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Sugesstion about item tiers and POINT in playing

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Hello there dear survivors :)

Im there to suggest some things i have invented while playing :)

First thing is about the point in trying to stay alive. As many sandbox games i have played, all of them had some thing that have keeping you pushing further. For example in new new stuff: Don't Starve. At first look you just have to keep your stomach full, prepare for winter etc. But when you Make your "home" and have all you need to survive, you can start explore new content: Goin into caves for new stuff, then deeper for even better items that are harder to get. What i'm trying to say there is that DayZ actually have nothing to offer after you get best items that are easy to get if you are playing on low populated servers, after spawn you can just run to nearest military base, and get all you need. Then swich server to get items one more time... over and over (there should be some kind of lock in my opinion: like 3 server changes in 1h max- except of your death) 

So, in my suggestion there should be something like TIERS of items and zones you can explore. Now we have just one: All loot guarded by regular zombies. In MY opinion you should have something like that: You start normally and gather civillian grade items from cities and villages. Then, when you have food, water, some meele (or low-grade ranged) weapon, you can go explore military zone. Why not earlier? Because in military zones you can find MILITARY personel (zombified ofc). That mean some of them still wear bulletproof vests, helmets, knee-pads. They are just harder to kill. Anyway their equipment still be worn and infected so they won't be point of farming. After you equip well (but not so good to have night vision googles and sniper rifle) and get "hard medicines" from army medical stuff (like adrenaline -should be, why not :p) you can explore deeper in Chernarus, to trying find random heli explorer's crashes that can spawn... sciencist bodies! This can give you for example: Anti-radiation clothes, masks, medicines, geiger detector and other stuff. What's that for? To allow player explore radiated zones (far at north) for best possible equipment. Largest and hardest to explore military base in the area would be nice. Offcourse no mutated or stalker-like zombies :) just soldiers in that https://www.google.pl/search?q=iotv+full+set&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=f7O8UtucF8Hw4gS3t4DIDg&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1440&bih=784

This will make people having the reason for pushing further, and gathering into groups, to get in areas where exploring solo mean fast death. Now we can just grab m4 and... world is yours :)

I hope you understand whan i mean :P

Cheers form Poland! 

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I think "harder" zombies such as military zombies wearing vests, helmets etc are going to be incorporated.

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