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When you know you play too much Dayz :p

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Like when watching some dayz youtube videos of a guy crawling through NWAF and me constantly hitting right button of my mouse trying to zoom in :rolleyes:

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For me, it was when I grabbed a red bull at work yesterday, and audibly said "awe, I wanted a pristine one"

It had a tiny ding in it lol

My boss looked at me like I was crazy.

Or it could of been when I greeted a customer with "Friendly!" Instead of the normal lol. Had been reading the forums all day.

Edited by Ineedscoffee
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When you know you play too much Dayz :p


When one plays the game 24/7 and then dreams of it...


Thanks god i don't fall under that category ;)

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When someone rings the doorbell and you try to equip your m4...

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When you try to get to third person in real life...?


It happened to a friend once, he was kinda sleepy...

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When you find a can opener in your kitchen and get all excited.

That happens to me IRL all the time!!! :)


Another one: when you look out of your window at night at a road lamp post and think about shooting out the bulb lol

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When your taking the dog for a walk and u start checking deer huts for supplies knowing there's nothing in there..!

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When you gather beans in your backpack before leaving

Haha or when you start eating a can of beans in 4 mouthfulls!

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staring at an empty water bottle, you think to yourself, "0%, (expletive)! well I will hold onto it anyway"

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When while working at a crockery store smile at the abundance of beans.

When you get a full coyote back pack full of beans at the expense of all the other shot you had found like another gun ammo and such.

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