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How about Balota airfield military loot getting removed?

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The devs didn't put so much military gear in Balota in order to encourage player engagement and competition over resources, they did it so players can get weapons quick and report bugs, test how weapons work, how it looks like etc. It's not how it's gonna look like later


I know you wish that were true, because it would mean the DEVs magically agreed with you about how the game should look and work and everything, but it's obviously not true. If they just wanted to test the game, they could have easily put military spawns into the residential areas of Balota.


The fact that they deliberately changed the map in order to add barracks to Balota means they want those things to be there.


I'm really genuinely sorry if you're not happy about that.


Actually, I'm not. I think it's awesome. Whatever they can do to make people like you uncomfortable is awesome.


Merry Christmas to you and yours. Let's meet in Balota, and in advance I apologize for the number of bullet holes I put in your precious little face.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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There is no good without evil, imagine there are safe zones, like barter towns from Mad Max, remember, how many twisted minded people love to kill in this game, that would be Hunting Games for all of them, camping on outskirts, waiting for easy kill.

Servers are limited to 30-40 playes, i think that the servers should host at least 200 players, its nothing on a map this size.
Rocket already said, this is Alpha and abundance of weapons will be adjusted down, more zombies, more powerfull.

People that would like to cooperate together and explore the map, gater resources or venture into military bases, would have to or could allways find a partner for safer trip. This would also work in the other way, bandits could take an area or zone and extort it, but again, this should be zombie apocalypse pvp game (work in progress)

Food, right, i remember, as a kid, empty shelves at the supermarkets, because there was nothing to buy, martial law, i was 5.

Finding cans of food in game is ridiculously easy at the moment, also, warsaw pact food rations were standardised, 0.5 kg and 1kg big, yellow or silver painted canned food, with a key-opener soldered to the bottom :).  Minced salted pork ham, thick caseroles, bread, stodge, butter, dad allways brought something back from military reserve training.


So, for all you people, that take fun in killing othe players, how you gonna survive as the last man on earth?

Edited by Valdee_uk

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The games focus was need PVP but surviving. And bandits are a challenge to you surviving.

At balota there should be less. Because you should go up north to find the better stuff. But there should still be chances of assault rifles there. Just not as much stuff there. Balota airfield well any airfield really is a haven for bandits. Near cities you usually know where they all sit. But at balota they can be anywhere and anywhere is beneficial for mindless killing. Killing randoms in this game isn't fun to me. Killing bandits is alright. More fun talking to people and setting goals. The interaction between players. I rob people. Old school bandit. But I usually ask first. Just if I need something I will tell them to strip down if they don't give it to me first to see if they have want I want. Though sometimes the stuff goes through the ground so I've just told someone to strip and now they have no clothes.

But really. Shooting a new spawn is silly. I only shoot people if they become a direct threat to me and I can't do anything else. And that rarely happens. Usually you can move or hide then stalk them and talk to them. But in a building and some nasty looking dude with an M4 comes along and well. Talking doesn't solve your problems often. I'll knock them unconscious hopefully without killing them and patch them up.

But there's a bit too much good military year at the B airfield at the moment. Should be a tad less. You should see how much gear there is at server restart. You can have a small army.

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