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How to check temperature/blood level?

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How to check temperature/blood level?


Example, how do you know how cold it is? and how do you know your blood level besides your screen will become grayish.

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Temperature isn't implemented yet as far as I know, and there's no way to really know what your blood level is.

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Temperature not here yet as stated above.

This is how you check blood:

Black and white = bad, find a saline bag and iv starterkit and stuff

Kinda bleached but you still see color = You should be good, just don't get shot up or step on any suspicious looking rocks (get a bloodbag with your bloodtype or regen by being healthy)

Full color = You're good

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First of all, thank you both.


Secondly, can you use the Saline bag and IV start kit on yourself (I have both and am very close to a hospital if i need anything else) ? Why shouldn't I step on any "suspicious looking rocks" or where will they be? And finally how do I check what type of Blood is in a Blood Bag?


I have all of this stuff I just don't know how to use it lol


Thanks to the both of you again!

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First of all, thank you both.


Secondly, can you use the Saline bag and IV start kit on yourself (I have both and am very close to a hospital if i need anything else) ? Why shouldn't I step on any "suspicious looking rocks" or where will they be? And finally how do I check what type of Blood is in a Blood Bag?


I have all of this stuff I just don't know how to use it lol


Thanks to the both of you again!


You cannot use a bloodbag or saline bag on yourself, you need someone else to do it.

Don't step on rocks because they are glitchy as fuck :p

And you cannot tell what type of blood is in a bloodbag. The game only spawns in empty bloodbags that you need to fill yourself. As with applying a bloodbag, you cannot take your own blood. To know what bloodtype you have, you need a Blood Testing Kit.


Hope this is helpfull :)

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Is it possible to use the pens to write on already filled bloodbags? Truthfully or not :)


Haven't tried myself yet but if no-one knows I can give it a whirl later

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