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This is not what I hoped DayZ would be

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I perhaps expected people to talk first before mindlessly pulling the trigger on someone who didn't pose a threat to them?



If someone came running up to me in nothing but their underwear in real life I wouldn't even talk to them, what the fuck makes you think I'm going to do it in a game where you represent nothing but a threat to my safety and security? Even if you're not going to personally hurt me, your presence draws attention of zombies and other players. You're just a useless tit, so I'm either going to tell you to fuck off or make you fuck off by opening fire.


If you want to try and find strangers to interact with in the game in meaningful ways, maybe try starting by not acting like a goddamn mental patient who just escaped from the ward.

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This has been my most interesting life and I friggin love this game thanks to how it went down.


Oh really?, what happened to "friggin love this game"?. You had one death or bug and now you're raging hard because you're too stupid to realize that there are precautions to take when entering towns and buildings instead of just sprinting in with Direct Commns hot mic'd up whilst screaming "HEY GUYS LETS SET UP A SAFE ZONE AND KEEP BANDITS OUT SO COOOOL!".


Three words; Fuck off mate, I am not sure how exactly you compare any game to GTA (Especially GTA V if that's your idea, that horrible horrible game), but just leave.



so you diss gta to make a point, maybe it being horrible game brought it so much money. nevermind your stupidity, back on topic..


This whole thread is made out of rage, calm your tits and get over it, this game is not for everyone appearently.

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You guys are delusional, the kosing and generic death matching sucks but that is what so great about dayz.


If everyone held hands and danced around where would the survival be? If it wasn't for high loot snipers we could just run in to get loot, if it wasn't for kosing people would not fear each other.


One must understand the difference between grief and kos. People grief for tears but many people kos because it is the safest thing to do.


Rocket did nothing wrong, he gave us the world, but it is us, the community, that decided how dayz was going to play out. 

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TLDR; KoS will get better as the game makes survival harder and the CoD-kiddies move on to the next game/mod


No, it absolutely will not. The more difficult the game becomes, the less I am going to want strangers around me. This will be true of all good players.


This idea that game difficulty is going to drive away the "KoSers" is just fatally flawed. I kill people because they are worthless to me. I have a team of friends; we cooperate and communicate and get jobs done in the game already. I don't need you and your random bullshit, so I kill you when I see you.


As the game gets more difficult, I will want to kill you more. The harder the game, the more I value my life and possessions, the less I'm going to want to risk them by hanging around with every Joe Schmoo I come across. And as zombies become more dangerous, I'm not going to want your dumb ass running around attracting them to me like a giant turd in the middle of a fly storm.


These are the things that the DEVELOPERS are telling us this game is about.


Want to hear what the developer really thinks the game is about? Not just some bullshit quips on a screen, but an actual quote from his mouth about how he feels about "KoSers" and "CoD kiddies" in the game?



"I look at it this way: one of the things that I really liked about The Walking Dead was when Dale said that civilisation has gone but that doesn't mean that people have to lose their humanity. What I wanted was a game where people who play it in one way and people who play it in another are playing the same game at the same time but it actually works. That's what I wanted to achieve."


"What I find interesting about DayZ is that I'm choosing to live and play this way; I'm not playing this way because it's necessarily the most efficient, I'm playing this way because it's how I want to feel. Not everyone plays the same way, but those that are playing as these evil and sadistic bandits are actually helping my game experience. Now, we don't have the recipe exactly right and if DayZ the mod has taught us anything it's that we need more tools. Those things are coming but they're going to take time."

--Dean Hall


Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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If someone came running up to me in nothing but their underwear in real life I wouldn't even talk to them, what the fuck makes you think I'm going to do it in a game where you represent nothing but a threat to my safety and security? Even if you're not going to personally hurt me, your presence draws attention of zombies and other players. You're just a useless tit, so I'm either going to tell you to fuck off or make you fuck off by opening fire.


If you want to try and find strangers to interact with in the game in meaningful ways, maybe try starting by not acting like a goddamn mental patient who just escaped from the ward.

Such anger.

