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Why do people think there would be more civilian weapons than military?

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Has there ever been a proper background story to the Mod or SA. Something to explain the currant situation?  Did the infection start in the area drawing in Military and civilian medial units. It could be the case the Map area was one of the few last stand safer zones that has finally fallen and the infection/disease has burned itself out.


The Team could Wright any background to fit equipment expected to be found. I know it is early SA and I know some hate them but I really miss the excitement of an air unit passing overhead in the streams I watch. I hope Helicopters are brought in even if they are super rare and hard to maintain.


i think it is set arfter the arma 2 campaign ie the civil war thing and becuase of that it left the country weak and a unknown virus spread. 

Edited by noso56

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In an area that is roughly 140 sq miles (1/2 the size of the city limits of San Francisco ) there are 3 major military installations and at least 2 smaller ones. 


This is also the former Soviet Union....


There would be military equipment for days around there.  Have any idea how many AK's the Russians produced?  It is the most produced assault rifle in the world after all. 


So whats with all the too much military weapon cry baby crap?



I think it is mostly due to the fact that within 5 minutes of spawning you could have your hands on full military kit with an M4 carbine.... (not an AK)...


I would prefer if I could find an AK, shotguns, hunting rifles, pistols or police issue sub-machine guns before I found the more military grade AKs/M4s etc.... But a more common, cheaper AK for civilians could be found... though not necessarily with ammo.

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Has there ever been a proper background story to the Mod or SA. Something to explain the currant situation?  Did the infection start in the area drawing in Military and civilian medial units. It could be the case the Map area was one of the few last stand safer zones that has finally fallen and the infection/disease has burned itself out.


The Team could Wright any background to fit equipment expected to be found. I know it is early SA and I know some hate them but I really miss the excitement of an air unit passing overhead in the streams I watch. I hope Helicopters are brought in even if they are super rare and hard to maintain.


I was actually thinking about this the other day, how Rocket said a while back how they have a story set up, with the aid of his brother (who happens to be quite knowledgeable in the ways of disease).  Having some solid lore could put the lid on a lot of fruitless discussions, and answer a lot of questions.  Not complaining, just wondering if they've gotten anything nailed down in that department and are just waiting.

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Ive would like more hunting type of weapons, Feels like them should be more common in a poor ex soviet state 

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It is not a question of poverty. Rich people in East Europe have expensive weapons. Hunting rifles can be very expensive.... Also you can buy all those gold colored Desert Eagles in .50AE. Point is, that in EE the guns overall isn't so popular, and hunting rifles is more widespread than handguns (though cheap handguns like TT or Glocks is available).

Edited by gregor

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Ive would like more hunting type of weapons, Feels like them should be more common in a poor ex soviet state 


Yes. Hunting weapons (rifles and crossbows) should be found occasionally especially in rural areas. Also I would like to see some novelty weaponry such as a BB gun introduced in the game.

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As far as I can see there is alot of people from USA. And i can see you kinda dont have a clue about Europe guns laws. Only the military is allowed to have carbines, snipers, assult rifles and so on. The police only has sub machineguns like the mp5 and pistols. Civilans needs to have a license and to get it you need to go in comisions and shit, basicly alot of time to get it. So the ammount of civilians who would have hunting rifles or self deffens handguns is very little. BUT if the SA takes place after arma2 campaign, after the civil war, then there should be some AKs or even NATO weapons from the dead bodies. NATO millitary bases should be just as evac and medical camps.

Im sorry for my gramma mistakes, Engliah is not my first language.

Edited by Bektron
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In the current state that the game is, M4A1's are more common than Mosin's lol.

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Still isnt this set 10 years into the apocalypse?


Guns would have been the first thing to be looted.

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I can't read the whole thread, but I hope that people stop comparing the number of in DayZ with their homecountry. First of all: it is set in an european country, where buying/owning a weapon is quite hard because of regulations. Thats one reason why there are less weapons around. Also normal policemen normally only have pistols. They only get other weapons for special operations.


The other reason is to focus dayZ more on surviving and working together, because of the lack of defense. When you cant find a weapon it is great when someone covers your back, even if they do it with a hatchet.

To military peronal: maybe they evacuated the "VIP's" and took the majority of guns with them?


So please stay with only a small amount of weapons and very rare ammunition.

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"This is also the former Soviet Union...."


I have in my possession a book called Inside the Soviet Army, by a chap called Viktor Suvorov. It was published in 1982 and is mostly bullshit but very entertaining. I have no idea if the current Eastern European armed forces are culturally descended from the old Soviet Army, but I find it hard to believe that the soldiers would be evacuated leaving all their equipment behind. Broken trucks, maybe, mobile generators etc, but not rifles. And any infantrymen in Chernarus who lost their rifles would probably be made to run back and forth across a frozen riverbed until they promised never to do it again. Disposing or destroying the munitions scattered across Chernarus would be one of the state's top priorities, because the state needs to maintain a monopoly on armed force in order to remain the sole power.


Assuming DayZ takes place in the Czech Republic it seems that you'd hunt far and wide to find a few semi-automatic rifles, except that in reality someone else would have got them first. If Wikipedia is to be believed you don't need any kind of permit to own a pre-1890 bolt-action rifle, so a late-1800s military rifle might slip under the radar, except that you'd never find cartridges for it and it would probably blow up if you converted it for a smokeless cartridge.


As for machine guns, satchel charges, specialised military gear etc, they're numbered and accounted for. In the event of trouble the soldiers would be helicoptered out; the helicopter crashes in the mod look as if they would have torched the contents of the helicopter.

