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Tents and lockers Discussion

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Hi Guys,


Now we all know tents were in the last game and it is likely they will be in here.


We remember Tents were not lockable and were easily set fire to(cannot remember if that was a mod for DayZ or not)


Either way we're likely to see some kind of persistent storage.

So Tents are likely to make a return,


what I want to discuss is other options tending that the sky is really the limit now so to speak.


I would like to see you being able to use fridges, lockers, wardrobes, foot lockers and other world storage containers as actual storage containers.

I would not like them to be able to be locked as that would be silly, they are simply a hiding place.

You find it, it is your pot of gold.


please understand I realise the game is still under construction so I would not expect such features for least 9 months to a year kinda thing however I would like to hear other ideas of what this game could potentially have


look forward hearing from you guys :)


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There is at the moment a trade off between the amount of zombies and amount of loot regarding server resources. I guess handling thousand additional items stored away in whatever space would have a negative impact on server performance. 

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Items are not drawn by server in storage. Simple database pull. Items on ground use resources.

Edited by mintypie007

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