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PCGamer: Day Z + Arma 3 interview

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I don't usually read the whole stuff when it's that long (especially if it's in english), but yeah, I read every word.

I wished they'd ask about ArmA III optimization's though.

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Note the convo about dismemberment:

Hall: I’ve actually done that with a zombie. But I turned it off because it’s too much work to do it with all the different models. It’s really easy, a couple of config changes in Arma 2, and you can detect all the hit points using the damage handle. It’s pretty easy. And it’s already all there. It’s just an art pipeline issue.

Hall: We’d do it for the zombies. You wouldn’t do it for the players. We’d just do it for the zombies.

Oh go on Rocket .. do dismemberment for the players too..... purleeeeeese!

Hall: I secretly put it in, and didn’t put it in the build notes, that zombies will investigate a lot of sounds. Like drinking, eating, hunting and that, they’ll walk to the location.

Excellent article BTW - read it all of you.

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Makes me feel sad that these features are in the game, but they didn't tell us. I think it's fascinating, that they went to that much detail including Direct chat VOIP attracts zombies. If they would have told us we could give feedback about it, seeing as this is alpha after all, not really meant for secrets :P

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I read through the whole thing, and there are so many things I have been hoping for that Dean has just got my hopes up about.

Dogs... Power... Zombies hearing (Already implemented secretly!)

I am very happy. Although I very much hope that the power feature will also be able to be sabotaged.

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very thorough and long.

found some great links from this too.

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Bahaha, fucking awesome. He mentioned me, I was the guy that posted about having to stop after killing someone and was shaking so much.

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The fact that zombies examine sound tricked me up. I was looting 2 bandit corpses, choosing between weapons to be in the backpack, got a m249 and a DMR, drinked something and zombies started coming to me. I was proning and they just kept coming straight to me until they hit me. I had to stand up and run, almost died on it due to bleeding.

Best thing is I came back the other day and both weapons were missing, I was back with my m14 I had an hour before the bandits.

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Excellent article!

Love this:

Hall: Actually, I want to make the players animals as well. I want to make the players using Create Agent, because at the moment, they’re a unit. They have a group and they do a bunch of other crazy stuff.

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Good article, look forward to the next installment of it. However in an interview I saw of Rocket on youtube at E3, he mentioned that when/if DayZ goes retail that he is not a fan of Free-2-Play.

Does this mean we can expect down the track DayZ will become an MMOFPS with a monthly fee? Early stages yet so I'm sure noone can give a straight answer. But if it does, it should be successful in the genre of Zombies and FPS alone with a minecraft sandbox ability? I'll say this now, multimillions Rocket.

I hope that because you originate from the oceanic region, that we will get onshore servers as well ;)

I know, I know, early days yet.

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Makes me feel sad that these features are in the game' date=' but they didn't tell us. I think it's fascinating, that they went to that much detail including Direct chat VOIP attracts zombies. If they would have told us we could give feedback about it, seeing as this is alpha after all, not really meant for secrets :P


He did mention that in patch notes. Just not directly. He basically just dared us to use VOIP on global.

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Great read' date=' can't wait for the next part, but what is "Create Agent"?


Yeah can someone explain "Create Agent" to us? Great story, cant wait for the second part. VOIP attracting zombies just makes me screaming with my hatchet better.

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That means ..... when ARMA 3 comes out

the mod goes to an Game that need much more PC power to look good at ARMA 2.

that mean for me i must buy a new pc AND a new ARMA

does that mean all work on ARMA2 Day Z mod is at his end when ARMA 3 comes out ?

is day Z on arma 2 only a test to make an real mod for ARMA 3 ???

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