Turk (DayZ) 82 Posted December 29, 2013 (edited) Please do not bother replying with "hurr durr it's ALPHA". This post is meant for discussion & is not intended as a requests complaint the only request is you be sensible & provide links etc to back up your statements if not an opinion. At very least watch the video linked at the bottom so you know how much I am aware of what is intended in future patches. If you have evidence of proposed Immersive Decor please provide it no matter what format it is in be it Tweet, Interview or An expo you tube. I'd like to see it all. . Isn't a Zombie Apocalypse a horrific event? So wheres the horror? I'd assume a Zombie apocolypse would leave more than just survivors and Zombies and a few scattered vehicles so where are the bodies and parts? Arms? Legs? More Blood n guts. Wheres the horror? Immersion is a word used a lot when discribing DayZ yet when it comes to the actual world it actually doesn't FEEL like a Zed apocolypse atm. (Nor did/does the Mod) More Zombies models? additional Body parts & additional Dead to search. Wheres the Zombie that you walk past thinking its truely dead that then lunges for you, dragging itself across the ground as it has no legs? or that essential Zombie jump scare from searching a body for items with the possibility that it may just bite your ass at any minute... Seeing a chewed on leg or an arm here & there gives the house you have just entered a "story".A story that someone actually did live there once rather than yet another dull area to search. DAYZ NEEDS MORE CHARACTER, MORE OF ITS OWN STORY. Aswell as Immersive Decor how about Lootable Corpses & ©Zleepers! The addition of Loot able corpses could add a much needed element of surprise & jump scare fear potential by having "zleeper" zeds. (Zleeper tm, trademark ©Turk xD ) To explain what I mean by "© Zleeper":I'll provide a scenario to explain::- You are desperate for water or food that corpse is likely to have something of use, suns going down but its not so dark, just yet, to need a flashlight, you hear gunshots nearby (lol atmosphere) so you want to keep out of sight, you crouch, duck into the shadows & slowly sneak up to the corpse. You rapidly start searching through its pockets mindful of being shot in the head any second... then BAM an ear piercing scream you almost soil yourself, maybe a little wee wee ;P but you won't tell that part of the story back at camp... that bloodied corpse ex.person isn't actually dead!!! It lunges at you with ferocious velocity ..... did it knock you over- does it grab you or miss, are you able to draw your gun or grab your bat fast enough to beat it off? Are you scathed? bleeding? Sh1t it's still dragging itself toward you!! Doesn't matter you've scored a set of keys for that nearby 4x4............ Someone quite rightly pointed out after reading this Why on earth would you risk searching a corpse that is most likely a Zombie? Damn good point. So I proposed as an incentive to search corpses (aside from finding possible high tier non military items such as rare ammo or meds etc) the best most likely way to gain access to vehicles you'd need to find the keys on the dead... Not only does this give incentive it ties in logically where you would actually find keys. Very very unlikely that vehicles would have the keys in them. So who has the keys? If you want that sweet 4x4 you gotta risk something to get it. Go search the dead "farmer". You want that Chopper or that Military Jeep? You go search the "pilot" or "driver" whose laying dead(?) over there and maybe just maybe not disturb a Zleeper!!! Want a boat? You search the "sailor" modeled zombie eh I mean dead guy. ^_^ Sounds fun to me, no? A classic example of this would be the Policeman you search, after you both crash avoiding a Zombie on the road, in the beginning of the Walking Dead by TellTale games. ______________ Are there enough Zombie types? A Zombine Apocolypse happened here, honest. Just isn't enough, especially when theres preciouis little evidence of it other than a few very similar looking dead folk walking about. How many Zombie models are there exactly? 3? 4? with a few hair color changes.Nah thats not good enough. Sorry. I must admit I'm concerned about this as I remember hearing that there won't be anymore Zombie models than what we know of already. (see video below) Please tell me I'm wrong. Literally show me evidence via discussions, interviews etc or expo you tube vids anything that states there will be more variety. .NB : Before commenting "Its alpha" at least watch the video below at the link provided. Dean talks a lot about items in the video below (a must see btw) but no mention of body parts and worryingly states there will not be more Zombie models other than shown!?! DayZ Standalone - Rezzed 2013 Developer Sessions - YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKwMVPETfs0#t=3059 So before you hurr durr with "It's Alpha", read a little more, understand the only request I am making is for discussion and that someone provide links to show IF there are any future plans for Immersive Decor.Please, at very least watch the video provided so you may also be aware of what I know about proposed additions so as to not repeat anything already known.I very much would like to hear your thoughts especially if you DON'T think there should be any changes to evidence of a Zombie apocalypse with in DayZ (provide well thought out reasons please). Personally I believe DayZ needs more Blood, Guts 'n' Gore, a LOT more, well maybe some at least. Oh and the odd jump scare. (©Zleepers TM) :lol: Edited February 7, 2014 by Turk 11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vellonikoN 1 Posted December 29, 2013 (edited) You clicked "I Understand", yet are still complaining about the game? I dont understand.. Edited December 29, 2013 by vellonikoN 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Turk (DayZ) 82 Posted December 29, 2013 (edited) You clicked "I Understand" yet are still complaining about the game. I don't understand..If you had actually read the contents rather than just replying to heading & assuming you knew what it was about you may have understood.Also its not a complaint based on the fact that the sentances end in a question marrk. That makes it...... amazingly, a..... question. Anyway, I'm asking if anyone knows if body parts and searchable dead are to be added or not and asking if anyone wishes to discuss the immersion aspect said items would add.Fairly obvious its a question, as theres 3 in the damn topic title. Edited December 29, 2013 by Turk 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rooniedoo 68 Posted December 29, 2013 I know you're probably sick of hearing thisbutIt's alpha, blood and gore are going to be added soon.. just they want to make sure peoples computers can actually run it instead of just being MOD 2.0 GET 2 FPS IN CHERNO! You also just added that there's only 2 or 3 or 4 zombie models.Those are just place holders ATM, they are working on it as said in the dev blogs.As I said aboveIt's alpha. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bribase 251 Posted December 29, 2013 (edited) You have quite a few posts on this forum so I'm suprised that you haven't come across this before: Rocket has stated that these aren't Walking Dead or Night of the Living Dead style zombies. These are closer to the infected style zombies of 28 Days Later. They have been driven insane and bestial by an unknown pathogen. They die just like everyone else but they are harder to stop because they don't flinch or react to pain in the same way. When it comes to human carnage, we'll begin to see more things like car crashes and wrecks instanced in the same way that crashed helis worked in the mod. Personally I would like a relatively corpseless Chernarus. When more zombies are rolled in, survivor corpses stay in permanently but their prescence becomes a biohazard we'll begin to really see how horrific post-apocalyptic Chernarus will become. No need to add artificial corpses IMO. As for additional zombie models there is bound to be more aesthetic variation, it would look terrible at the point when there are up to 4000 instanced on a server. I expect there to be only minimal differences in the behaviour of infected; just some fast, some slow, some more perceptive, some harder to kill. Even small variations like this, coded well and in great enough numbers would be more than enough of a challenge. Could you stick a timecode on that youtube address? It's not cued up to the point that you cite. I did write a something way back in the day about variations of infected that are not too outlandish, Give it a read if you'd like. Edited December 29, 2013 by Bribase 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Turk (DayZ) 82 Posted December 29, 2013 I know you're probably sick of hearing thisbutIt's alpha, blood and gore are going to be added soon.. just they want to make sure peoples computers can actually run it instead of just being MOD 2.0 GET 2 FPS IN CHERNO! You also just added that there's only 2 or 3 or 4 zombie models.Those are just place holders ATM, they are working on it as said in the dev blogs.As I said aboveIt's alpha.Of course i know alpha, & placeholders, i also said please proove me wrong, not tell me what i already knew. I even gave an example of what i know based on the contents of the video which explains the current state of zombies & their models. I was asking if anyone knew more. You don't so why reply? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Craux 81 Posted December 29, 2013 hur dur insert catchy alpha statement here.heres some beans. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Turk (DayZ) 82 Posted December 29, 2013 (edited) You have quite a few posts on this forum so I'm suprised that you haven't come across this before: Rocket has stated that these aren't Walking Dead or Night of the Living Dead style zombies. These are closer to the infected style zombies of 28 Days Later. They have been driven insane and bestial by an unknown pathogen. They die just like everyone else but they are harder to stop because they don't flinch or react to pain in the same way. When it comes to human carnage, we'll begin to see more things like car crashes and wrecks instanced in the same way that crashed helis worked in the mod. Personally I would like a relatively corpseless Chernarus. When more zombies are rolled in, survivor corpses stay in permanently but their prescence becomes a biohazard we'll begin to really see how horrific post-apocalyptic Chernarus will become. No need to add artificial corpses IMO. As for additional zombie models there is bound to be more aesthetic variation, it would look terrible at the point when there are up to 4000 instanced on a server. I expect there to be only minimal differences in the behaviour of infected; just some fast, some slow, some more perceptive, some harder to kill. Even small variations like this, coded well and in great enough numbers would be more than enough of a challenge. Could you stick a timecode on that youtube address? It's not cued up to the point that you cite. I did write a something