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The Balota Situation / Skiddie

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Was looting Balota, server crashes/reboots, we swap server and I'm at the balota tents, I hear a few shots and friend on teamspeak says he's been killed but he's happy he fired his weapon hah.


So I move over to try and secure his gear and hopefully kill whoever killed him, he stays dead so his body doesn't disappear.. I run into the jailhouse where he died and see two people in the cell and open up on them.. kill them both, don't get a chance to pull any equipment off them before they quit. Didn't record this bit but they both had their backs to me, fully armed.. sore day for them but I was taking no chances!


I wait downstairs feeling vulnerable from server hoppers.. horrible feeling this public server swapping stuff, I hear a few more shots and decide I want this guy to.. or at least his ammo so I close the jaildoor and wait for about 10-15minutes, by this time I've retreated upstairs and closed the door up there incase of server hoppers to give myself the best point of defense, if someone hops servers in that room I'll know they're there soon as the door opens.. 


An unarmed guy wanders up the stairs and I instantly shoot him.. my train of thought was.. theres a guy with an M4 nearby and he's the first person I'll see.. I didn't feel bad but knew there was still another down there at least so I take a cheeky peak and did not expect someone to be looking at me immediately, I keep tabs on him and keeps looking up and looking away, I feel like its a trick so I wait it out but all the time I'm very tempted to try get a shot on him when he turns. Now watching the footage back, I wonder if he's 3Ding up to me?


His friend appears and sits in the same place, looked like the gunman went out the door so I cautiously move around to check the other side and see him there, he fires at me but misses, I do a quick return fire and I hit him a few times, looks like he went down.. his friend is quick on the body, can see he's now shouldered the M4 so I pop him a few times aswell. When they're both dead, leg it down there checking everywhere.. considered closing the doors but figured these guys would be quitting asap and I really need more ammo!


Phew, luckily pull off a coupled mag which is mostly full.


So by this point, I've killed 5 people.. and I'm still waiting for my teamspeak compadre to arrive but I thought after killing 5 people, the chances of another armed person turning up are pretty low unless its a server hopper so I reload all my mags so I have as much ammo in each mag as possible and I wait quite a while and hear more shots! Argh I don't want to be here anymore, just bad luck about the previous server going down.


Then the door next to me opens, I don't hesitate and open up on him.. godmode. GG. Can't see any blood or wall impacts, I'm 100% sure it was god mode there, too close for the leaning to skew it and you'd think from over 30 rounds one would make a dent, he then laughs and shoots me but by this point I'm already on my way out. I don't normally leave in the middle of a fight but I'm sure I didn't miss and his laugh made me even more suspicious. If I did miss, apologies to this person but you can't see any impacts at all and its not like I'd been missing much already!


We didn't see anyone after this at all apart from one person in the distance for about 2+ hours. The next server crashes and now I'm wiped and on the coast!


So what did we learn from the video? Not that we don't know this already but one issue created quite a knock on effect.


1) Third person is BS but if its legit and others use it, you need to use it to! Its too much of a crutch though and you won't see many 1st person servers which is a shame.


2) God mode is still well and truly possible


3) Bodies disappearing too quickly still so you can't loot them


4) Servers crashing/rebooting unannounced causes several issues including getting you killed and wiping your character


5) Server hoppers are as bad as cheaters themselves.


I know the games an alpha and I'm testing it to, hopefully the fact that I recorded all these (except 4, just take my word about it :P) will be helpful.. If the devs see it of course :)




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Right before you quit, you can see all the impacts happen and the blood spray everywhere.


Looks like desync.

Edited by bad_mojo

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Right before you quit, you can see all the impacts happen and the blood spray everywhere.


Looks like desync.


Do you know what, you might be right there.. that would explain the strange heavy weapon/shoutgun sound, all the rounds landing at once! Guess paranoia made me hit the exit button, its strange for the rounds to not land immediately even if its desync!



Edited by ToejaMz0r

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1) Third person is BS but if its legit and others use it, you need to use it to! Its too much of a crutch though and you won't see many 1st person servers which is a shame.


Not sure about that. There suppose to be 1st person servers only after next patch, we will see how it turns out.

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I know replying to you will derail the thread but I think the damage is done with 3rd person, because its already an option people will miss this crutch if you take it away and the popular servers will be ones with it turned on. Hopefully we can get some good first person only ones!


I hope to be proved wrong and where possible I'll only be on first person servers, far more immersive and challenging that peeking round the corner like in my vid.


At the least though, if you don't have line of sight you shouldnt be able to see any loot/any living person/zombie - thats a compromise I'm interested in :)

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Right before you quit, you can see all the impacts happen and the blood spray everywhere.


