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finally found the clip to this pistol..

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while looting  [that big city everyone kills themselves to get to]
i found a clip for my gun, as i walked passed the magnum revolver and outside a player ran up to me
he had no gun, but i pointed my gun at him because i know what fist can do.
he said friendly, my mic wasn't plugged in so he couldn't hear my [calming and soothing voice]
that would of detered what had to happen..

we both ran in different directions
I was running and calculating, checking the player count [only 3 people]  DANGEROUS

i didn't see him as i was running to the building, i was kinda out in the open but still didn't see him.
as i began looting the building i saw some ammo that i used to collect but it didn't fit into my pistol. > . >
o and i saw a magnum, while i was looking around  he came up and started punching me
prob got 4 good punches on me before i sprayed him.  4 punches.. i could of been knocked out.

i was pissed af seeing as i had to use most of my clip, then i started taking apart my gun and realized I NEEDED THAT AMMO!

but I couldnt go back and get it.... there was a zombie down there....<.<
think im gonna waste a bullet, or risk getting cut? nah..


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Stop acting high and mighty. It's a common mistake. You obviously knew what he meant.


I'm not going to lie, sometimes it irks be a little.  Mainly because local thugs always call magazines "clips".


I know the OP probably has just never learned the difference until now.

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Why yes, yes they are.



I remember taking our Garands up to some mountains in Virigina (among an assortment of other firearms).  The Gun Store my father worked for at the time held an annual "blast-a-thon", which is your typical mindless expenditure of ammunition at various targets.


That year we happened to have some manhole covers among the items to be ruined with gunfire.


One guy managed to take the AP rounds we brought and saw the manhole cover in half :)  I wish I still had the picture of him holding up the two pieces and smiling ear to ear.

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Stop acting high and mighty. It's a common mistake. You obviously knew what he meant.


It's in the item description.  Just because it's a common mistake doesn't make it an acceptable one.


Consider my correction a public service.  This is how the forums learn. lol

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