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About Infaro

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  1. Infaro

    Help - Stuck at "Loading" screen

    Bump. Really getting tired of this.
  2. The patch notes stated that server owners would have the OPTION to enable/disable this part of the game. It never said it was disabled on all servers. It sucks, yes, but you read incorrectly.
  3. Infaro

    Help - Stuck at "Loading" screen

    Bumping the thread in the hopes that someone who can do something will see it.
  4. Bump, really starting to lose my patience with this. None of my friends are having this issue and I've gotten no help. As the replies can show, I doubt I'm the only one with the problem. I sent an email with an RPT file containing any potential information I had to the dev team.
  5. Bump. Would a dev or someone care to chime in on what's going on?
  6. Infaro

    Help - Stuck at "Loading" screen

    Posting as I have this very same issue. Also bump.
  7. Judging from the RPT file I'd say it's an issue on the DB end. I also get an odd issue where, perhaps, 95% of the servers I try to join result in me getting an "Authentication Timeout", which seems to have no solution. It's rather annoying having to find the servers that don't stop at the player selection screen.
  8. bumping for assistance
  9. Hi, I've been having trouble today with connecting to DayZ servers. I was playing last night just fine and now I seem to be unable to connect to any servers. When I get in, I go to the player select screen, then my game seems to just cease loading right before it would normally place me in the game. It displays the word "Loading" with a full progress bar, then nothing. I take it to mean there is likely an issue regarding the hive problems earlier today, but my friends seem to be getting in without any trouble. Any assistance would be appreciated, I've tried all the standard procedures like reinstalling the mod, updating, etc... but to no avail. Thanks! EDIT: After perusing my RPT file, the last entry in the file states the following : *** Player identity cannot be applied on person 2:0 (29720080# 1056044: proxy_man.p3d REMOTE) - player 125784057 not found May that be an issue?
  10. Infaro

    Wait for host

    I'm getting stuck not on "Wait for host" but at the loading bit just before you get dropped ingame. It says "Loading" with a filled up bar, and then just sits there. Hoping my character didn't get cast into the debug wilderness but even if he did, it's not the worst thing in the world I suppose.
  11. If BattleEye simply checked for debuggers/memory editors during gameplay sessions a large portion of hackers would be removed. As it stands, there's nothing stopping people from basically telling the game that looking at the player list shouldn't actually bring up the player list, but execute one of their scripts. And the game happily goes "LOLOKAY" and executes whatever is given to it. It's not so much an issue with rocket as it is with the incompetence at BattleEye, whoever runs that (I don't think it's BI).
  12. I figured something like that was happening to spawn loot, but I wasn't entirely sure. It just makes things more convenient for rocket to add, then, should he consider this strategy.
  13. Right now there is no disincentive to being a bandit. You get what you want from other players and cannot be distinguished from otherwise wholesome players. What if the humanity system was revised to be something more along the lines of a "karma" system? The idea would be to reward players who don't just shoot other survivors with better item spawns around them. I'm not talking an M107 in a supermarket or something, but maybe a better chance at finding that compass you so desperately need, or that extra CZ550 mag that would make your life easier. Bandits, on the other hand, would receive less of these reward items, catering to their style of obtaining rare items by hunting other players. This way, survivors could choose to be rewarded by doing good, or try their luck on shooting freshly spawned noobs on the coast for their gear. Either way, it would allow both playstyles while hopefully curbing pointless deathmatching. Now, you may be asking how this could be done. My idea is this: instead of spawning loot simultaneously all over the server, spawn it when a player gets within view distance of it. If there is a group of players together, calculate their total karma to spawn loot. If some guy in your group of survivors has a low karma level, the group will receive markedly less loot, thus presenting the bandit with a reason to cooperate. This would work in tandem with the auto-regenerating humanity / the humanity gained by various assistance methods, so that bandits are not stuck in a hole due to their prior decisions. This would obviously have to be weighted properly and there would need to be some universal items unaffected by this system, but it could offer a reason for survivors to, you know, survive together. Just my 2 beans though, offer any thoughts/flaming/whatever you want.
  14. Infaro

    Epic Voice Guy: Lets Play DayZ

    I laughed a good bit. Our little crew has an Australian guy that sounds similar to you, though with a deeper and more aussie tint to it. Our aussie never got frustrated though, so it's funny to hear your commentary.