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News Regarding New Update(s)?

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When will we start seeing news regarding something new done to the game? Haven't seen anything lately. Don't know if he's on a break due to holidays or anything?

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Christmas break for the boys^^

Check Reddit.


Rumors are going around, Monday might be an update day.

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Well Rocket is a Zealander, so....it stands to reason that hes probably still drunk from Xmas, or at least recovering from his massive holiday bender.


Then we have New Years to get out of the way, which is another few days of alcohol induced haze....and then perhaps a couple days to recover from that.


Don't get me wrong I'm not saying Rocket is like...irresponsible or anything, I'm just saying hes a Zealander and its the holidays man. Try to be tolerant of other peoples cultures.

Edited by semipr0
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I am tolerant and in no way being a dick towards anyone. I respect the developers and their right to celebrate any holiday as long as they take. I was just wondering if they were on break and when we can expect to see some new news regarding updates again after those holidays.

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I agree with the other guys, being from Britain I know the winter holidays consist of getting shit faced  :P

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