Looks like desync.

You can also see the guy's body dropping.



Noob combat logger

You're joking right?

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I havnt killed that many people, is that why he holds his gut area as thats the dying animation? Or a dying animation anyway?

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You're right about it being Desync, You can tell when a server is heavily desyncing because you shoot, noting happens, then random hit sounds. It tends to happen at random intervals, but seems to be ALOT more common when trying to shoot someone who's just logged in. Making it easier for server hoppers to escape death because of it. Luckily yours registered and you did get to kill him.

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I guess that says something for assuming the hit registration is the same as Arma 2! I've never seen this happen in a game before. At least if you're right and I did kill him, that I managed to make a server hopper think twice, probably not though!


I have wondered if when I get desync and my friend across the map doesn't, if someone is logging in. I don't remember actually desyncing at the time, maybe the chain was coming soon.


This is a pretty big issue then in anycase!

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Yeah the dude died just as you logged he fell forward in a pool of blood.

BUT I would of logged tools well !!

Hackers all over you never know!! Ok ok it was desynk but my god knowing the game got hackers just been in that standoff with the other guys.. Heart racing pumping bullets dude not dropping fuck that I'm out!

Combat logging forgiven in this situation no doubt.

Edited by Desryachri

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2) God mode is still well and truly possible



Not sure if I've seen any real proof of this so called "god mod" so I'm still skeptical :D

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Yeah the dude died just as you logged he fell forward in a pool of blood.

BUT I would of logged tools well !!

Hackers all over you never know!! Ok ok it was desynk but my god knowing the game got hackers just been in that standoff with the other guys.. Heart racing pumping bullets dude not dropping fuck that I'm out!

Combat logging forgiven in this situation no doubt.


Did I technically combat log if I got the kill though as people suggest!? ;) Isn't combat over in this case? :)


If I thought I'd missed, I would have stuck it out.. but I was pretty sure I'd hit the guy at that range on full auto and I've seen my share of godmode users in the mod, though even then you see blood/hit markers immediately, which is why I was so confused. I thought, I'm not even seeing wall markers here so they must all be on target but hes just soaking it up as if nothings happening.. then the laugh as I logout was kind of a "Hah you're an idiot I have godmode on" laugh to me - You know when you tunnel vision yourself into something! Hey at least I can see the mistake now, again with new animations and client/network structure there is definitely some learning to do before being sure.


I do withdraw my godmode statement thats for sure, I made the video around 4/5am this morning so didn't fully review it as I was sure of what I saw. Though with recent screenshots and youtube videos of it being possible, spawning things in ect and a database wipe because of spawned in things you never know whats possible

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It's combat logging because you should have left the building & area before leaving the game. He might have had a team waiting downstairs. Ya never know.


Not that I blame you for leaving, but if we're getting technical.

Edited by bad_mojo

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Well in that case, he might have had a team waiting in three towns away on their way there lol.. same difference, how long do you expect people to wait? If theres no immediate threat then its safe to assume the combat portion of the situation is over. What if I want to stay in the building and thats my goal, I shouldnt be forced to leave it if I'm already there and I've cleared my way in. Unless its a stipulation in the gameplay you cannot logout in a building you've been fighting in or you cannot logout within XX area of combat.


You can't expect people to wait around forever just incase someone else is there and then consider that combat logging, as someone could be forever "just round the corner" and it would never end and you'd never know.


An honour system just won't work, it never works in online games without admin or developer enforcement!


There needs to be a logout timer and if you can safely sit there waiting for this timer to tick down then you're considered out of combat, thats how most if not all MMOs do it and if you get attacked it refreshes the timer preventing a logout. Or as above, you cannot logout within XX area of being in combat.

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top camping balota prison also loved the texture bug leaning into walls lol to see where people were :lol:


the guy at end dunno could of been glitched god mode hack you were fast on the combat log though.

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Sigh I forgot you lived here. Wheres the ignore button?

Edited by ToejaMz0r

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so you kill on sight unarmed players and combat log? That's what I got from the story.


Ok. Please stop drinking paint.


Sincerely, the gene pool.

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Although I agree there definitely needs to be a logout timer like there was in the mod also not being able to log out when you are close to another player, I still dont see how you automatically assume anyone you killed in that video was a server hopper. 


I would think it would be very common for people to end their nights at the balota jail and logout there so when they come back they can loot it again quick and be on their way.


I made a post earlier about how ridiculously lopsided the western side of the map is starting at balota and going north west, so obviously everyone migrates that way immedietely after spawning.


