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RaaR (DayZ)

Why does everyone want to "band together" it makes no sense

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Really why? whats the point?

Lets say everyone co-operates, work together, lean left and right at each other or some other crap you hope to do.

Then what, whats the point? Restoring society? Running around and getting loot? Getting fully geared takes what half a day max? There is no end game in place yet. There is no point to group up band together and be all friendly. If Rocket did even a 1/10 of some of the suggestions you all would be bitching there is no end game.

The game isn't fun without danger of players, once you get all the gear, car, etc. the game is beyond boring until you go PvP. The fun of the game is running around being a dick and seeing what happens when you run into people. If you dont find that fun and exciting then perma kill games aren't for you. Want to find a group? use these forums, go to reddit or somewhere and get a VOIP and play together.

So FFS stop posting about this, that, etc needs to change to promote team work and its too much of a FPS.

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or you could stop reading posts which broach the subject?

i dont want a utopia, i want the choice of playing as a survivor or a bandit. currently there is no choice, you kill on sight or you die. bandits get all of the rewards and none of the risks you get as playing as a survivor.

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Op is a fuking 12 year old with ADHD

What you're upset you can't network enough to find a group of people to play with? You sound pretty upset.

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thoses both posts are weird...

there is point grouping with people , and grouping with people do not means you are not exposed to danger, because you are. A single player can popcorn your group if you are not alert.

Point having a group? really ? do you play this game?


-harvest materials with number to repair vehicle (or maybe you found a way to carry 4 wheel engine fuel and some others shits in 1 travel ?)

-cover your buddies, help them , they do the same. Specialise. Extra ammo in someone bag, extra medicals supplies in someone else. Play a role. separate to investigate buildings, cover a place, ambush.

-get 2 vehicles and scoot the map to find groundvehicles/players bases/choppers/ tents

-secure materials when one of your friend is killed , send a guy to meet with the killed guy to bring him to your location faster

etc etc ...

to do this, you don't need ingame mechanics, you just need to socialise.


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It makes no sense, why doesnt everyone want to play deathmatch with me? Why do people want to co-op? Why do they have more fun co-oping with people while I have more fun killing people? These questions, op, we may never know the answer to.

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It makes no sense' date=' why doesnt everyone want to play deathmatch with me? Why do people want to co-op? Why do they have more fun co-oping with people while I have more fun killing people? These questions, op, we may never know the answer to.


We already co-op AND kill. You can imagine?

What OP means is 50 friendly people on one server is pointless. At least for me. And the OP.

And for a person whining that Players are trolling your "All are bad and shooting on me" -threads you troll also much around in other threads with subjects you simply can discuss.

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or you could stop reading posts which broach the subject?

i dont want a utopia' date=' i want the choice of playing as a survivor or a bandit. currently there is no choice, you kill on sight or you die. bandits get all of the rewards and none of the risks you get as playing as a survivor.


fucking 100% spot on, there is no point in being a survivor at all as you can experience 99% of the game as a bandit or even solo.

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It makes no sense' date=' why doesnt everyone want to play deathmatch with me? Why do people want to co-op? Why do they have more fun co-oping with people while I have more fun killing people? These questions, op, we may never know the answer to.


We already co-op AND kill. You can imagine?

What OP means is 50 friendly people on one server is pointless. At least for me. And the OP.

And for a person whining that Players are trolling your "All are bad and shooting on me" -threads you troll also much around in other threads with subjects you simply can discuss.

I never whined, and I said to one person that he was trolling me because his post was literally nonsensical. Where have I ever trolled someone?

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It makes no sense' date=' why doesnt everyone want to play deathmatch with me? Why do people want to co-op? Why do they have more fun co-oping with people while I have more fun killing people? These questions, op, we may never know the answer to.


I'm referring to all the suggestions/threads that want to punish people for killing players. For all the threads that want to make some PvE game. The threads about randoms killing them when they meet.

Obviously playing with a group makes sense, trying to have a massive band of people all working together doesn't. Maybe I wasn't clear enough for you.

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fucking 100% spot on' date=' there is no point in being a survivor at all as you can experience 99% of the game as a bandit or even solo.