Edited by AshleyP

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Yeah, while having a few mil-grade weapons would be nice for end game, I would like to see lot's of recreational guns, .22's and hunting/sports rifles, as well as a few handguns etc. What this would also acheive is to further reinforce the idea that using guns on zombies is a bad, bad idea, if the hunting rifles are anything like the enfield or the CZ, they would attract a lot of zombies, which would limit their useage to emergencies and PvP.

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People just dont want to see stupid weapons that would make absolutely no sense given the region.


Weapons such as





As 50s


Fn scars


Nobody cares about the "region" or "canon" or whatever. This isn't Arma 2. If you want to play with some Russian rinky-dink crap go play that instead, although note that even BI didn't bother to keep with those type of weapons in the main game, because they'd be boring.


The point is to have cool guns to shoot zombies and players with. Deal w/ it.

Edited by Ozelot

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People just dont want to see stupid weapons that would make absolutely no sense given the region.


Weapons such as





As 50s


Fn scars


The term 'DMR' is way to broad. Certain DMR's are perhaps a bit too much for DayZ, MK12 and EBR varients being some of them.

but I think the M14 has it's place in the game, whether it has iron sights are a long range scope.

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Why do people think this many people would survive a zombie apocalypse, most people would die of starvation in a fast food drive thru lane waiting for service. 

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In an area that is roughly 140 sq miles (1/2 the size of the city limits of San Francisco ) there are 3 major military installations and at least 2 smaller ones. 


This is also the former Soviet Union....


There would be military equipment for days around there.  Have any idea how many AK's the Russians produced?  It is the most produced assault rifle in the world after all. 


So whats with all the too much military weapon cry baby crap?

In european countries it is a bit harder to buy military weapons. 

We have more sports weapon here than military equipment.


I dont understand why you think that everyone owns an assault rifle...

You also wont find many .22 weapons here.


Yes, the AK47 is one if not THE most produced assault rifle in the world, but they combine in armed forces or militant organisation.


Also, what most people mean with more "civilian" weapons is the reduced amount of high power military rifles suchs as those AS50, M240, M60, MG3 etc pp.

They are clearly overpowered for such a game and its also really unrealistic that civilian survivors can handle those weapons so easily. 

(AS50 kills from 1.000 meters while crouching...)




also, if people get evacuated due to the apocalypse, i would be useful to take your weapons with you. a family that ran away from the happening in safer areas probably would take their stuff with them

Edited by =GS=Quobble

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Because this game was meant to be a survival horror game and not Call of Duty.  It's supposed to be a challenge to survive, not just getting the most awesome weapon within 3 minutes of spawning and then go killing as many bambis as possible.  There has to be a balance if the game is going to be worth playing.  It's not very fun or much of an adrenaline rush if I know I can just walk into a food mart and pick up a M240 or AKM.  The more rare military grade weapons are, the more they are sought after, meaning the more action and more satisfaction when you actually survive a raid on a base and find a nice weapon.  I know this is supposed to take place in the soviet union but why can there not be other countries weaponry there?  Why can't it be in the back story how the worlds forces came together to fight the infection and task groups from multiple countries were sent to other countries where they might be needed to fight off the infection at the time?  We all know the infection always starts in China!  Lol.  To one side is an ocean, to the other land, more specifically, the soviet union.  Perhaps the world sent forces to TRY to hold back the infection from spreading across Asia and Europe?  They clearely lost, and left weaponry behind.


Anyways, IRL we keep our weapons in really thick vaults.  Most civilians would never get in or know how.   I can't picture a tax preparer or fast food drive through person knowing how to operate a blow torch, lets put it that way.  Not to mention the ammo is stored in an even more secure location in several huge metal rooms covered in earth with huge doors you would never get through.  SO, be grateful you even can find military weapons so easily just laying on the ground in this game (dead soldiers spawns randomly would be cool, they could have their weapons and ammo still on their bodies).

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My thinking exactly.  AK-47's are very popular and numerous, in the semi-auto variant.  And I think semi-auto for the most part is the way to go with this game.  Combined with bolt action and pump action weapons of course.


Same thing with the M4's. They're very popular with target shooters, but always in semi auto, fully automatic ones should be much rarer.

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Love how this thread is about weapons but none really says anything about this being an alpha.


Now lets mention Fix Zombies and see what happens.

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i don't have a problem with the military loot i personally don't dig walking around looking like some trench warfare goon. to each there own though. but i do have a problem with all this ammo i keep findin c mags fully loaded. i had an ammo box i dropped as soon as i found the 2 c mags 120 rounds i figure if i go through that many rounds theres a problem. in other words what i'm saying is leave the mil loot but make the magazine spawn with a random amount of ammo or none at all make us find one bullet or a hand full like i've seen spawn. theres been to many times i've been a walking armory lets hope the stamina system gets implemented soon. sorry for the run on sentences.

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The term 'DMR' is way to broad. Certain DMR's are perhaps a bit too much for DayZ, MK12 and EBR varients being some of them.

but I think the M14 has it's place in the game, whether it has iron sights are a long range scope.



No m14 of any kind has any place in Dayz man.


It's a 1200 dollar weapon in its basic configuration then its even more unrealistic to expect a accutirised version of it since the glass alone for it costs upwards of 1000 dollars not to mention new stock and bipod.


Highly unrealistic for a 3k dollar rare American war relic that is highly desirable in the west  to show up in Chenarus.


Now the spr aka a 5.56 nato sub 1 moa  ar15 i can definitely see .




Very popular hunting rifle among hunters.


Ar10s however are rare .

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