And the FP vs 3P is an endless argument.  Until first person is actually first person and not a 2D version of it you cant expect people to play that way, considering how restricted it actually is.  That still doesnt change the fact tho that 3P is definitely exploitable.


My 2 cents , was a neat video to watch.

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It's combat logging because you should have left the building & area before leaving the game. He might have had a team waiting downstairs. Ya never know.


Not that I blame you for leaving, but if we're getting technical.

Logging out in a building isn't combat logging. Even if the guy did have a team downstairs, they didn't initiate combat with him and he was unaware of their presence. You can't unknowingly combat log. If that were the case, even if he did leave the area before logging, how would he know whether or not someone spotted him and was giving chase?


Then again, the reverse can also be true. He didn't know he killed the guy, so technically he did combat log.


I would think it would be very common for people to end their nights at the balota jail and logout there so when they come back they can loot it again quick and be on their way.

Willingly ending your night inside a high value loot building in the busiest area on the map isn't a very good idea. Then again there are a lot of dumb players, so maybe it is common.

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If I put 10 rounds cleanly into someone and they didn't drop, I might log in a panic too. Ghosting sucks. Really ruins the immersion for me. That's my reason for arguing against a global inventory, or minimizing it at the very least. Putting a damper on weapon hoarding = putting a damper on gun hopping/ghosting

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If I put 10 rounds cleanly into someone and they didn't drop, I might log in a panic too. Ghosting sucks. Really ruins the immersion for me. That's my reason for arguing against a global inventory, or minimizing it at the very least. Putting a damper on weapon hoarding = putting a damper on gun hopping/ghosting


Exactly this and I think it was around 25+ rounds I full auto'd.. long enough in my eyes to wonder whats going on, its not right, especially after all my other shots connecting as you can see in the vid.


Typical situation here though where had I waited that one extra second I'd have seen him die but the sound + the laugh made me really sceptical but we'd been shafted over by a previous server crashing/rebooting and logging into a dead  server (<6 when I connected! and only to run out of the area!) right infront of someone. Just frustrating is all as we were going to go for a wander around and take in the new sights.


It was all situational here.. just went wrong at every single turn!

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Well in that case, he might have had a team waiting in three towns away on their way there lol.. same difference, how long do you expect people to wait? If theres no immediate threat then its safe to assume the combat portion of the situation is over. What if I want to stay in the building and thats my goal, I shouldnt be forced to leave it if I'm already there and I've cleared my way in. Unless its a stipulation in the gameplay you cannot logout in a building you've been fighting in or you cannot logout within XX area of combat.


You can't expect people to wait around forever just incase someone else is there and then consider that combat logging, as someone could be forever "just round the corner" and it would never end and you'd never know.


An honour system just won't work, it never works in online games without admin or developer enforcement!


There needs to be a logout timer and if you can safely sit there waiting for this timer to tick down then you're considered out of combat, thats how most if not all MMOs do it and if you get attacked it refreshes the timer preventing a logout. Or as above, you cannot logout within XX area of being in combat.


Logging out in a building isn't combat logging. Even if the guy did have a team downstairs, they didn't initiate combat with him and he was unaware of their presence. You can't unknowingly combat log. If that were the case, even if he did leave the area before logging, how would he know whether or not someone spotted him and was giving chase?


Then again, the reverse can also be true. He didn't know he killed the guy, so technically he did combat log.


Willingly ending your night inside a high value loot building in the busiest area on the map isn't a very good idea. Then again there are a lot of dumb players, so maybe it is common.


Logging out in a building like that is just bad sportsmanship to be perfectly honest. You are logging out in the most active area of the map after killing a bunch of players. You could easily have gotten shot trying to leave the building & area. Logging in a place like that gives you the option to join a low pop server and leave the area.


What if the last guy in their team setup position with his sights on the door? Except you never come out, because you logged. You can't just say they didn't engage you, so you weren't in combat, you just killed a bunch of players in that building. You were camping and then you logged. How can you even argue that it isn't combat logging?


Alternatively, what if some guy watched that building for half an hour making sure it was clear to enter, and then you log in and shoot him in the back? Kind of unfair and cheap if you ask me. If you doubt this can happen, it did all the time in the mod. One time I ran into the cherno military tents turned around to leave and somebody logs in behind me and boom, headshot. I only know because I turned around at the last second to see a female with an m4 in my face.


Again, because of the massive lag that caused that strange situation, I don't really blame you for logging off, nobody likes getting killed to a bug/lag. But, if that didn't go down like that, I wouldn't have logged in that position. I always look at it like I've gotta play it out, even if I see nobody I won't log out in the middle of a military spawn, I always make my way to the wilderness first, you never know who is watching.

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