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Question for Devs... Random Sounds

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Just wondering if there is a time frame as to when the random sounds will be fixed?


It use to be that I would hear random zombie sounds, but as of late I have been hearing everything... random eating sounds, random clip loading sounds, the sound it makes when you combine ammo, etc...


It's at the point where hearing certain sounds are no longer useful to the player, because 99% of the time there's nothing even within 1000 yards of you. 

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I've noticed this too - Usually I'm on Skype with people and have to get them all to shush while I listen hard for the next few minutes so far I've noticed



Drinking from canteen

The crack of a can but not the drinking sound

gunshots (Not sure about this one)

one single footstep

the combine ammo sound


I wasn't even sure if was just me or not, Perhaps it should be logged in the bug tracker? :)

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I'll confirm that gunshot and bullet impact sound. Best would be to report it to the bug tracker.

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Even if this is a bug, am I the only one who thinks we should keep it?


Perhaps if your character is dehydrated or has a high fever he'll start imagining things?


Like being so thirsty he's imagining getting a drink, or he has a high fever and a few close encounters with bandits and he's put so far on the edge he's imagining people shooting or aiming at him, etc?

Edited by Toybasher

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I agree with the fact that we can keep non-real sound, but it has to be not bugged sound like the zombie one. Everytime I hear a footstep it freaks me out and I begin to paranoy, and there's nothing to worry about. I love it. (sorry for the english) :P

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The sounds are very distracting.


I was in a standoff earlier with a guy on the floor above me, as both of us were pointing weapons at the stairway but nobody wanted to take the initiative.

For the next 10 mins, all I could hear was moaning, zombie noises, mainly the cracking of soda cans, and other crap. At first I thought he was drinking a soda so i started up the stairs... ran back just in time.

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Just wondering if there is a time frame as to when the random sounds will be fixed?


It use to be that I would hear random zombie sounds, but as of late I have been hearing everything... random eating sounds, random clip loading sounds, the sound it makes when you combine ammo, etc...


It's at the point where hearing certain sounds are no longer useful to the player, because 99% of the time there's nothing even within 1000 yards of you. 


Glad to hear this is happening to someone else.  I assumed it was the Green Mountain faeries trying to infiltrate my brain, again.

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At first I thought I was imagining it but I can definitely hear a second set of footsteps occasionally, and ceases the moment I stop to listen to it. Scary.

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I've noticed this too - Usually I'm on Skype with people and have to get them all to shush while I listen hard for the next few minutes so far I've noticed



Drinking from canteen

The crack of a can but not the drinking sound

gunshots (Not sure about this one)

one single footstep

the combine ammo sound


I wasn't even sure if was just me or not, Perhaps it should be logged in the bug tracker? :)


Yea, I've heard all of those sounds as well... the gunshots though... I always take those as real threat... lol

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I stayed up for three day straight playing and one night at around midnight I decided to sit on a roof and snipe people. Had never done it and had full gear, I even conquered the ladder without death or leg breaking accidents. Anyways, I heard these noises for a solid 3 hours alone, no friends to talk to, I checked the ladder like a madman scared to death of that popping opening a soda sound, the horror of someone chewing food below me, oh god the footsteps please no more! I finally decided the building was haunted after checking it ten million times and left but its good to hear it wasn't me going insane or ghosts.

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I too am hearing these sounds. I get really creeped out because I heard a combining ammo sound, eating food, and opening a soda can while I was inside a building in a city on a low pop server.

I get really freaking paranoid and with that, I unholster my Mosin and aim it whenever I go inside a building.

Edited by AntonioAJC

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I usually make my way up north, really far. It's rare to see people there, but these sounds ... It always gets me nervous and I check everything around just to make sure.


I think the random zombie sound are from bunnies, so I read. It always scares me when it's the loudest one since I think a zombie got the jump!


I like the idea of having a sanity level though, this is how I treat it for now. I remember in the mod your character would start to panic when there are too many zombies around. I think it should be the same, with added effects.

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Even if this is a bug, am I the only one who thinks we should keep it?


Perhaps if your character is dehydrated or has a high fever he'll start imagining things?


Like being so thirsty he's imagining getting a drink, or he has a high fever and a few close encounters with bandits and he's put so far on the edge he's imagining people shooting or aiming at him, etc?


You've been watching to many movies.

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