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Less gun porn

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I see a million threads about wanting this specific gun, more/less spawns of each and where they want them. I'm kinda bored with it.


I just want more civilian tools and (primarily) non-military based functions...


Swiss army knives, from basic ones with a single blade upto fully laden with a mini saw, magnifying glass and corkscrew

Fishing nets and hooks

String and crafting your own twine from natural materials

Flint and steels


Tinder boxes and different methods of fire lighting taking different time frames- flint and steel/magnifying glasses/rubbing sticks

Burns from mishandling fire (yes purposefully too for the bandits)

The ability (and necessity) to wear multiple layers for added warmth without just needing them for extra pockets

Hunting and skinning animals for furs as well as food, furs can be used for clothing or to catch a spark for firelighting.

Common colds and illnesses picked up just because someone sneezed near you (protected from with a gas/respiratory mask?)

Sickness from insect bites (malaria etc)

Foraging  of nuts, herbs (medicinal?), fruits + fungi. (Some poisonous elements as well for the bandits to forcefeed and unwary to foolishly eat)

Heatstroke AND hypothermia


I'm not a carebear whining about KOS, shit happens and it's 99% avoidable if you play intelligently and the few times I have been engaged by PVPers it wasn't me that died lol.


I just felt like making a thread about what the game actually needs to make it more of a survival game rather than just another thread demanding more/changed balance of PVP elements or whining about losing at PVP. I have no problem with PVP being in the game and appreciate the excitement it offers but there's a million threads on that already :)


Please post any further ideas below.





Some more threads I've seen with ideas beyond guns


General additions to complexity of tasks: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/160720-the-only-solution-for-dayz-simulation

Self-treatment of wounds: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/161763-medical-system-for-dayz-part-1-%E2%80%93-self-treatment-of-wounds/
Medical Treatment of others: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/161874-medical-system-for-dayz-part-2-emergency-care-for-other-players/


RP/Character Skills: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158954-the-value-of-a-character

Edited by phlOgistOn
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Since everyone's shy, I just salvaged another idea from an earlier thread - a sanity/insanity measure, affecting how you perceive the world, similar to Amnesia. Spend too long on your own, or get sick and you might hallucinate, seeing survivors as zombies. Get too thirsty and that disinfectant starts to look like a cold bottle of beer...or hungry and you'll start eating your own hat.


Yes this could potentially be used with the humanity system to affect a bandits perception of the world, but not necessarily in a way that will disadvantage them - they could just start seeing all unarmed survivors as zombies. probably won't affect their gameplay too much :D


Some kind of crazy looking eyes, not noticeable from a distance could be used to mark out players suffering like this - From a distance they look like anyone else, then you get close and see that vacant stare - is that a crazy hermit who's been drinking antifreeze? or a crazy stone cold killer? Maybe they're just doped up on too much morphine...Wait a minute, he's licking his lips like I'm a porkchop

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How about dropping some very rare seeds as game loot, then building your own secret herb farm deep in forest to protect  :lol:

Of course the final product should be something so valuable that everyone would comb the borderlands in hopes of finding treasures instead of drooling over some military loot.

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And I'd rather not have shotgun and hunting rifle porn, but instead a wide variety of different weapons for different situations. So I hope there will be a nice balance. Also, Malaria? in Central Europe? >< And no to anything that simulates a karma system or w/e. I mean seriously, no one will survive constantly eating and drinking stuff you can't identify. I can understand people getting tired of getting shot at, but if you stay in the small towns and forests, thats not gonna happen nearly as often.


Something needs to be done about server hoppers, and we need tents so people have a reason to stick to one server. 

You have been posting on this forums long enough now to know the community's stance on a karma system...

Edited by Ratiasu

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How about dropping some very rare seeds as game loot, then building your own secret herb farm deep in forest to protect  :lol:

Of course the final product should be something so valuable that everyone would comb the borderlands in hopes of finding treasures instead of drooling over some military loot.


