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Pvt Parts (DayZ)

Why do -you- kill?

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So yeah, I'm still pretty new to the mod/game in general, joined the night before 1.7.1 so I'm very green and haven't had "much" interaction with other players yet. So yeah, I'm still getting to grips with the various parts of the game. But I am just curious, what reasoning is behind you killing others personally? I ask because I've been watching a fair few youtube vids and I found a high number of people not only killing for supplies from survivors, but running around trololol killing. So I guess I'm just curious to see how many bandits are playing as Bandits, and how many are just killing for the lullz of it all and to rack up more numbers in their counter.

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ive only killed one person and thats cos he was looting and i swear he had a gun what was i to do let him see me and let him get the first shot. Turns out he didn't have a gun and i felt bad but i mean i do what must be done but not hunt others for sport

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Always said to myself I wouldn't kill survivors prior to getting the mod.

Then I found myself getting killed on average every 20minutes and got sick of helping players along the coast get to major cities etc.

So im now a sneaky git who will ask if your friendly and if you don't reply you will get shot, also if you look shady.

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When I have GPS, NVG's and full inventory of good stuff I have collected for a good 2 or 3 days of playtime, been Up North and back a few times, been nearly dead more than 10 times with the same character... even been to debug plains and ran South East for an age to get back to Chernarus.. do I seriously want to take the risk of someone shooting me to just loot all that hard work in an instant? NOT ME THANKS.

I tell you now, that's why some people kill other players, having precious items only makes you that much more dangerous. I have found that now I have all this good stuff that I stay away from the rest of humanity because I know I will just shoot before thinking to keep my stuff.

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Main reasons most kill:

1. Paranoia, fear that the other will kill them so they shoot first

2. Loot. They want that better gun, they're starving so need some beans, etc.

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My friend and I play to hunt players. The zombies are slow and predictable; a threatened player is fresh and exciting. If we see you, we will pursue you until we kill you, or you kill us.

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See this is the thing. I'd like to think I'm a nice chap who wouldn't kill another survivor but instead try to team up and make it through the zombie infested world we find ourselves in, but I just know that if I see someone with a weapon, I am more than likely to try and kill them before they can kill me and take mine. Finding my first AK has made me a lot more twitchy than I was while I didn't have a weapon, and the thought of someone taking it from me, well that's not to appealing at all. It's one of those things where I don't want to become a Bandit, but I see you in front of me with a gun, you're now the number one threat to my life there is. I didn't really have this mentality before, but now I have my AK in hand, I sort of see it as I'm running around with a large target.

So yeah, I totally get the people who have spent their time gathering and collecting their nice gear shooting without question for fear of loosing it, hell I'm starting to think like that and I've only got an AK. I think the fact I'm playing Solo adds to that sort of mind set though.

I guess I'm glad to see more of you with that mind set that the killing just for the fuck of it all, as tbh I've been sniped a few times not long after spawning and while clearly without a weapon of any kind, and that just sort of made me thing, whats the point, there's nothing to gain and you're so far off and hidden it wasn't like I was going to spot you and flash light you to death.

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Just for the "Nope" sake.

Balota Airfield. Daytime. Me and some buddy from our team finally managed to meet near the Balota medi camp. I gave him my 1911 with 4 clips so he was able to cover my ass while i poke some other dudes around with my shottie. Just at the first hangar we found a well geared camper in ghilie and 3 dead bodies around him. This one was a bit slow one, guess he wanted to take down us both at once... Dunno. Just shot his ass and here we go. My fella with 1911 now have his AK and decent backpack. Then we shot few more (oh well, people was so curious about those shots. Did they thought that we give free candy there?). So after 2 others survivors were down and a third one managed to crawl away we decided to bail out. Was a lot of gear left there but no more space to carry. And here we go. Some newb with no weapon or gear waltz right into us. He walked, showed his good intentions... Oh yeah, he's like friendly! So hell yeah, we just like wait there, let him take a share of our spoils and wait till he wastes us in the backs. Nope. Fed him with lead and moved on.

I trust noone outside of the team. I made that mistake before but i learned my lesson. So from that point i show no mercy, no remorse. If i have the chance - i will kill. Even if my adversary have some starter gear. No shots in my back anymore, nope.

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I kill because, during most encounters with a player, I've found that most people will shoot on sight. Even if I see a player and he doesn't see me, I shall kill him. There is always a chance he will turn around (Paranoia at the max). I just don't want to die. The easiest way not to die: Kill everyone.

I also like loot. People carry loot. An even better reason to kill them.

I trust noone outside of the team.

Exactly. They usually stab you in the back. I'd rather team up with people I know.

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That moment when you see them drop to the ground, and you know how gutted they are to have just lost everything..

It feels so satisfying :)

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I hunt other players for loot and sometimes sport. Sometimes I'll sit at NWAF and just shoot server hoppers from the tree line, I'm usually tempted to go see what they have but knowing NWAF there's always a good chance I'll get shot looting the corpse.

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I started killing players after this.

I was heading to elektro. Got north of it to get a good view,and I saw with my Binoculars two guys entering the firestation. I headed there and when I was going to enter,one of them came out and I quickly typed at the chat FRIENDLY. He said he's friendly and that maybe I should team up with his mate. He entered the firestation and then I did. When I entered,he said at the chat: Sorry.

They killed me and looted my stuff. I got pissed and asked why he told he was friendly if he wasn't. He told me that he prefers to kill players on sight than let the others get the first shot.

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They killed me and looted my stuff. I got pissed and asked why he told he was friendly if he wasn't. He told me that he prefers to kill players on sight than let the others get the first shot.

Pussies. Can't even handle their own targets. Shame on them, this is not a bandit - this is what called a douche. But you had to kill the guy when you had your chance. You trusted a stranger and this is what you get.

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