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Hey guys my steam name is twaits1944, I just got the alpha and I'm looking to party up with some players, i've got the basics of the game down so add me on steam and lets play!

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edit: just added you!

Edited by mftru

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Hey MFtru, I am a member of a clan called AOD and it is recruiting!

In AOD we help our fellow clan members, have an awesome ventrillio server, and there is usually a group or two on with several people in each one.

Feel free to add me on steam, my ID is AOD_Samiam_Jr

you can visit and even join AOD at ClanAOD.net

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Hey guys my steam name is twaits1944, I just got the alpha and I'm looking to party up with some players, i've got the basics of the game down so add me on steam and lets play!


If you need more of a primer or have other questions about the game, I made a new Survivor's Guide that pretty much goes over most of the stuff a new player needs to know.  Link is in my sig.


Welcome to the apocalypse!  Well..post-apocalypse that is.  Have a Zlutka!

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Aussie Bogan. Your post is already popular enough...and you don't have to post that on EVERY post that someone has. I already see it enough. 


Yes, i know the post is pretty popular but still i like to help people out, for most of them post before they read ;)

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