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What exactly do ballistic helmets stop

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Don't believe they don't stop anything, they just add a bunch of extra "armor" which reduces the damage. From some of the player stories I've heard the protection seems way too much right now.

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For those of you who were to lazy to click on Fluxley's link there...


Subjects 1 & 2 are equipped with a Ballistic Helmet
Subject 1 is shot in back of the head at close range
Subject 1 is unaffected
Quality of helmet degrades from Pristine to Worn
Subject 2 is shot in the face at close range
Subject 2 dies instantly

Subject 1 is shot in the head at close range
Subject 1 is unaffected
Quality of helmet degrades from Worn to Badly Damaged

Subject 1 is shot in the head at close range
Subject 1 dies instantly
Quality of helmet degrades from Badly Damaged to Ruined

Conclusion: A pristine Ballistic helmet will protect the visibly covered area from approximately two .45ACP rounds, before becoming ruined and completely ineffective.

Subjects 1 & 2 are equipped with a Ballistic Helmet
Subject 1 is shot in back of the head at close range
Subject 1 dies instantly
Quality of helmet degrades from Pristine to Ruined
Subject 2 is shot in the face at close range
Subject 2 dies instantly

Conclusion: A pristine Ballistic helmet will not protect a wearer from a 7.62x54mm round, regardless of the place of impact.

Subjects 1 & 2 are equipped with a Ballistic Helmet
Subject 1 is shot in back of the head at close range
Subject 1 is unaffected
Quality of helmet degrades from Pristine to Badly Damaged
Subject 2 is shot in the face at close range
Subject 2 dies instantly

Subject 1 is shot in the head at close range
Subject 1 dies instantly
Quality of helmet degrades from Badly Damaged to Ruined

Conclusion: A pristine Ballistic helmet will protect the visibly covered area from a single 5.56x45mm round, before becoming ruined and completely ineffective.

Edited by SalamanderAnder
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I shot a guy from 3 meters away directly into the head while he was wearing a helmet 2 times with an M4A1. He was first knocked down and after he got up I shot one more time again and he died. Helmets do help you, so wear them. I forgot to mention that I shot directly at the helmet and not his face. Probably if I were to shoot him in his face it would have ment instant death for him. I don't know how much can they resist against .45 and 7.62's as I haven't got the chance to test that yet. I also believe it depends on how much HP the victim had when he gets it and the condition that the helmet is in.


I am curious how resist against the Revolver and the new SKS.

Edited by raynor009

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For those of you who were to lazy to click on Fluxley's link there...



Conclusion: A pristine Ballistic helmet will protect the visibly covered area from approximately two .45ACP rounds, before becoming ruined and completely ineffective.



Conclusion: A pristine Ballistic helmet will not protect a wearer from a 7.62x54mm round, regardless of the place of impact.


Conclusion: A pristine Ballistic helmet will protect the visibly covered area from a single 5.56x45mm round, before becoming ruined and completely ineffective.


Thanks SalamanderAnder.


My biggest gripe with the ballistic helmet is that it doesn't seem to protect against melee knockouts. Take TheC1aws latest stream highlight for instance: http://www.twitch.tv/thec1aw/c/3442058. Pretty much 1 shot knockout. The motorcycle helmet at least protects you from that.


I also don't like how the ballistic helmet and the ballistic vest are basically ruined after taking a single shot. IRL, ballistics gear can take multiple shots to different areas without any problems, and it takes multiple shots to the same location to cause a failure. I understand that it would be too much to ask for the Arma engine to simulate a super realistic body-armor system but I hope they are still developing the ballistic gear system. As it stands it is pretty worthless.


I hope that once they get all the gear condition stuff working, your character will take damage based on the current condition of the gear.


Here's how I'd like to see it work eventually:

Pristine: 100% protection from a 5.56 or .45 round. 50% damage reduction from a 7.62. After taking the first shot, condition is lowered from pristine to worn

Worn: 75% protection from a 5.56 or .45 round. 25% damage reduction from 7.62. Condition is lowered from worn to damanged if it gets hit.

Etc, etc, until completely ruined.

Edited by TinyWeeny

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Any information on how much Motorbike helmets protect?

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A standard ballistic helmet like this will stop standard pistol rounds, some might cause head injuries. If you want to stop a 5.56 or a 7.62 direct hits, you'll have to go with a Kevlar-based helmet.

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When I was fully equipped, some Z's hit me twice because of a glitch.


My "healthy" status was gone, but I was fine after combat and didn't bleed. 

"healthy" status means you have *full health* when you lose health, the healthy status will go away. Depending on your characters status, you will get a "healing" status soon after to indicate your health regenerating rapidly.  Then, when full health again, it will say "healthy" again

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