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Bluntbanana (DayZ)

The Black Watch - Recruiting Mature Members

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We are still accepting applications, but we will not be processing any whilst we Restructure and strengthen the infrastructure of the community to take on board more members.


Feel free to apply, but do not expect your application to be processed until Sunday 19th January.

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I am very interested in applying. I like what I've read so far and I know that I will enjoy the DayZ SA experience so much more with a solid group of like minded individuals rather than tromping along by myself, paranoid at every turn.


Before I fill out an app though, I wanted to make clear that I live in the East Coast of the US. I see that you are from the UK. I can play most nights and sometimes during the day unless I'm working, but I wonder about the time difference. I don't want to apply only to find out that I'm still practically alone because everyone else plays when I'm otherwise unavailable.


Will this pose any issues?


thanks. and I look forward to hearing back and hopefully filling out an application.


~ K

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You wont be alone, I'd take a rough guess that were 60% european and 30/40% US, so your guaranteed to find someone online when you want a game.


Recruitment continues!

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We're looking at filling spaces for staff for the community, squad leaders, and other higher ranking members.


Please fill in your application A.S.A.P and show your effort as early as possible to pursue these opportunities.

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To Clarify to everyone who is interested, we are not a UK clan, we are multinational, so wherever you are from you should beable to find someone to play with.

Edited by Bluntbanana

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I'm considering submitting an application, but first I'd like to know a little more about Blackwatch. Do you hunt bandits? Do you help other survivors or shoot them outright?

Edited by Aquilares

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The blackwatch are survivors, we aim to gear up to protect ourselves and target enemy groups.

Shoot on sight depends on whether the player is armed and poses a threat.

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