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Can I suicide?

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In the middle of nowhere with no good equipment, is there anyway to suicide like in the trailer?


Btw, I have a M4A1.

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I don't think there's an actual mechanic in the game for that yet. Your best bet would be to find some tall rocks or a zombie. You could also start firing your M4, assuming you have ammo for it. That would attract a player or zed. Try both, either the fall will kill you, or zombies might eat your face. I believe you can also respawn if you have broken legs, so the fall idea would work if you're dry on ammo.

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It might just be me, but broken legs don't offer the respawn option, just what seems like an enternity of dragging your broken body around on the ground waiting for the sweet mercy of death via any means possible (usually dehydration or zombies if I'm in a city).

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