because "this can be done in a couple months". Anyone with marginal knowledge of PC's and the VR engine know's a DayZ port to current consoles is impossible!

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You say you can't afford a pc yet you can afford a $550 - $700 console? There are pc's that are only worth $500 and can run this game at smooth frames on high...

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Come on dude, get real. VR can't utilize more than 3 cores, it's bee like that for the last 5 years! Let me ask you, what kind of CPU do you have? Underclock it to 1.75 GHz, and even with a titan you won't get playable frames, let alone with out a graphics card at all/having the other 5 cores of that amd render it.

Seriously, I can't understand why people love consoles, but that doesn't matter : They. Don't. Have. The. Specs. for it. I'm sorry, but they just don't! No amount of optimisation will ever make the RV engine fit on a 1.75 GHz cpu! No matter how many cores! It's just unrealistic, and Dean should have known before waking false hopes! Talk with anyone who knows anything about the RV engines, and they'll tell you that on a 1.75, heck even on a 2 GHz CPU you won't get two didget frames!

You need to spend less time looking up computer specs and more time just playing videogames.

I mean DAAAMMNN! Seriously?

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You need to spend less time looking up computer specs and more time just playing videogames.

I mean DAAAMMNN! Seriously?


You would rather ppl spout off fake specs and such than actually researching and giving a legit answer as to why it can't happen?


Edited by Kruger287
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You can actually map a controller to DayZ right now if you wish to test it out. It's not a great experience at all and this is coming from someone who likes playing on console as well. They would really need to come up with a really intuitive way to play DayZ in it's current form. Like I even had a hard time just moving/looking around effectively while still being able to communicate, change view and shooting etc. But still had no way to use the inventory or the hotbar. Possibly the touchpad on the DS4 could do the job. But I doubt it.


The one advantage consoles do have is that it is all the same hardware so that could help in the matter of making the game run and playable.


If they sorted controller mapping and performance then I don't see an issue releasing on PS4. But if they can't figure that stuff out then It will never happen.

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Heck, my pc is 5 years old and I can run it at around 50 fps. You can afford a cheap pc to play on dude.

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If someone can afford a console on release, I can guarantee that they can afford an OK pc within a couple of months of saving.


Microsoft and Sony were boasting about the "power" of their next-gen consoles before release, but they're still ridiculously slow compared to a PC such as mine, which isn't even amazing, but it can play most games. If you tried to run Arma II on normal quality, with none of that optimisation magic devs do for console, both the PS4 and Xbox One would keel over, foaming at the mouth and die.  


Sticks are also awful for shooter games, so cross-platform servers would be hilarious. You'd have console players spraying 60 rounds down a street at you, failing to hit you. That, or they have ultra low sensitivity and take 10 minutes to do a full 360.

Edited by Musketeer
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I'm a fan of keyboard and mouse. But there is something a controller can do better than mouse and keyboard. It's this analog thing. Think in terms of leaning and such.

And you can do more different actions than just those 12 buttons, because you can combine it for instance A+LT/RT.

i like mouse and keyboard to but then the game is ready and the most problem are solved it's a good idea.
I know people that can handle the stick same as me the mouse so why not?

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If you would have any common sense, you would see that there is no "visible difference" between 30fps and 60fps.. slowing it down, yes, at realtime, no.

You, dear sir, have never played Quake III Arena. There is a monstrous difference between 30fps and 60fps. Monstrous. You will see it in your reaction time.


You could, if you wished, build a Steam Box for for your livingroom, buy Valve's controller and call it a console. You could then play DayZ in your livingroom with a controller. That's as far as I'd go.


Repent of thy peasantry....

Edited by Nereus77
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I'm bit of a PC elitist, usually i dont want games I love (which isnt many) to go to the console peasents just out of spite but I think Dayz sa should be spread as far and wide as possible so that console gamers can see this awesomeness and understand you dont needall  those bullshit indicators on your screen that most games do, telling you whats happening in game to have a super good time.




I don't really see how DayZ would work on a console as i count i use atleast 16+ keys when playing DayZ.


An Xbox One or PS4 controller as i understand has around 12 buttons or so.

If theres a will theres a way.. I'm sure they would work that out with relative ease to be honest

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If you would have any common sense, you would see that there is no "visible difference" between 30fps and 60fps.. slowing it down, yes, at realtime, no.


And this is why you are a console peasant.



The brain can distinguish it, but at REALTIME, the Human EYE , cannot distinguish difference. People believe that they can see the difference, when you really cannot... go ahead and starr at a screen for hours and try to find the diffence... crytek proved it bud..


The eye can see the difference and it's very noticeable in high motion scenes. This is why they make TVs with refresh rates of  50hz and above. Besides, you don't play games with just your eyes. Games are interactive and require player input to move and rotate your character, etc. It's extremely easy to feel the difference between 30fps and 60fps, especially in a first-person shooter. I can feel the difference between 120fps and 240fps in other fast-paced FPS games.

Edited by oxide
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If your parents can afford to buy you an Xbox one/PS4 you can surely ask them to buy a PC equal worth or chuck in like $200 more. I built mine about 2 and a half years ago for $900 and it runs DayZ SA like a charm.

Or you could get a job

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You need to spend less time looking up computer specs and more time just playing videogames.

I mean DAAAMMNN! Seriously?


Start accepting reality. It's impossible.

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Yes there is.



Its much cheaper to build a desktop PC though.

Alienware is overpriced. It's like Apple, but worse. And a gaming PC doesn't have a locked bios and decent expansion capabilities. Plus, a laptop version of for example a graphics card, is mever on par with their desktop counterpart. Usually  they're a renamed, older gen desktop card.

Edited by Ratiasu

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I just binned my gtx560ti and fx6100. Let me se if they are still there and I can post it to you, for free*.

The rest you can buy when you sell your console..

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I can feel the difference between 120fps and 240fps in other fast-paced FPS games.

No you can't :(

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My computer is probably worth less (today, 2010 price 600$) than a PS4 and I can play it with medium settings (auto). But the best is when you put all on lowest so it doesn't drop too much in Cherno or when zooming.

And just to add, this PC is Acer straight from the factory, never had a part changed.

Edited by Sutinen

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i just pray every day that my 8 year old 250 gig maxtor dosent die..its my steam hdd. :D


but its kinda common sense that if they make it past the 5-7 year line they prolly hold up for a while.


I have this thing for so long and might swap it for a hybrid drive soon.

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel

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