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Avoidance and Armor

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Sorry if there's a topic on this already.


So my idea this, and hopefully it's already in the works, I'm not sure obviously.  My opinion is that, our survivalists, should grow more fit over time, the longer they stay alive, the more they travel, the healthier they eat.  If you're healthy and staying active (but not sprinting everywhere), you should require less food and water over time, the can of tuna goes a bit farther, etc (no more than 10% for food and water durations).  On that same notion, I also think that clothing, backpacks, weapons, etc, should also give some protection, and avoidance OR negative avoidance.


Say for instance you start off, jeans and a t shirt, we'll call them 1 armor each.  Upgrading to shirt with pockets maybe 2 armor, a camo shirt with pockets say 3.  Whatever numbers and values you give them, the better your clothing gets, the more "armor" you get.  However, the heavier your clothing, the less Avoidance skill you have.  So someone running around with no backpack, no rifle, no hulking melee weapon (axe, shovel, etc), no clothes, would have the most avoidance possible.  The lighter your clothing is, the more avoidance you have towards Zombie and player melee attacks.  Even with the ability to move around, all games and servers can have some lag and delay on attacks/swings, so why not give players a realistic chance to have SOMEWHAT of a dice roll against attacks. 


I'm not saying anything major, say if you had heavy clothing, shirt and pants, gloves, helmet, mask, whole nine yards, if a zombie hit you, you'd have a 25% less chance of bleeding, and a 10% chance of not losing blood at all if attacked.  If you were completely naked you'd have a 50% chance of bleeding, but a 25% higher avoidance rate.  So even if you were standing still, a zombie would only hit you 3/4 of their swings, but 50% of those swings would make you bleed, due to being "naked".  Could make the initial starting clothes say, 10% avoidance, naked 25, but having heavy clothing only a 3% avoidance or something extremely small.


I think this would be an interesting way of applying some risk to meleeing a player also, you could hit their backpack, not damaging the player at all, but ruining the contents inside the pack, or hit their shoulder-slung weapon, ruining the weapon or parts of the weapon, but not killing the player.


The Zombie AI is vastly superior to the mod AI and it's oh so much smoother, but I would still love to see some "MMO" style avoidance and armor applied to the game.  Nothing major, but to me, if you're wearing some heavy camo clothing, you should get a slight reward against melee attacks, at least from bareknuckle zombies and players, be it for health, bleeding, or both.  Perhaps this could also be a way to apply clothing damage, if you keep getting hit in your chest, eventually your camo jacket will become ruined and the contents will drop to the ground.

Edited by McG2

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Actually, this is already in, of a sort.


Whenever i run around in my shirt and jeans, and get hit, i immediately start to bleed.

Now, when im fully geared (think pristine TTsKO jacket + pants + tactical armor + helmet, i never bleed after getting hit (i do lose a little blood though)


Ive seen my stuff degrade after a few zombie hits as well, i went alt-tab to check the map, came back and a zombie was whaling on me, lost quite a bit of blood, was NOT bleeding, and my jacket went from pristine to damaged.

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I like these ideas, though I don't think most of them will make it in. Just my opinion.

That being said, I've thought of backpack damage as well... I think it would be awesome if you could shoot someone's pack and break it, causing all their crap to drop or it to become unwearable (broken straps or some such). Even just being able to damage equipment in one would be an interesting game element, though it would probably be a lot less resource-intensive to just make the damage apply randomly to bag contents than to tally damage to individual items.

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Im pretty sure the Uk Assault Vest to protect you somewhat, it takes about 3 rounds to die as a fresh spawn, but fully stacked with TTsKO and A uk assault vest i've seen people take several rounds and get back up

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I'm pretty sure being fit doesn't make you require less food, in fact the opposite. There being fewer and smaller fat deposits on your body (energy waiting to be used as energy cannot be created or destroyed) you require food intake much more than someone who is a bit chubby. People who are in shape and eat right don't eat less, they actually eat way more. The key is frequency over volume, a lot of people that I know in shape tend to snack throughout the day and have maybe one or two "big" meals at the beginning or middle of the day.

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Didn't read it all, read getting fitter over time etc. I agree.

Edited by Nanoha

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