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If someone came running up to me in nothing but their underwear in real life I wouldn't even talk to them, what the fuck makes you think I'm going to do it in a game where you represent nothing but a threat to my safety and security? Even if you're not going to personally hurt me, your presence draws attention of zombies and other players. You're just a useless tit, so I'm either going to tell you to fuck off or make you fuck off by opening fire.


If you want to try and find strangers to interact with in the game in meaningful ways, maybe try starting by not acting like a goddamn mental patient who just escaped from the ward.

This is the way many people think.


and there is nothing wrong with that. 

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That's what survival is, watching your back, checking the corners. Just imagine our world being like the DayZ one, people would only care about themselves, people would get killed for ammo, food and other supplies. You don't like it, fine. Nobody forces you to stay, my friend.

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Dogtag go on youtube and type in DayZ SA Mugging and tell me then if you still believe an unarmed player is not a threat.

Didn't find anything like you suggested, but I did find some hilarious videos. So thanks for that.

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KOS d1cks will die after a while. In the mod all the KOSers went to sub mods like Epoch because they didnt get wood from killing the same people with the same weapons over and over again.


time will fix things, I promise that to you.

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THIS IS SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST ! bahaha you lost even before game is finished :) you do not belong in zombie apocalypse, when cannibalism will be implemented i will find you and eat you alive :)  Also i have no clue what ppl expect from this game at this stage? there is nothing to do except feeding rotten food to freshly spawns or kos everything. Why QQ? Now i kinda feel regret that rocket released alfa stage game to public ;( kids nowadays dont even try to think

Edited by onlyomaha
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so many angsty teens lol. bring on the ez-mode server/mods so you can have your deathmatch i say.


making survival harder will make squads play even more defensively, yeah this could be true. but also, if you are struggling to survive because you need anti-biotics for a squad members sickness or are scavenging for a wheel to repair your car which took damage and left your squad stranded and exposed, you are less likely to be bored camping/sniping coastal cities or patrolling the coast mindlessly killing.


For me personally, the most fun I have in DayZ is where something goes wrong and then you have a mission to try to survive, becomes really immersive.

For example, there have been many times in the mod where I have been way up north alone and gotten infected and had to hunt to cook meat to survive until I made it back to the coast to find a hospital for anti-biotics. this difficulty in surviving gave me a purpose, a mission, it made the game interesting, unique. of course on the way I had to look out for bandits (which I admit make the game more interesting) on the way. but it was the struggle for survival that took my mind away from simply deathmatching (which is kinda boring when you get to my age and have played almost every FPS ever)


like i said before, I don't have a problem with PvP. but at least grow a pair and go and do it up north where people expect a firefight, where the big boys are, not killing unarmeds at balota cos it makes your epeen swell...

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like i said before, I don't have a problem with PvP. but at least grow a pair and go and do it up north where people expect a firefight, where the big boys are, not killing unarmeds at balota cos it makes your epeen swell...


It is an absolutely universal and 100% reliable rule of these and any DayZ-related forums; if someone starts a sentence with the phrase "I have no problem with PvP" you can be absolutely assured that what follows will explain that they do, in fact, have a problem with PvP.


This sentence always takes some form of "I don't have a problem with PvP as long as you do it like me."


Why would I PvP up north? People have guns up there.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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FYI I haven't died since I made that thread, in fact there have been more interesting stories after that episode but my point is that things are taking a turn for the worst in the community ever since

You definitely don't know my play style and my way to approach buildings and towns so there goes your assumptions


Wait until the game gets more content and private servers start popping up. You could probably find a community that leans more to your playstyle in the future (I am betting it is just less douchy coast campers but not exactly pure PvE) but early Alpha is probably not the best place to hope for a different mindset from the Mod. The game as it stands right now is bare bones and after exploration it becomes hard to move North since you can find everything on the coast. Without storage, bases, or vehicles there is nothing to do after gearing up except act like a douche or pretend to be nice as you murder everyone who is as geared up as you are while pretending they were all bandits. 

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if it stays this style of play it will just peter out and eventually vanish and be some obsuce game like 'infestation VD stories'.


