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How's everyone's DayZ experience's so far, since she's been released?

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I've stepped back, and haven't played after the first few days it was released.


Anything change?


I see there hasn't been any update's? Also I heard there is more persistent bugs,

and now more than ever hackers <---- Sigh. I hope there's patch's coming soon.


Anyway's doe's anyone know when the new patch will be released or when...




did anyone see the picture of dean riding a raptor?


Here it is...


Beast mode.


Edited by BRKermit

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Largely positive, despite 2 glitch deaths and 9/10 people I meet logging out before I can even say hello.

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Largely positive, despite 2 glitch deaths and 9/10 people I meet logging out before I can even say hello.


Yah, I can't believe they didn't work in a anti-combat log before releasing even the simplest form of alpha?


I'm straying away for a few more updates, until it becomes juicy again.

Edited by BRKermit

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10/10 Beanz, except for the fact that I haven't fired a gun :/

But still good

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Today I set a new world record, I drank 5 full (100%) water bottles and I was still thirsty

Edited by Gdaddy22

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Yah, I can't believe they didn't work in a anti-combat log before releasing even the simplest form of alpha?

Let me show you were alpha stage starts in games.


There you go. Thats Mass Effect, or was it Battlefield, in alpha.

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Don't understand what everyone is doing when they meet people to scare them so, I've met 20-30 people so far and not a one has combat logged on me.

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It's been fun. I've been in some classic tangles, survived, and really enjoyed all the new features/hints at upcoming featyres. Enterable houses is great and makes the whole map much more interesting. I love the fact that there are running streams. The increased complexity of medical treatment is promising. Even simple shit like being able to load mags and handcuff fools is great.


All that said, I've been playing the mod quite a bit when the limitations of the current alpha SA get boring. The mod is more fun than ever at the moment for me. 

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if staying in balota killing everything that moves expect things that already looks dead is a good experience, then i guess that im having the BEST gaming experience in my life nig

Edited by ryzoh

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Been having a great time. Tested everything (that I can think of) to test in the game. Had some great gun fights. Killed a guy in the firehouse only to take an axe in the head from his friend. Died a few times from a glitch or a server shutdown. Overall been very fun.


I hope the next update comes soon and we get some new stuff to play around with.

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