way back in the day about variations of infected that are not too outlandish, Give it a read if you'd like.Thanks for reply (& thanks for leaving out "its alpha").I left mod when SA was announced so I would hasve missed discussion re "debris" though I did search prior to posting.Zombie duiscussion is around 18mins in whilst dean plays the game, theres a lot of mentions throughout though and its worth a watch as he covers a tonne of stuff thats incoming. The question time is also very informative.Fair comment on it not being like Walking Dead etc but re: 28 Days, there was evidence of the infestation from bodies to carnage to all kinds of immersion setting scenery & as DayZ Zombies feed and rip & tear on the fallen victims there should be bodies & parts.The Walking Dead, ignoring the special effects, covers the whole social interaction, breakdown of morale and morals etc etc at least as well as 28 Days if not far better.(Having said that we should see some blood spurting if we whack the ever loving out of someone/something with an axe)Come to think of it most Zombie movies from Dawn of the Dead to Shaun of the Dead ;P in fact virtually every good Zed movie covers this aspect quite well. The mod did have burial burn piles in though it was only a token gesture and far from enough "evidence" of an apocalypse in all honesty.So I see no real reason not to add these immersion enhancing bits 'n pieces regardless of DayZ's direction. Lastly the inclusion of loot able corpses - which could add a much needed element of surprise & jump scare fear potential by having "zleeper" zeds. (Zleeper tm, trademark ©Turk xD )To explain what I mean by "zleeper":-scenario - you are desperate for water or food that corpse is likely to have something of use, suns going down but its not so dark, just yet, to need a flashlight, you hear gunshots nearby (lol atmosphere) so you want to keep out of sight, you crouch, duck into the shadows & slowly sneak up to the corpse.You rapidly start searching through its pockets mindful of being shot in the head any second... then BAM an ear piercing scream you almost soil yourself, maybe a little wee wee ;P but you won't tell that part of the story back at camp... that bloodied corpse ex.person isn't actually dead!!!It lunges at you with ferocious velocity ..... did it knock you over- does it grab you or miss, are you able to draw your gun or grab your bat fast enough to beat it off? Are you scathed? bleeding? Is it dragging itself toward you still?etc etc Personally I'd love that to be in the game. Surely that could be added with the current engine, tweak the hand cuff system as part of the capture set up to determine if you were caught by the Zed or not including a random possibility of being knocked over etc.The search ability is already in, so to speak, it would "only" require the model(s) and animation etc (as if I knew what that involved) :)Either way it'd be suspenseful, kinda scarey and fun as all hell.Even make it with a low possibility of a high tier non military item but with all searchable corpses having a relatively high risk of being a "zleeper". Damn I could go on and on with ideas, i'm sure we all could :) - i'll shut up now :P Edited February 5, 2014 by Turk 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Turk (DayZ) 82 Posted December 29, 2013 (edited) hur dur insert catchy alpha statement here.heres some beans.hurr durr insert dictionary explanation of discussion. If you have nothing constructive to add why bother? Edited December 29, 2013 by Turk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
desmond_hume 26 Posted December 29, 2013 (edited) Actually, i'm gonna agree on this one.I would love a bit of gore in the world of DayZ! The amount of zombies i can deal with, but i am missing that feeling of everything turned to shit. Save a few Z's and some ripped wallpaper, it is basically your idyllic countryside! Give us piles of burned bodies, give us skulls and bones from rotting animals/humans, that sort of stuff!EDIT: Even taking into consideration that there will be a lot more Z's later on.. Edited December 29, 2013 by DesmondHume 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Turk (DayZ) 82 Posted December 29, 2013 Actually, i'm gonna agree on this one.I would love a bit of gore in the world of DayZ! The amount of zombies i can deal with, but i am missing that feeling of everything turned to shit. Save a few Z's and some ripped wallpaper, it is basically your idyllic countryside! Give us piles of burned bodies, give us skulls and bones from rotting animals/humans, that sort of stuff!Yeah. I don't want it to be movie style zombie gore but just a bit of evidence that the world has gone to sh1t :D It also wouldn't hurt to hto see bits fly of zeds when hacking them with an axe, or at very least some blood.Gimme blooooooood!!!!!!!!!!! :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bribase 251 Posted December 29, 2013 (edited) Actually, i'm gonna agree on this one.I would love a bit of gore in the world of DayZ! The amount of zombies i can deal with, but i am missing that feeling of everything turned to shit. Save a few Z's and some ripped wallpaper, it is basically your idyllic countryside! Give us piles of burned bodies, give us skulls and bones from rotting animals/humans, that sort of stuff!EDIT: Even taking into consideration that there will be a lot more Z's later on.. Ooooh! That's actually gotten me thinking. I'm still not a fan of staged gore though. Those sorts of things do well to set the scene but often end up looking like stage scenery. S.T.A.L.K.E.R (my favourite game of all time) was filled with corpses posed in a way that tells a story; Evidence of a shootout or mutant attack, a lone explorer dies just before reaching the first aid kit that would have saved his life, a Stalker is split in two by a set of automated doors. It all looks very impressive until you realise that the corpses don't react in the way they ought to, bullets ricochet off of them, explosives don't affect them, they may as well be shop window mannequins. But the idea of suggestive but not overtly gory scenery is intriguing, especially the idea of stacks of burned bodies. It would be awesome to leave a major civillian center and head a few hundred meters North up a small mound only to find that the ground underfoot is a different colour than the surrounding area, it's darker than usual, it has more give to it than regular soil and you can just make out that parts of it are still smoking. I'd also like to see prescence of more efforts to quell the infection before the evacuation; Bullet holes riddling the high street of certain towns and cities at the military attempted to sweep and clear the population centres only to be overwhelmed. Evidence of attempts to napalm sections of the cities to purge the area of infection, leaving entire sections of the city charred. Encampments made by small military squads, cut off from resupply or evacuation, making camp in the wilderness and trying to survive before their eventual rescue or demise. I actually like the way that Chernarus looks like "Idyllic countryside". I've always been interested in places where the human population has been forced to leave because of industrial accidents, wars, economic or natural disasters. One of the first things you notice is that flora and fauna thrive once we've all abandoned it, take a look at Prypyat and Chernobyl's surrounding area, there was a huge disaster to befall the local area, but we left. I quite enjoy the juxtaposition between cities and military bases overrun by combat and mass panic and the breathtaking sights and sounds of rural Chernarus. It serves to make me feel like the survivors are truly abandoned and not even the landscape is being sypathetic to your predicament. You'll eat a bullet, get torn apart by infected, starve to death or succumb to an illness that you could be cured of in days if you weren't abandoned in the wilderness. You'll die eventually and the world will keep spinning regardless of how you lived. Then you'll rage quit or respawn. Edited December 29, 2013 by Bribase 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YZ250 248 Posted December 29, 2013 Rocket has stated that these aren't Walking Dead or Night of the Living Dead style zombies. These are closer to the infected style zombies of 28 Days Later. They have been driven insane and bestial by an unknown pathogen. They die just like everyone else but they are harder to stop because they don't flinch or react to pain in the same way. And the reasons he has said this most of us know, the Game Engine is not capable of many things people keep creating post after post about, so Dean knowing it's limitations or Pros and Cons manipulates that to suit. DONT call it a Zombie Game then if they aren't Zombies. Ask any person a definition of a Zombie and most dont have 28 Days examples springing to mind . Front Doors open OUT gaurantee that wont change, never been in any Country were that happens. . I'm enjoying the first Release but still feel that at the end of the Day it will be this Engine that holds the Game back from being a Classic as it should be. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Turk (DayZ) 82 Posted December 29, 2013 (edited) And the reasons he has said this most of us know, the Game Engine is not capable of many things people keep creating post after post about, so Dean knowing it's limitations or Pros and Cons manipulates that to suit. DONT call it a Zombie Game then if they aren't Zombies. Ask any person a definition of a Zombie and most dont have 28 Days examples springing to mind . Front Doors open OUT gaurantee that wont change, never been in any Country were that happens. . I'm enjoying the first Release but still feel that at the end of the Day it will be this Engine that holds the Game back from being a Classic as it should be.Indeed - i've thought it all along. On paper the engine (technically a reworked "Take on Helicopters" actually so not even Arma2, though of course Take on Heli's is a reworked arma2 engine and so on) would be ideal for such ie huge map, buildings, items with "vehicle" characteristics, realistic ballistics etc etc all sounds great on paper but in reality, as you say, will ultimately hold it back despite all intentions and obvious skill of the devs, when compared to a purposefully designed engine but then you are talking an extra 2 or 3 years of development for a purpose built engine..Obvious example being the ui, completely reworked, 10 times better than the mod yet compare it to an item heavy game such as skyrim its not on the same level. DayZ 2? Anyway bit of a derail. The op was meant as a discussion about enhancing immersion with zombie apocalypse-esque body parts and lootable dead. Edited December 29, 2013 by Turk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twingunz 308 Posted December 29, 2013 (edited) People really should read good post 100% agree i'd love to walk into a town and be dreading it as decomposing corpses are spewn around the place, dragged in front of homes, massacres in bedrooms, i mean whose the person whose going around cleaning up the 10,000 