Unless its a assault rifle garden no one will give two shits about your fruits/veggies

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How about dropping some very rare seeds as game loot, then building your own secret herb farm deep in forest to protect  :lol:

Of course the final product should be something so valuable that everyone would comb the borderlands in hopes of finding treasures instead of drooling over some military loot.


If they choose the right kinda herbs this could tie in quite nicely with the sanity thing I mentioned and would be valuable enough .oO


And I'd rather not have shotgun and hunting rifle porn, but instead a wide variety of different weapons for different situations. So I hope there will be a nice balance.


Craftable long bows...just find a yew tree, some string and spend a few hours whittling away in the woods with your swiss army knife :)

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Unless its a assault rifle garden no one will give two shits about your fruits/veggies

I was thinking about some kind of cloaking fumes against Zeds, rub it in your body and they wont bother you in some limited time  ;)

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I clicked on this thread because I saw porn in the title. You sir have disappointed me as well as probably most of the other people who have read it.


I also would like the seeds idea, but I do not want people going out to the most secluded area they can find without having to worry about "If I move this far away from the looting areas, it may cause problems when I run out of food".

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If they choose the right kinda herbs this could tie in quite nicely with the sanity thing I mentioned and would be valuable enough .oO



Craftable long bows...just find a yew tree, some string and spend a few hours whittling away in the woods with your swiss army knife :)


A normal person won't be able to craft a bow with enough accuracy and "string... force" for it to be useful, though. 

Edited by Ratiasu

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I agree x10


But truth be told, if you remove fully auto assault rifles you lose everyone playing under the age of 21....LOL


Dean has to pay the bills....


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I also would like the seeds idea, but I do not want people going out to the most secluded area they can find without having to worry


Don't worry I'll force feed you my seed when I see you.

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A normal person won't be able to craft a bow with enough accuracy and "string... force" for it to be useful, though. 


I doubt native american hunters would be strong enough to string or use a long bow either... it took years of training from childhood for the English and Welshmen to train up their arms to use these weapons effectively causing them to have mishapen bones in adulthood (larger left arms than right)


But perhaps more mundane hunting bows could be craftable, they only have a fraction of the 'draw weight' of a longbow (50 lbs rather than 100+) which is still plenty for killing game and unarmoured people and should be usable by most adults although the crafting would require some skill.


I agree x10


But truth be told, if you remove fully auto assault rifles you lose everyone playing under the age of 21....LOL


Dean has to pay the bills....



As I said in OP I don't want to remove PVP at all... just have a discussion about the other aspects of the game which make it unique from Arma... so far the only thing making it unique is the perma loss/griefing that the COD kiddies are revelling in. I'd rather not be discussing bows in this thread either, but they do have more of a hunting use due to their limited range and at least they're not gun porn...mostly (inb4 someone starts mentioning some absolutely-amaysing hunting xbow with 10000x zoom and counterbalances and whatnot).


Fetishising of weapons is something I don't care for, if they had just a plain hunting rifle (gonna say a Winchester just because of Shaun of the Dead and I don't know any others except for ones I've used in other videogames) I'd be happy that there were enough guns in the game...but then others seem to want every single gun from history, probably tanks, apache helicopters, mortars, sarin gas...war things too. PvP is just one aspect of direct player interaction in this game. Not all direct player interaction will be PvP and I hope a lot of the game won't need direct player interaction at all.


EDIT: I should clarify I don't mean that it won't need direct player interaction to be fun... I mean direct player interaction to function... so all the things mentioned above, don't necessarily need you to have squadmates and enemies...but they make the scope of the game broader in its interactions.

Edited by phlOgistOn

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a sports bow would be cool.


but what I would like to see even the crossbow with a scope and flashlight: D


feel your own Daryl Dixon: D

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Crossbows in dayz mod were fun. But they were no match for assault rifles. Players pwn you hard and fast...and you had to be really close to zombies for them to be affective. I just dont see if as an option with the horribly bugged AI we currently have in SA....


