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We all know that Bohemia Interactive is basically the Czech version of Activision-Blizzard and that Rocket is pretty much a more unashamed version of Bobby Kotick and that right now everyone is Bohemia's offices are wearing Hawaiian shirts packing their suitcases getting ready to disappear with all you all's monies. We also suspect that Marek Spanel is partying with all BI's shareholders in mountains of cocaine, firing gold plated AKs up in the air and throwing your heard earned money at the finest strippers money can buy in Prague.


You bought DayZ of you own free will, you bought it after you freely ignored the giant warning sign on the sales page and you bought after knowing exactly what kind of support you can expect from the DayZ mod or from the ongoing development of ArmA 3 or you bought the standalone, because you're one of those purchase monkeys, who randomly click Steam's purchase button, completely clueless about what the hell, you're throwing your money after.


How about we celebrate the standalone's success for a moment, before we choke on our ignorant rage and other stupid theories about Rocket and BI.

Edited by Dallas
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We all know that Bohemia Interactive is basically the Czech version of Activision-Blizzard and that Rocket is pretty much a more unashamed version of Bobby Kotick and that right now everyone is Bohemia's offices are wearing Hawaiian shirts packing their suitcases getting ready to disappear with all you all's monies. We also suspect that Marek Spanel is partying with all BI's shareholders in mountains of cocaine, firing gold plated AKs up in the air and throwing your heard earned money at the finest strippers money can buy in Prague.


You bought DayZ of you own free will, you bought it after you freely ignored the giant warning sign on the sales page and you bought after knowing exactly what kind of support you can expect from the DayZ mod or from the ongoing development of ArmA 3 or you bought the standalone, because you're one of those purchase monkeys, who randomly click Steam's purchase button, completely clueless about what the hell, you're throwing your money after.


How about we celebrate the standalone's success for a moment, before we choke on our ignorant rage and other stupid theories about Rocket and BI.


BI is not a scam lol and they aren't taking your money and running anywhere or investing it in other games. If anything, government contracts related to their VBS series of military simulators pays for all the subsequent commercial games adapted from their engine. 

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16 Bit side scroller anyone with a computer built in the last 15 years can playthat is half the cost of DayZ we are not comparing apples to apples here.

I hate to be semi-offtopic here but your post is extremely disrespectful to fellow developers. If you think Starbound is popular due to the fact that it requires less system resources and costs less then you are gravely mistaken my friend. Since you seem keen on visuals let me remind you that three guys pumped out a gigs worth of 1-10kb sprites. It's that level of attention and dedication to the minor details that even allows projects like DayZ or Starbound to even exist.

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