You talk complete bollox mate!


The mod was just as brutal a deathmatch sandbox and it sold 1.7m and 1.5 years on people still play it, and 600k people have bought the standalone based on the mods success...


Making Dayz the pve styled pacifist boring lovefest you seem to want will kill it dead.


This game isnt for you. may i suggest a single player game as you seem to struggle interacting with other people unless they want to kiss and hug like you do...

Take off your mankini and grow a pair mate.

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so many angsty teens lol. bring on the ez-mode server/mods so you can have your deathmatch i say.


making survival harder will make squads play even more defensively, yeah this could be true. but also, if you are struggling to survive because you need anti-biotics for a squad members sickness or are scavenging for a wheel to repair your car which took damage and left your squad stranded and exposed, you are less likely to be bored camping/sniping coastal cities or patrolling the coast mindlessly killing.


For me personally, the most fun I have in DayZ is where something goes wrong and then you have a mission to try to survive, becomes really immersive.

For example, there have been many times in the mod where I have been way up north alone and gotten infected and had to hunt to cook meat to survive until I made it back to the coast to find a hospital for anti-biotics. this difficulty in surviving gave me a purpose, a mission, it made the game interesting, unique. of course on the way I had to look out for bandits (which I admit make the game more interesting) on the way. but it was the struggle for survival that took my mind away from simply deathmatching (which is kinda boring when you get to my age and have played almost every FPS ever)


like i said before, I don't have a problem with PvP. but at least grow a pair and go and do it up north where people expect a firefight, where the big boys are, not killing unarmeds at balota cos it makes your epeen swell...


Think you will find most pvp'ers do go up north to fight, the very people who cry about KoS are the same people who are doing it, But the crying posts are when they are on the recieving end of the bullet this time.

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KOS d1cks will die after a while. In the mod all the KOSers went to sub mods like Epoch because they didnt get wood from killing the same people with the same weapons over and over again.


time will fix things, I promise that to you.

Think you are going to be disapointed when the game fully releases, Rocket didnt make anything like Epoch with its house building and locked doors and locked vehicles. Epoch took Dayz way off what the game was meant to be, Epoch took all of the Dayz out of it.

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KOS d1cks will die after a while. In the mod all the KOSers went to sub mods like Epoch because they didnt get wood from killing the same people with the same weapons over and over again.


time will fix things, I promise that to you.

Oh your right, and how good was vanilla doing at that time?


oh right...vanilla practically didn't exist. 


if all the koses leave you will be lucky if you find a server with 10 players. 

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Hes pretty much complaining about the community in general. 


Interesting.  I like the majority of this community so far.  In game and out.


I've only see one troll thread of really bad ideas.  The rest had ideas I may have agreed or disagreed with, but they weren't horrible ideas.

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Ouch, that part about Killing Floor reeks of personal experience. And yes, there is a difference between those two, but douchebags have nothing to do with PvP. People are proud of what they do because they managed to outwit another player in a military simulator mod, and they should be.


Proud that they snuck up behind some newlie spawned player and unloaded a M4 on them? (impressive)


Now if your saying they are going up against equally well equipped and knowlagable players then that is great, however in most instances this is not the case as many bandits if you will are chicken shits and will take on others only if they have the upper hand with little risk to themselves!

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Proud that they snuck up behind some newlie spawned player and unloaded a M4 on them? (impressive)


More impressive than opening a virtual can of beans.


Now if your saying they are going up against equally well equipped and knowlagable players then that is great, however in most instances this is not the case as many bandits if you will are chicken shits and will take on others only if they have the upper hand with little risk to themselves!


Why would I wait for you to be "equally well equipped and knowledgeable" to engage you? How does that make any sense at all? What famous military commanders were known for saying "No, men. If we attack now we will definitely win and that would just be lame. Let's hold back and let them recruit more people, build more tanks and planes, and only attack once the playing field is nice and even. That way, when we win this war, we will really have something to be proud of."


The answer? No general. No general ever said that because it's super, super stupid.

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:D 'Mummy's little soldier' :D

I love that..

Spent my last can of beans today on that! :D

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