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DayZ for ArmA 2 ONLY?

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So some of us have old PC's or Old laptops, now the problem is i heard DayZ will continue on ArmA 3?

I can Barely run ArmA 2 and i was wondering if:

1.) Is this true?

2.) Will ArmA 2 support continue?

3.) What about ArmA 2 updates?

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Good questions.

Presumably the development will shift completely to Arma3 (it's called Arma btw., not "Armor"), so as not to split the focus.

Much tears will be had by all, of course.

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ArmA sorry, I hope they will continue updates for ArmA 2 or im pretty much out :( Only just bought it all for this mod.

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ArmA sorry' date=' I hope they will continue updates for ArmA 2 or im pretty much out :( Only just bought it all for this mod.


They most certainly will not. Why would they do twice the work just because a few people have old PCs? Holding advancement back is not something, well, ANYONE, does just because there's weaker hardware out there. If Bohemia/Rocket are human, they will push forward and never look back.

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Isn't the plan to keep it going on Arma 2 until a standalone game can be made?

If they do shift DayZ over to Arma 3 though, I hope it'll include Chernarus. I just can't imagine Arma 3's mediterranean setting being anywhere near as good or well suited to DayZ.

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Armor' date=' my eyes


"Anonimity breeds cruelty."

Anonimity, my eyes!

Anyway, I don't see the DayZ fanbase up and disappearing overnight for Arma3. You'll likely have at least a short while to continue playing before you feel absolutely compelled to upgrade..... and there'll always be diehards who stick to Arma2 DayZ for whatever reason they feel Arma3 DayZ has ruined it. :)

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You will go where the server database takes you. All good mods will carry over.

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Relax, ArmA 3 won't hit the shelves at least until Q2 2013, then the DayZ mod, presumably to be released as a DLC for the game, will not be developed until quite a while after the initial release for several reasons. These include - new engine features that they would want to take advantage of, development cycle and human resources, release cycle for staggering and maintaining interest. This will be going for a while.

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