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What should I do if I start out in that spawn northeast of Tulga?

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I've been spawning a lot lately near the spawn near Tulga and that 3 house "town". Its the worst spawn for me and I hate starting there because it takes forever for me to get a backpack, an axe and some decent clothes. Where should I go when I start there so I can get the basics (food, axe, clothes etc.) quickly?

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Polana town, There's Heaps of houses, and a supermarket, then from there you can head to berezino or the Airfield.

You can also try hitting polana factory for a backpack, they seem to spawn the 35 slot ones pretty commonly, Best of luck.

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First go to Tulga. Then Msta and Staroye. Not many people stay around to totally loot these places so they are good to find some food and drink. Also Shakhofka is underrated too. Theres some wrecked cars that can spawn guns or Fire Axes. Then to Polana like everybody else, so beware.

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Head north to Polana, then hit Berenzino for the hospital and two groceries. Then north to North East Airfield. 

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I would go up the coast a bit till you reach the three valleys area, then head inland cut across the hill towards Dolina and then again across the hill towards the Factory that is between Polana and Orlovets

the to Polana, it has a grocery store and some bigger town residential buildings. At that point you can decide if going to Berezino and NEAF or head West towards Stary Sobor and NWAF

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