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Chronos Blackburn

Welcome to the War! We need your intel reports.

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For anyone who does not know who we are, we are an outfit called [WCO] Whiskey Company.



Any bandit who has become our prisoner or any person new to the game that has come across us, will always remembered our name.


We actively hunt down bandits, but not your every day run of the mill scared person who is just defending themselves and KoS.


We hunt down those who are organized, who purposely go out of their way looking for innocent blood.


We do not assist in Clan vs Clan grudge matches, we only help those who do not have the muscle or friends to take on a group of organized bandits.




If you are new to the game, and have run into fully geared players who actively hunt fresh spawns, then we need the intel you have.





Any information you can give us would be helpful.




Screenshots of them using in-game chat

Number of them in the group

level of organization

Time they were playing

Server they were playing on

Location the event happened

Type of gear

Any odd accent you might of herd.


Any and all information that you can give will be helpful.


If you are actively being bandittized jump in our Teamspeak and if we are able we will send a squad over.


address: whiskeycompany.teamspeak3.com (We are not a large community, so we will not be able to assist 24/7)


If you are a bandit, and think you can lure us into a trap, then I invite you too. Would make our jobs easier.


Our enemy hides very well. It is extremley hard to hunt down people in DayZ with the ability to server hop and change your in-game name.


To all the bandits out their who think they can take us on. We all wear the [WCO] tags, hell jump in our Teamspeak and we will even tell you where we are. We are not hiding.




[if a mod could pin this, that would be helpful]

Edited by Chronos Blackburn
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Remember people snitches get stitches (try google images on the bold part, NSFW/gore) 

Edited by Chauz
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We spent the entire day server hopping from high pop server, to high pop server near all the starter areas.


We gave away a total of 11 Handguns, and not 1 survivor tried to use them against us.


We found and killed a total of 4 bandits, fully geared killing new spawns in Kamyshovo.


Nice work to everyone who gave us intel on what server these guys were in.


I am making a video about it, will be uploaded later this week.

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We spent the entire day server hopping from high pop server, to high pop server near all the starter areas.


We gave away a total of 11 Handguns, and not 1 survivor tried to use them against us.


We found and killed a total of 4 bandits, fully geared killing new spawns in Kamyshovo.


Nice work to everyone who gave us intel on what server these guys were in.


I am making a video about it, will be uploaded later this week.


You spent all day and killed 4 bandits?  Also you spent the day server hopping which is the plague of the game right now?

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We spent the entire day server hopping from high pop server, to high pop server near all the starter areas.


We gave away a total of 11 Handguns, and not 1 survivor tried to use them against us.


We found and killed a total of 4 bandits, fully geared killing new spawns in Kamyshovo.


Nice work to everyone who gave us intel on what server these guys were in.


I am making a video about it, will be uploaded later this week.




Any bandits want a piece of us come get it.

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lol gay

Edited by Max Planck
Keep your homophobia off of these forums

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The server hopping was done because we were looking for bandits.  Once we cleared up the coast we would switch servers to find more.  Many new spawns helped...bandits hid or died. 


BEWARE to any more of you asshats who are picking on new spawns...we WILL find you and we WILL exterminate you vermin.


WCO ftw.

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So basicly you get intel on locations of people and you ghost to that spot or server hop? 1 plague fights the other you could say.

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I'm pretty sure you are just kicking the beehive here....


By telling people they will finally get the PvP fix they want and all they have to do is snipe a few spawnies is pretty much like telling a fat kid he can have chocolate if he punches his younger sibling in the arm. (no offense to actual fat kids or their siblings).


What is stopping them from having a couple of their KoSing asshat buddies stand naked at a spawn they have covered and call you into an ambush?


I honestly salute what you're trying to do, but I think you're fighting a losing battle and risking more aggressive spawn killing.


Good luck though! :thumbsup:

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Really?  I killed 4 bandits by myself shopping for groceries.  Maybe they weren't "bandits".  Just a-holes looking for a fight.

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You spent all day and killed 4 bandits?  Also you spent the day server hopping which is the plague of the game right now?


Well most of the time when someone sees us they log out, very few people actually stay and fight.


Also we did not server hop to attain gear, or to use to a vantage point in a fight. We are hunting for a specific group of people, we clear an entire coast, pick a new server and clear it again.


So go fuck yourself and use some common sense.

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I'm pretty sure you are just kicking the beehive here....


By telling people they will finally get the PvP fix they want and all they have to do is snipe a few spawnies is pretty much like telling a fat kid he can have chocolate if he punches his younger sibling in the arm. (no offense to actual fat kids or their siblings).


What is stopping them from having a couple of their KoSing asshat buddies stand naked at a spawn they have covered and call you into an ambush?


I honestly salute what you're trying to do, but I think you're fighting a losing battle and risking more aggressive spawn killing.


Good luck though! :thumbsup:


We know were going to get ambushed. That is the plan.

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Good luck Whiskey!!!!

If you need any help Army of DayZ - Echo Squad, can help. Feel free to add me on steam.

Keep up the good work!!

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Good luck Whiskey!!!!

If you need any help Army of DayZ - Echo Squad, can help. Feel free to add me on steam.

Keep up the good work!!


We appreciate it, could use another squad to help search through the servers during patrols.


If your interested let me know.

Edited by Chronos Blackburn

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Did a couple patrols found a few small groups of bandits harassing kamishovo thanks to some intel you guys posted.

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what a coincidence my crew is set up specifically to kill bandit hunters


we are like black hat mercenaries


im just kidding role players are fagots

Edited by Max Planck
Keep your homophobia off of these forums

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