And Daryl Dixon is a fag. If it were a real SHTF walking dead, his dumb redneck ass would be carrying a gun and not a Dicks Sporting Goods xbow lol

Edited by BigCountry

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Although i hope to see stuff like that in the game, the work it takes to make new guns and the work needed for stuff like this is in no way comparable, its kind of kind of like comparing short stories to novels, so don´t be expecting stuff like this anytime soon. They should focus on the more important stuff right now anyway, like finding ways to fairly perma ban combat loggers and such. 

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I personally would love to see the return of the Crossbow, not because of hunting goods porn and whatnot but because it actually let me be bloody -stealthy- with a ranged weapon. I could go in to small towns and be dropping Zeds left and right, retrieving my ammunition as I went without a worry that I was telegraphing my position to every yahoo bandit in the region.


The best part was, getting the drop on some bandit because of that fact. Can't name the number of times I came in to a building (like an office or church) with good loot in it only to catch a bandit with their pants -totally- down and shove all 18 inches of that steel bolt right up his backside and get a kill in one or two hits. If he took more than one bolt, I just dropped my crossbow and pulled out my hatchet to finish him off.

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Different types of bows would be awesome to have in the game. They are silent and can be quite deadly at

even very long ranges. A bowman would make the woods a dangerous place to travel through. Would be perfect for

hunting animals to. No shot, no zombies= no people.

Edited by StayAlive

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I like the survival ideas started not to crazy about the mental degredation system lol i hope they do include more of the survival stuff as well ill hide away to the biggest section of COD BF players return to there games leaving pvp to having some reason rather than being shot at the spawn location for sport lol.(never realised surviving a zed apoc ment shooting every living thing that moved.)

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Sickness from insect bites (malaria etc)

That sounds like a horrible idea.

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Although i hope to see stuff like that in the game, the work it takes to make new guns and the work needed for stuff like this is in no way comparable, its kind of kind of like comparing short stories to novels, so don´t be expecting stuff like this anytime soon. They should focus on the more important stuff right now anyway, like finding ways to fairly perma ban combat loggers and such. 


Adding guns is mostly texture and modelling work done by the artistic team, not much of it is actual coding at all aside from inputting some numbers. The ideas in this thread are mostly gameplay oriented and so will be mostly coding work. SO yeah they'll take longer, but that's no reason for them not to be discussed in the forums - in fact being an alpha I'd warrant that these kinda ideas are more valuable for the devs to hear from the forums rather than just flicking through a weapons catalogue or requesting balancing which probably won't occur on a proper scale until the beta stage.


I expect guns will still be added regularly since it'll be separate parts of the team doing each task (although modellers and texture artists will be required for the assets mentioned here as well) and although personally I'm averse to jacking off over bits of metal designed to kill people, I don't wish to deny that pleasure from the people that are like that...of which there seem to be many.


I personally would love to see the return of the Crossbow, not because of hunting goods porn and whatnot but because it actually let me be bloody -stealthy- with a ranged weapon. I could go in to small towns and be dropping Zeds left and right, retrieving my ammunition as I went without a worry that I was telegraphing my position to every yahoo bandit in the region.


The best part was, getting the drop on some bandit because of that fact. Can't name the number of times I came in to a building (like an office or church) with good loot in it only to catch a bandit with their pants -totally- down and shove all 18 inches of that steel bolt right up his backside and get a kill in one or two hits. If he took more than one bolt, I just dropped my crossbow and pulled out my hatchet to finish him off.


^^ still just another weapon though, I hope for much more from this game.

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I'd like to see E-Tools, Gerbers/Leathermans, CamelBaks (PLEASE), 550 cord, Chem Lights, Tents/Nets (Camo), Sandbags, Flint and Stone, Zippo Lighters, Brass Knuckles, Nails to drive through bats, things of a more barbaric nature

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