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alpha purchase vs finished product purchase

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This may be a dumb question, but I'm curious. I havent actually played dayz yet but Ive been waiting for the standaone to come out for over a year. I've done some research and I'm willing to purchase the alpha version to play as well as assist in further development of the game. My only concern (and actual question) is that if I was to purchase the alpha version now while it is thirty bucks, will I have to also purchase the beta and final product separately later on or will I not have to re-purchase it but instead just have to deal with tons of patches and whatnot while the alpha develops into the final product? Does that make sense?

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Nooooooo, its free after you purchase the alpha :)


Tbh its a great game as it is already, buggy, but still has that immersion and fear factor.


I love it :)


If anyone can name me a better game im all ears :)

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Jump in now, bugs and all! It can be frustrating at times, especially after 4 hours work disappears into nothing. But at least by the time the full release hits, you'll have a good idea of where everything is and how to use all of the toys you'll find scattered about the place.


It also helps to have someone to play with. Solo play can get very repeatative very quickly. This game is really made by the people you actively play with.

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Yeah, one time buy. although you must be prepared to lose all your shit on a regular basis and deal with lots of other fun bugs.. ;)

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