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peters (DayZ)

Help - Stuck at "Loading" screen

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Hello guys.

Since today I can't manage to play DayZ anymore. I already asked for help in the irc channel but no solutions.

What I have already tried.

• Have you tried to restart Arma II? Steam? Computer?


• Is your Arma II or DayZ Mod files up to date?

--> CHECK using ARMA2_OA_Build_93965 and DayZ Mod

• Have you tried to update battle-eye recently? Install? Reinstall?

--> CHECK Yes it shows 1.156. Up-to-date when connecting

• Have you tried searching the forum?

• Did you check the other stickied threads yet?

--> YES but no solution that was mentioned helped.

I also reinstalled ARMA2 / OA / latest Beta patch / and DayZ Mod again but the problem still appears.

Before the problem happened for the first time I logged in to my character and I was at 300 blood and on a different location and everything was grey. But I am sure when I logged out the last time I had like 9000 and wasn't at that location. I died. I pressed Abort -> disconnect -> Ok again to respawn. Then I spawned at the same location with the same gear and 300 blood again. The corpse from my last death was still on the ground and I was instantly death again. So I disconnected from the server and tried another one then I was stuck at the "Loading" screen for the first time and since then the problem appears. I tried other servers but it doesn't help.

In IRC I got told to wait a while and try again but it didn't help either.

I'm really lost and don't know what to do. I hope I can get some help here. Just want to start exploring chernarus again :(.

Regards peters

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I just tried to play the game on my laptop but the same problem occurs :(.

Another guy ( http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=18394 ) had the same problem because he just installed the beta patch but didn't use the new beta executable.

I'm sure I am running the beta. It also shows the new version number in the main menu. So it seems to be a different problem.

Suggestions anyone?

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We discussed this further on IRC and I got told my character is maybe corrupt..

Ok so I installed my friends ArmA 2: CO and used his cd-keys and guess what it worked. I was able to get on servers again but I had his character of course. I wanted to make sure the problem is not on my side. After that I reinstalled again using my keys and the problem was there again...

So do I need to rebuy the game or is there a chance that I ever will get help with this?

I really want to continue playing.

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Same here. Constant "connection" issues with Day Z today... Played perfectly fine yesterday...

If i'm not stuck at "Loading", then i'm "Waiting for character to create" or if i by some chance get ingame, i lose connection very shortly after...

Guess i won't be playing Day Z today.

Before you ask.

Yes, Mod version, and yes latest beta patch 93965, and yes reinstalled and downloaded(multiple times), and yes i only join updated servers, and yes i can play every other online games without any problems at all, and yes none of this works...

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I've had issues with DayZ before, mainly creating character and it never does, I believe thats caused by the servers itself, normally I click another two servers and I eventually get on the game if that happens as to reguards to "Daikoi"

As for "peters" and many others including myself I'm experiencing also the same issue with DayZ now with the screen after you join a server takes your eventually to a black screen with the phrase "Loading" sometimes a white bar above it, and sometimes can hear sounds like rain/ocean/and odd crow. Ever since the "Lastest Patch", But alas no matter what i do "Loading" still remains and never seems to shift or budge. I challenged this "Loading" for a hour to see if eventually it'd let me on the server... alas no.

So I tried a few other servers... Same issue again. My brother used the same old version of the DayZ, and updated his too today with the latest version, first he did a manual install, alas he ended up with the same issue. Then he tried the DayZ installer/launcher... Again same issue!


In Theory the problem is DayZ itself, the latest version up at the moment seems to give 80% of people playing DayZ an endless loading screen that will not budge or go away.

If you look all over the Forums you'll find alot more people reporting with the same sort of issue yet this issue hasn't been flagged or bumped because the game is hard enough without this issue atm to get online, and most people just give up and play something else rather than think atm theres a actual problem.

Me and my brother have completely different Comps, one highly advanced and one slightly average. Yet the problem persists so it isn't a Hardware problem, as i've also tried it on my Dads laptop too. Same issue!

Answer: Consider the game mod DayZ officially "Broken" until enough Players come forward, bump and report it.

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Well, I'm just gonna write a simple THEORY down here, I am not even sure if that's the issue or not, that's just something that came across my mind. I think that's a problem the server host is having, he probably messed up with one of the required files. Does that happen on every server you try to get one? Quick question...

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Ofc, Room for plenty more. I can see this thread getting very full, very fast.

Hopefully with enough people directed to this thread this will get the attention of the DayZ Modders, and a hotfix will eventually be released to fix the issue for everyone. :)

I've tried 10-15 Servers that i've managed to connect to "TheSexyGoat" including UK ones, EU ones, American ones and Russian which are empty due to its nighttime over there.

Same issue, plus everyones experiencing it too in a mass amount.

Try yourself installing the latest patch files released, and see the problem for yourself.

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Yup. Same problem here.

I do get a lot of 'Bad Version, server rejected connection' errors, but when I don't I just get stuck on the 'Loading' screen.

In fact I just powered up DayZ, connected to a server, left the house, went to the shops, brought some milk came back home and it was still 'Loading'.

V 1.7.1 worked great for me and I got a fair few hours played, but none of the subsequent releases have worked for me. The version I'm currently using is the one downloaded via torrent.

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I experience the exact same problems but only when my ping exceeds around 150, when it's lower I can connect fine to the vast majority of servers. Yet when it hits over that, in come the infinite load screens and bad server versions.

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servers i connect to are useally low ping. range from 30-70 at max. When playing with friends I might be higher if we all wanna consider to join the same server. however to do that the game must work first. Alas isn't the case. Isn't a Ping problem mine and my brothers end as we deliberately choose the lowest ping servers first b4 aiming higher, In all cases didn't work.

I agree with "Splendid" tho, older version 1.7.1 worked fine, (still the whole logging onto a server issue, but when u got a server you were on the game) Alas haven't got the old game files to revert to that and find a server in that version.

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Bumping the thread in the hopes that someone who can do something will see it.

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Same here I'm afraid, oddly i have been able to connect to the odd server or two, but haven't been able to get past "loading" for a few days now.

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Just so Dayz knows...I am the lead game reviewer at Soentertain.me and we have been trying to fix this for four days now. We hear this game is epic and would love to cover it but I can't do anything if I can't even get off the loading screen.

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Yeesh. Same thing here, I don't know if I'm relieved or not that so many other people are experiencing it. I mean, it sucks, but the more people having the issue the more likely it gets resolved.

I also seem to get some sort of file not found (something about weaponfile I think) prompt inbetween joining a server and the loading screen, so I'm just going to keep attempting to join servers in case I'm just attempting to log onto a whole bunch of out of date hosts.

Shame, too, just got this Friday

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