Okay, no.

The game already has many incentives to cooperatively play and we're only just in Alpha. More are coming, as rocket has said on several occasions.

The game is based on a milsim. If it's not immediately obvious why moving in a larger group and coordinating efforts might give you an advantage over people who do not, well, then, I'm not sure we are going to get along very well I'll just say that.

And what does it mean to experience 99% of the game? This isn't a story mode campaign game. You never experience 99% of the game because every session is different. It's a sandbox game and the experiences emerge from the interactions of players. It's not a content driven game where once you "See everything" you're done with it.

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Listen to/watch some of the interviews rocket did (TotalHalibut/Bashurverse) on YouTube. There is a planned middle-game of being able to construct some sort of communal society, build a paramilitary-esque base, lone wolves building log cabins in the woods so they can live off the land, bandits forming organized raiding parties, etc. In order to accomplish this though, you would obviously need a community (except in the lone wolf example, of course). To reiterate: This is ALPHA. There are MANY features I'm sure rocket would LOVE to implement that just haven't been breached yet in terms of feasibility or due to technological obstacles working with the Real Virtuality engine.

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It makes no sense' date=' why doesnt everyone want to play deathmatch with me? Why do people want to co-op? Why do they have more fun co-oping with people while I have more fun killing people? These questions, op, we may never know the answer to.


I'm referring to all the suggestions/threads that want to punish people for killing players. For all the threads that want to make some PvE game. The threads about randoms killing them when they meet.

Obviously playing with a group makes sense, trying to have a massive band of people all working together doesn't. Maybe I wasn't clear enough for you.

Could've fooled me. There is a wide gap between the stupid and the normal people on these forums. Its hard to gauge how literal and how stupid I should be when replying to and deciphering posts.

Well its quite obvious that no one wants a 50/50 server with all survivors, or even 40-50 survivors. This would never happen nor have I seen it suggested.

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I must admit, i did actually start my DayZ experience with a group of rl friends. 5 of us.

But, im such a stickler for actually surviving that after a couple of days ingame i got sick of respawning at the beach every 2 hours due to no fault of my own.

Then spending 30mins + trying to get everyone back together in a group to start the whole last for 2 hours then die process again.

My mates would play this like a team death match in pvp and L4D when it came to killing zeds. Constantly putting me in unessercery danger and wasting all our ammo !

They have no concept of stealth or sneakiness.

I basically said "guys , fook off , i wanna get further than cherno and last more than a couple of hours so im doing this on my own."

Needless to say , they have gone back to BF3 and i have only had 2 characters since then.

My first one lasted 11 days and my 2nd character is now on day 20 and im loving it ! Im still playing solo btw.

and yes , im a bandit :)

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Listen to/watch some of the interviews rocket did (TotalHalibut/Bashurverse) on YouTube. There is a planned middle-game of being able to construct some sort of communal society' date=' build a paramilitary-esque base, lone wolves building log cabins in the woods so they can live off the land, bandits forming organized raiding parties, etc. In order to accomplish this though, you would obviously need a community (except in the lone wolf example, of course). To reiterate: This is ALPHA. There are MANY features I'm sure rocket would LOVE to implement that just haven't been breached yet in terms of feasibility or due to technological obstacles working with the Real Virtuality engine.


Yup, I am aware. I'm talking about right now though. People will be more inclined to work together once these things are in place. But until then, doesn't make much sense to try to trust a random and work together.

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I want to be part of an organized / co-operating Posse that trusts each other and takes out PK'ers. Killing should be used productively.

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Something like 6.7 billion people in the world. 99% of that turns to zombies and you think the best course of action would be to go it alone? Killing any of the 1% remaining humans that you come across? Brilliant.

In a real zombie outbreak, your best course of action would be to get as many people with as many guns as you can find. Strength in numbers.

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There are more advantages to killing people than any other ways of playing.

You can team to kill people too.

But that some people say there is no sense/point in asking for additional group mechanics is moronic and short sighted.

There will never have a full "All happy, bunnies shit rainbows" server. There will always be a bit of both, solo and grouped players. The balance is in having both with their advantages; But saying NO to group mechanics... Huh.

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