dead people no one would bother with that they would still be thereIt'll add huge amounts of atmosphere for example in 'the last of us' (i know very different games but like i said example) every house you go in you can feel a sense of the people who lived there by the way things are around the house it never feels generic so you really get a feel that you understand what happened at the place just by visual atmosphere, where as in dayz it's just like generic house if you took out the zombies you could turn dayz's world into a friendly social game and not have to alter anything as the actual world of dayz looks largely untouched by the horrific events Edited December 29, 2013 by twingunz 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Turk (DayZ) 82 Posted December 29, 2013 So after all there has been no talk for or against from BI / Dean whether there will be additions to enhance our immersion? (aside from the you tube video I linked and what is already in mod which I assume will make it to SA.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sweendawg 37 Posted February 5, 2014 I know you're probably sick of hearing thisbutIt's alpha, blood and gore are going to be added soon.. just they want to make sure peoples computers can actually run it instead of just being MOD 2.0 GET 2 FPS IN CHERNO! You also just added that there's only 2 or 3 or 4 zombie models.Those are just place holders ATM, they are working on it as said in the dev blogs.As I said aboveIt's alpha.do you know how to read ? stop posting its alpha the guy want to dicuss a cool possibility ppl like you are trolls and should not have this game..... 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zjasuu 337 Posted February 5, 2014 BUT THE GAME IS IN ALPHUR!!!! YUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID!! No but really, I agree with you, the games feels like normal russia but there are also zombies. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
excitable1 157 Posted February 5, 2014 "ALPHA" "ALPHA" "ALPHA" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rev0lve 0 Posted February 5, 2014 What kind of maniac would search infected dead bodies for loot anyway? If you dont catch the infection from them there's still a chance one of those bodies starts moving and bites you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Turk (DayZ) 82 Posted February 6, 2014 (edited) What kind of maniac would search infected dead bodies for loot anyway? If you dont catch the infection from them there's still a chance one of those bodies starts moving and bites you.chance one of those bodies starts moving That right there is the idea - the encouragement to search the dead would either be sheer necessity (base items found being food, can of drink &/or meds next tier being ammo then a higher tier non military weapon with the highest tier being the only way to get keys for a specific rare non military vehicle such as a 4x4 or depending on the area if near the sea a boat, jetski etc.& could also be used as a mechanic for military vehicles, ie find the dead pilot/jeep driver.... is he a zleeper or just dead - oh suspense n all that..Wouldn't it be a good thing to actually have a jump scare or two whilst playing a zombie survival horror? Read this and tell me it wouldn't be a welcome scenario. Loot able corpses - which could add a much needed element of surprise & jump scare fear potential by having "zleeper" zeds. (Zleeper tm, trademark ©Turk xD )To explain what I mean by "zleeper":-scenario - you are desperate for water or food that corpse is likely to have something of use, suns going down but its not so dark, just yet, to need a flashlight, you hear gunshots nearby (lol atmosphere) so you want to keep out of sight, you crouch, duck into the shadows & slowly sneak up to the corpse.You rapidly start searching through its pockets mindful of being shot in the head any second... then BAM an ear piercing scream you almost soil yourself, maybe a little wee wee ;P but you won't tell that part of the story back at camp... that bloodied corpse ex.person isn't actually dead!!!It lunges at you with ferocious velocity ..... did it knock you over- does it grab you or miss, are you able to draw your gun or grab your bat fast enough to beat it off? Are you scathed? bleeding? Sh1t it's still dragging itself toward you!! Doesn't matter you've scored a set of keys for that nearby 4x4............ Edited February 6, 2014 by Turk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KnightFall1856 24 Posted February 6, 2014 Id love to see all of the above mentioned. You're not alone Op :thumbsup: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Turk (DayZ) 82 Posted February 6, 2014 (edited) "ALPHA" "ALPHA" "ALPHA""idiot""states""obvious" I see you didn't read the part where I asked if anyone had heard if there were plans for the addition of immersive scenery and to provide links of such? no I guess it's too easy being a troll. Edited February 6, 2014 by Turk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DMentMan 707 Posted February 6, 2014 yeah, needs more blood and stuff. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meshcarver 154 Posted February 6, 2014 OP, what you're writing about is exactly what I'm planning with a terrain I'm currently working on.I'll just leave the link here if you're interested, if not no harm done- I don't mean to derail this thread etc:http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?142308-Large-S-T-A-L-K-E-R-inspired-Island-quot-NOVA-ZONA-quot 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites