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when will there be more weapons in dayz SA

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my qeustion is the weapons and vehicles stuff like that cause the weapons are getting boring to use since there's little options m4a1 mosin and fnx2  and the new released magnum snipers would be nice at least not a magnum 

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Snipers will ruin this game if they put out a few more...I like it that there aren't 500 weapons heck an axe is all you need right now...1 CHOP and they are out cold.

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there was a time when you could be killed by a sniper rifle from 1.6km away in DayZ.. the tears though in the forums was something else..

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No, they're going to keep it at four weapons FOREVER.


/end sarcasm

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i don't understand how they will ruin this game but ok 

If you have 40 players on a server and 36 of them are just sitting in 1 spot waiting 20 hours to sniper someone I believe it would ruin this game...Everyone would be scared to take a leak.

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There's already plenty of confirmed weapons.  Give them time, this isn't just an Alpha, it's an early access Alpha.



2 Shotguns are already confirmed, and a crossbow among other things.

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If you have 40 players on a server and 36 of them are just sitting in 1 spot waiting 20 hours to sniper someone I believe it would ruin this game...Everyone would be scared to take a leak.

And guess what, there is nothing wrong with that situation. It is one of the great things about Dayz. Cause no matter how many snipers there are in game, each one can be snuck up on and taken out. Or they can be avoided by being careful and observant. The tension such a situation would create would be great. 


It would never happen though. Someone would make a mistake eventually and then all hell would break loose. Patience is the key.


But besides that. OP needs to, oh I don't know, read the freaking announcements or maybe browse the fucking general forums for 5 minutes and he would have had his answer.

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If you have 40 players on a server and 36 of them are just sitting in 1 spot waiting 20 hours to sniper someone I believe it would ruin this game...Everyone would be scared to take a leak.


I'm waiting for them to add the feature where you have to actually stop what your doing to take a dump.  This will make me the happiest person alive and make DayZ SA that much better....I mean just imagine running through the woods stumbling upon someone leaning up against a tree making the groans as if he was hurt....I find that hilarious

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God dammit, so much bean worthy material, but no beans to give... Orlok!!

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