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Fix combat logging, ghosting and server hopping at the same time?

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don't sue me if this is a retarded idea but here she goes. right now PVP is completely pointless thanks to combat logging, and there's not much else to do right now.



- bound a player to his/her current server for at least 120 seconds. if the player leaves during combat, his character stays in game for (2minutes) as a dummy. making it pointless to log/alt+f4 during PVP, unless you want to give away your gear.


- if a player logs out to go on another server (for escaping combat, loot farming, server hopping or ghosting) he gets the error "Your character is currently logged in. [servername]". Maybe it could show the remaining locked-time in the message as well.



obviously i dont know much about the netcode but i hope/guess it wouldnt be too hard to implement this. current server for every player would be saved on the central server.

you could argue that it doesnt matter if no one likes the alpha-test right now but more players also mean more bug-reports, more moneys for development etc

Edited by Qinerath
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You will here from my lawyers in 3 days time ;)


Enjoy your freedom while it lasts :D

Edited by Aussie Bogan

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I'm pretty sure (don't hold me to this) but it's been confirmed there will be a logout timer. Honestly 120 sec is far to long 30 seconds is long enough in the fields of war! plus i don't want to wait 2 minutes when i wanna quit so really it's about me coz im selfish

Edited by twingunz
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I'd like to say 10 seconds, but I'd also like to say a 5 minute lock if you have say, fired a bullet, taken a bullet in which you can't logout. I know it may be annoying but it will cease it altogether, 30 second timer would be ok, but long distance sniping, 30 seconds is plenty to work out you're f***ed, and hide, logout. Whereas if you have a 5 minute lock, that is more than enough time for the battle to finish, and if be both parties can back off and then the 5 minute lock will vanish. Something along those lines anyway, just my personal preference.

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120 sec is far to long 30 seconds is long enough in the fields of war!

Nope, if you want to log out  you shouldn't be able to do it in sight of an enemy, if you are truly in a safe place, there really is nothing to worry about the timer. If anything, the timer should be longer.

Edited by landfish
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I don't know why they don't just implement the WoW method. Logout takes X amount of seconds, but you can quit whenever you want, your character will simply remain where it is until the timer expires.


Want to quit straight away? Well then you can't logout while in the middle of a field.

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Nope, if you want to log out  you shouldn't be able to do it in sight of an enemy, if you are truly in a safe place, there really is nothing to worry about the timer. If anything, the timer should be longer.

But that raises the question of what is an enemy what if i'm with my mate and where camping and high fiving having good times at any stage he could decided hes had enough of me and axe my face and eat my beanz!

I just think simple is always better less dev time less time spent on it still a good resolution and not as likely to cause bugs start getting to crazy with the scripting is when zee bugs start to seep out! (lol a buggy dayz go figure :P)

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I'm all for a timer but I don't think your character should be able to log off at all while it is bleeding. You can alt f4 all you want but if I hit you and you're bleeding out then you're either going to bleed until you die or I am going to find you and finish the job.

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make it 10 minutes and  make the logout process a game mechanic where you have to find warm safe shelter  -so you start refreshed next login.


if you log out in the field - the next login there is a chance you might be sick, lost some times, had some item degardation and also maybe moved a bit on the map...


spent more time logging out -> benefit


just logout -> deficit...

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make it 10 minutes and  make the logout process a game mechanic where you have to find warm safe shelter  -so you start refreshed next login.


if you log out in the field - the next login there is a chance you might be sick, lost some times, had some item degardation and also maybe moved a bit on the map...


spent more time logging out -> benefit


just logout -> deficit...


that is just brutal lol.

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On the one hand we have PVP being pointless because of logging and the other KoS is a rampant problem. So which is it community, make your mind up.

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I'd like to say 10 seconds, but I'd also like to say a 5 minute lock if you have say, fired a bullet, taken a bullet in which you can't logout. I know it may be annoying but it will cease it altogether, 30 second timer would be ok, but long distance sniping, 30 seconds is plenty to work out you're f***ed, and hide, logout. Whereas if you have a 5 minute lock, that is more than enough time for the battle to finish, and if be both parties can back off and then the 5 minute lock will vanish. Something along those lines anyway, just my personal preference.

Prefer it as in the mod.

45ish sec combat cooldown and 10 sec abort time. Also bodies should stay until restart

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Nope, if you want to log out  you shouldn't be able to do it in sight of an enemy, if you are truly in a safe place, there really is nothing to worry about the timer. If anything, the timer should be longer.


The more i think about it the more this makes sense. It takes a person about 2 mins alone just to assure himself he can advance, let alone return fire. If it were a 5-10-or even 30 second timer, players would still have PLENTY of time to log out if they are hiding. In some situations it takes 5 mins just to plan a flanking menouver 

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This is a very good idea!

Especially with public hive systems, just binding your account to a server for a few minutes would solve it quite elegantly: If you want to switch servers, you'll need to wait 5 minutes, while your character remains visible (and killable) on the last server you played on.

Additionally you get a reasonable discouragement of ghosting and hopping.

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I think that the bs we had with different mods (timers etc) is not good enough for the sa. They have source of the engine, they don't have to make systems with bubblegum on top of the engine, they can make it in the engine.


Let people d/c when ever they want, no timers, no bullshit. But if you disconnect while you have agroed zombi on your ass, or you are in combat, you die, and your body stays on the server you were. Maybe, just maybe top this with suggested "wow like logout timer" where you have 10sec before you can disconnect, but you can interrupt it if you like.


Systems like "Character stays on the server for 5min after d/c" is so stupid. I Disconnect in the remote evergreens at the north, thinkin it is safe. Next time i join i see that i'm dead, but why? Because somebody else was in those remote evergreens 4min 59sec after i disconnected. 





Also locking your character to one server for short period of time is something that i would love to see. Annoying as hell to go NWAF, see that zombies all over the place, doors closed. Thinking that you hit the jackpot. Then enter one of those camo buildings just to find open doors, badly damaged gear and empty stanags. Way too easy to hop between empty servers just to get geared.

Edited by csharp

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Since they implemented the death on log out while cuffed or unconscious, I think they should take it a step further, death to any player who logs out while bleeding.  That'll stop a lot of the combat logging right there.  As for the timer, I'm all for it, but a reasonable amount of time, 5 to 10 minutes I think is a little excessive.

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