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What are your self imposed rules and regulations when playing?

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Especially since it's in alpha, a lot of "rules" are simply not in place yet.. like a log off timer or some sort of feature that prevents you to travelling to several different servers in a short amount of time. Many people take advantage of this but how many of us stick it out no matter how dire the situation? 


Personally, no matter how surrounded or crappy a situation I find myself in, I cannot bring myself to combat log in fear. That is not to say I haven't felt the urge to hit esc and exit the server.. but I have never actually done that in the standalone yet and for good reason. That "fear" of impending doom or perhaps escaping a challenging situation is a big part of the game in my opinion. And simply turning off those feelings and being safe in the server status limbo screen knowing my character is a-ok is cheapening the experience for myself.

Certainly it's cheapening it for the guy who was closing in on you, even if he was a KoSer, but mostly doing that deprives you of what the game hopes to accomplish. So I never combat log.


What about when you're searching forever for gear or food or items and you never find them? You can easily hop to another server and rinse repeat forever but do you do that? I actually got into a pretty heated argument with my friend the other day because when we were trying to meet up he said "hold up, I'm going to check this night server [which only had 3 players in it] and clean out this jail building".. I got really pissed at him. Then when he was done he was heading south to meet up with me and I asked if he transferred to my server yet and he said no because it was safer to travel in the empty nighttime server because there was less of a chance he'd get shot... I flipped out at him again, haha.


Which leads me to my next self imposed rule, I ALWAYS pick the nearly full servers to play on. More people means more danger, sure.. but it also means a better chance of an interesting interaction in general. Picking low pop servers is also cheap in my view because chances are nothing will be looted and you'll have free reign. Part of the fun (for me) is even if a town is totally looted, it forces me to travel inland and pick check out other towns (thanks to my no server hopping policy).


There are other rules I force myself to comply with too. I never KoS.. I try not to "shoot first" if another player rounds a corner and we surprise eachother. I try and assess the situation as quick as possible. If he has no weapon in his hands, I'll try and talk to him even if he has an M4 on his back. If he does have his weapon out and I can tuck behind a wall I'll try and still try and talk to him. 

To me killing on sight is boring. The more people that do it, the more this game is simply a deathmatch on a super massive level. I understand that's more or less all there is to do in this game at the moment but I'm trying to keep the social aspect alive.


The point of this isn't to try and subtly say that I'm better than you if you do any of these things because I'm not. But following these rules have led to a much richer experience in my opinion. Suiciding yourself to get half of a km closer to Balota is not enriching. Killing unarmed players is not interesting. server hopping until you're fully decked out is not hard but if you do all that, more power to ya.. I just think you may be in for a rude awakening once the development team starts pumping out the updates that make doing all that either impossible or at least not viable.


Anyone else do the same? Are there any other self imposed rules you put on yourself even in this early Alpha stage?

Edited by serenityrick

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I'd say mine are close to yours. I like to play on servers with around 20-30 players, I don't hop unless something goes wrong, and I only KoS if someone surprises me and they have a gun out. I refuse to combat log, but I treat unconscious as death, I've never bothered waiting to wake up. Although, I did try to log out as I was falling from a lighthouse once, because I clipped through the catwalk, it didn't work.

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Don't bitch out if someone gets the drop on me or if I'm going to die.

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I do not combat log, no matter how shitty the person is attacking me, even if I'm a fresh spawn and they're hacking at me with an axe like a douche I take it and die like a man.


I do not server hop unless the server crashes or something similar. Hopping for loot or to escape zombies is for the weak.


I do not kill fresh spawns or anyone who is not a threat to me.

Edited by DoctorBadSign
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Join empty servers to gear up, log out if someone sees you and they have gun, if they dont have a gun, kill them.


Go full server when geared to hunt other people, log out if it gets bad.


Effective gameplay.

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I don't combat log. Why play if you are going to do that.


No server hopping. I just don't have time for all that non-sense.


Don't KOS.


Try to make contact with anyone I see. The social aspect of this game is why it's great.


Offer help to anyone I can. Just a role I have chosen for myself.


I don't always pick full servers, depends what I am doing. In the beginning  I had a bunch of things I wanted to try so I picked lower pop ones. Now I play on 20+ servers when I can. Its funny I have run into people on 3 person servers and not seen anyone on 30 person servers lol.

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Server hop, combat log, and KoS just to piss everyone off~

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