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The value of a character

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Just no.. 


This is wrong for the same reason that the argument about keeping weapon dispersion high just because our "characters" are supposedly "civilians" with no training, rather than military.


Guns should have realistic mechanics, period.. The player behind the gun is the only factor which decides how accurate they are or how well they control recoil, etc.



The only type of stuff I can see this applying to is like.. the ability to attach weapon modifications or possibly a small bonus on reload time (which is already short.)

We have conflicting views - fair enough. I'm happy to see which way the devs take it.

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so i should let the pilot live longer as for beign more competent in crash us into the zone ?




a certain direction might help a bit, even if enforced through a rather harsh system.




What id like to see is that are books are made more "powerfull" ;) 

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Absolutely not. Hell no. Everyone in this thread needs to gtfo and let it die.

Gun mechanics shouldn't change just because you read a book. If you want to be a better shot, then learn how to use the weapon. You shouldn't spawn and spontaneously have some advantage or disadvantage. If you want more value to a character, you should be a valuable player. Otherwise it's just sentimental value, and if that's all you want then Rocket should give us the option of naming our guns Rosy or Hotshot #5 and avoid this at all costs. In real life if you want to be a farmer, you don't have any magical stats that you improve to be a better farmer. You just have to know what you're doing. Some people may be more mentally inclined to something like being a medic than others, but that comes down to the player, not the game mechanics. They'll be more aware of their surroundings and carry the right stuff. If there is any decrease in things like bandage time at all, it should be very very minimal, affected much more drastically by temperature and health, and not be improved by reading books.

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In real life if you want to be a farmer, you don't have any magical stats that you improve to be a better farmer. You just have to know what you're doing


Magical stats that improve farming ability = knowledge of weather patterns/soils/seeds/farming equipment.


A farmer learns and improves these magical stats during his lifetime as a farmer. It's not inconceivable to imagine that maybe out of all these adult survivors of the apocalype, some of them had a job with specialisation before the zombies arrived and so would be better at some things than others. Personally I won't like the fact that players spawning as someone used to weaponry might have a steadier/faster recovering aim than me spawning as a medic - but in the RL apocalypse after trawling around the landscape for hours and finding a gun would you be giving that to the ex-marine or the doctor in your group? And if you took a bullet which would you want to administer first aid?


OHMAHGOD - it's player interaction aside from deathmatching.

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Increasing the value of the individual character could reduce the KoS encounters.

It actually makes the killing more enjoyable knowing how much playtime you're costing someone.

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It actually makes the killing more enjoyable knowing how much playtime you're costing someone.

How would you know besides his gear?


Oh yes, because of his half a meter long beard ^^

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 Time survived stats, learned skills, beards etc. If losing your gear is the only thing that sucks about dieing in the game then why the hell would anyone let someone hold them up?? If a bandit takes all or most of your good gear then isn't it pretty much the same as if they had shot you in the first place? 


If I have a group of 7 bandits holding me up and I am risking, dieing, losing my current time survived stat, beard or whatever, then yah, I am probably going to comply because my gear is not everything. But as it stands right now, beyond just wanting to see what transpires during a hold up, there is little difference between getting your gear stolen and dieing. Maybe if you're super inland you are losing your position but that's it really. 


I guess until your life means more than just your gear I will personally not be taken alive. I'll take every last one of them that I can down. 



You make a good point but also, bandits wouldn't necessarily strip you naked of everything. Most bandits would probably have everything they need. They might swipe some ammo.. food and drink. Eventually when more stuff is added they may take your rare campstove or cooking pot. But due to limited inventory space, they wouldn't necessarily leave you completely naked of everything. You just hope that they leave you alive so you can stroke your beard once more.


But then again, most bandits just kill on sight.. and the ruthless ones will rob you, then execute you for the lolz. Hopefully the game breeds more robbery type bandits than kos bandits though. We'll see.

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Might be nice for the bandits to capture a mechanic and force him to repair their vehicle at gunpoint...but they have to give him a wrench to do so...

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We have a class, it's called survivor. Seriously tho, if you want a class based grinder, battlefield, planetside 2 and CoD are out there.

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Looks like a lot of posters don't understand. My idea wasn't supposed to be about "grinding". It was about players having some benefit to others outside of what gear they were carrying.

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I guess we should make OPs point more clear.


The topic is about the value of your character beyond his gear. By this you will force the players to be a little more cooperative and eventually reduce KOS. (Yes, I really hope this!)


The basic idea is, that you are able to evolve your character due to doing things related to a certain aspect.

Bandaging wounds, blood donation and so on go in medical 'skill'. In respect to other 'abilities'.

In my opinion the progess needn't be visible to keep the grinding low. And one of the above writers is right NO XP-BAR!


But: You can grind your skill up to an extend but it will draw up scarce ressources. And here is your real grind. You gotta get the gear to do the action. Which will force you to risk something or eventually you are even going to trade?!?!


And hell yeah!!! Shoot your precious ride to pieces so you can repair it afterwards. How silly, but if you want, go that way.


Another aspect I already mentioned is: If you put some effort in your character, not his gear, you will play differently. Anyone ever played Diablo in hardcore? If yes, than I think you will get the point.

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I like it the way it is. If I want to be a Medic, I just play a Medic. I go out into the world and gather up the required items that are necessary and then post out my shingle that says 'Medic'. I don't need anything in-game arbitrarily limiting me to only being able to apply a bandage until I get 4th Dan Black Belt Medical-Foo.


Besides, the fact I am a 4th Dan Black Belt Medical-Foo Medic is not going to count for a hill of beans to the KoS-kiddy who can 1 hit kill me with his Level 0 gun and arsehat of fleetness. He sure as hell doesn't care that I've spent 20 hours on this character and helped millions survive for another day.


So sorry, nothing in this proposal is going to make MY character any more valuable to any player for whom my character isn't already valuable.


Private Hive/DB, Private Server, Private Community - Then we can utilise a system like this in an enviroment where the game can be the main driving force and not simply a kill count PvP deathmatch, as it is at the moment (with a few minor exceptions).

Edited by DJPorterNZ

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I actually like some idea like this - it is realistic, doesn't punish anyone for playing how they want, and allows all kinds of emergent gameplay situations to develop.

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I actually like some idea like this - it is realistic, doesn't punish anyone for playing how they want, and allows all kinds of emergent gameplay situations to develop.


As opposed to now where it's exactly the same but without the incredibly limiting mechanics in every other FPS and MMO of all time?

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