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Safety on guns?

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I liked the 'safety' in the ACE mod for Arma.


When I watched the recent SA live streams there were a lot of accidental discharges by Rocket and crew.  I think I remember him saying it wasn't possible for a safety without an engine overhaul.


Here's hoping though

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Like king pointed out, the safety on your firearm is not to stop you from pulling your trigger, it's actual purpose is to prevent the weapon from discharging should it be dropped or something like that. Unless you tend to drop your mouse you don't need a safety.

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Ninja'd by KingOchaos. 


A few basic safety rules can easily be applied to DayZ.

Don't place your left index finger on the left mouse button, unless your sights are on target.

Don't aim your rifle at friends or at strangers, you don't want to provoke into a firefight.


Lowering your rifle will also work as a safety measure, if you press fire in a lowered position, you'll only raise your weapon and first then you'll be ready to fire. Possibly you can also place your magazine in your inventory and just press R to chamber a round, obviously the reload sound will alert other players around you.

Edited by Dallas
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Lowered weapon really works as a safety, so I don't think it's needed. Trying to fire with the weapon lowered will raise it and make it ready to fire, much as if you had toggled off the safety.

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