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its a shame about the leader board

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number one zombie killer and survivor is a hacker i know this for a fact as im banned from TAW server for calling him out onit

his attitude stunk and replie was its my server ill hack it if i want

just thought id point this out for those who want to get on the board LEGITIMATELY

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Jinzo, if you were banned simply for calling someone out on cheating, inform one of the DayZ devs with a screenshot.

(If we're talking about Tonic, then proving this shouldn't be difficult. He's proudly and publicly proclaimed his exploiting on the forums.)

It's been stated again and again that the 'I pay for the server' defense simply isn't good enough, and those people will not be tolerated running servers.

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i simply dont join TAW servers because i caught him on his server spawning shit and telporting

long story short killed him he teleported right in front of me said dont kill me on my server then killed me

a heated discussion ensued i left never to return :)

just thought id give those that care a heads up

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He doesn't hack, he admins alot of taw servers and uses admin tools to spawn himself stuff on the servers, he also hosts us 1 and 2. Just dont ever play on his servers, tonic doesnt ever like to play by his own rules (see Wasteland). In a previous thread about his he siad he alt+f4s to avoid death the majority of the time he plays, shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that knows him. And if you guys ever have proof of him cheating on his DayZ servers, please report it rather than bitch about it without any evidence of it happening.

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The Day-Z team is way too nice. They probably don't have the heart to remove TAW_Tonic's servers, but I have seen the same.

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Refresh my memory, when have I ever cheated on DayZ? Other then the usual people proclaiming disconnecting to avoid death twice as cheating.

Before you go around saying this you should actually stop and think.

First off, the only time i've ever spawned anything in my own server was on my own mission Wasteland, my mission, my server, my rules.

DayZ US 1 & 2 hosted by me, that is a different story, it may be my server but it is not my project, my mission, therefor I hold no rights to do as I please on it and therefor I don't.

Before you go around spreading stuff like that you need to have facts in place, and if you're the same person that comes to mind, If I recall I watched you teleport straight to me on my Wasteland server so therefor I banned you, you have already been removed from Dev-Heaven so you are not a creditable source.

Secondly before more confusion is spread about TAW, I do NOT administrate TAW servers nor are my actions relfected of TAW. What I do on my server on my mission wasteland is in my free time in my own environment, you are not obligated to stay or play on that server. So again, before you go off to DayZ or TAW you need to have proper facts.

Now, if you ever have proper proof of me ever cheating within DayZ then by all means, post the proof, and I will happily resign from the DayZ Team, but again, DayZ is not my project so therefor I do not hold the rights to 'do as I please' And I play the gamemode as is.

Have a nice day.

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Either you are guilty, extremely young, or both Tonic. A more mature person who wasn't guilty wouldn't even feel the urge to respond to a thread like this. They would simply ignore it.

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Ignoring things has never been in my nature, I must always poke my head into things. I just don't approve of people trying to bash my name without proper facts. I have nothing to hide, do I give myself vehicles on my mission wasteland that I built on my server? Yes. Do I do it on DayZ or any other server? No.

I simply have nothing to hide but my age (You caught me I am of course only 20).

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Tonic has always been an abusive server admin. I can't remember what mod it was because I took a long break from ARMA2 but I remember all the behaviors listed here, spawning helicopters for himself. Spawn killing large groups of players, kicking players who managed to kill him. Wouldn't be a stretch to believe he is still up to the same nonsense.

"Its my server i derp what i derp"

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