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Blay Wayne

solution to dev incompetence regarding debug areas

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the dev team has tried to fix spawning in the debug areas time and time again. they've never succeeded

considering this sheer incompetence, how about adding a way for players to get themselves back into the game when they once again are spawned two hours away from where they were

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Judging by the general terms in your post I am going to consider incompetence or lack of knowledge for this Topic.

Do you know how hard it is to track down the specific cause of a bug? it is not always easy even on a small scale fixing one bug can cause others.They have only tried 3 times if I counted correctly.

In 1.7.2 rocket has tried a different angle which will make you spawn on the coast instead of in the debug forest, you still have your items but it is better than having to respawn.

Need I remind you this is ALPHA, how about instead of riticuling the developers you post a bug report with helpful information next time.

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I've already realized they will probably never fix this bug. so I'm advocating they add a way for players to get themselves out of the debug areas when they inevitably end up there.

I have filed reports, made nicer threads, tried to talk to the dev team on twitter. There's no response.

the amount of times I have spawned there is absurd. It's more than once a day, on a fully-updated (through sixupdater) game and mod. in the past week its happened EIGHT times

they won't fix it. but they can at least do something about it

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Naturally you only see the bits in my post you WANT to see.

  'Talmera said:

In 1.7.2 rocket has tried a different angle which will make you spawn on the coast instead of in the debug forest' date=' you still have your items but it is better than having to respawn.


If that does not sound like a way for players to get out of the debug forest than I'll carve the words "fancy that" on the side of my cock.

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And when 1.7.2 is out, and I still spawn in the debug plains again, what am I going to do?

that's just another attempt at fixing this bug. It won't work.

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  'Blay Wayne said:

And when 1.7.2 is out' date=' and I still spawn in the debug plains again, what am I going to do?[/quote']

You should defenently post your disappointment here in a whiney fashion.

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see there you go, that's what I'm suggesting they stop failing to fix the bug and actually come up with an interim solution that works!

'defenently' a quality post there, dallas. How many times have you spawned in the debug plains in the past week exactly?

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2 of those are you DEMANDING your stuff back like a 2 year old and the other 2 are you being an absolute dick.

Explain to me why we should care about your oh so important items?

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I don't know any two year olds who play dayZ, much less any capable of writing a post

fine, I see the attitude here is "it didn't happen to me so I don't care"

when you start spawning in the debug plains twice a day, you will

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No you are wrong...again, it has indeed happened to me on several occasions but you know what? I get over it I don't bitch, I don't moan I start again and I certainly do not demand my lost stuff back like some arrogant prick.

I know you are sick of hearing this but it is alpha if they followed conventional means you would not even be playing it until beta. You are a tester you report it in a manner that is polite and making a new thread everytime it happens just makes you look impatient, they are not going to roll out a fix faster just because of your numerous threads, if anything you are only slowing them down.

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  'Blay Wayne said:

And when 1.7.2 is out' date=' and I still spawn in the debug plains again, what am I going to do?

that's just another attempt at fixing this bug. It won't work.


Come back when it happens.


Thread going nowhere.


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